20 projects will share in $464,459 in grants from the 2024-25 Connecting to Country program.
These initiatives are essential to empowering communities across Western Australia and include activities like taking young people on Country to learn from Elders, visiting sites of significance for cultural maintenance, documenting and archiving language and cultural practices and much more.
Administered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, the Connecting to Country program supports Aboriginal organisations, individuals and groups, and organisations working directly with Aboriginal communities.
Project activities will run throughout 2025 in the Kimberley, Pilbara, Gascoyne, Mid West, Wheatbelt, Goldfields-Esperance, Great Southern, South West and Perth.
The recipients of the 2024-25 Connecting to Country program are:
- Ardyaloon Art and Culture Aboriginal Corporation — $25,000 for Ingarldalandij Connecting to Bardi Country
- City of Canning — $11,300 for Ngalang Kadjin Moorditj Youth Program
- City of Melville — $25,000 for Connection to Country Weekly After-School Program at Willagee Youth Drop-In
- Glass Jar Australia Limited — $15,785 for The Shooting Stars Nhanda and Malgana Cultural Camp
- Great Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation — $25,000 for Caring for Our Future: Mooditj Koolingars (strong kids)
- Jamukurnu-Yapalikurnu (Western Desert Lands) Aboriginal Corporation — $25,000 for Restoration of Martu Names to the Percival Lakes
- Jordanna Eades — $24,379 for Ngalak Bilya Moort/We re River People
- Karla Hart Enterprises Pty Ltd — $25,000 for Four Day Cultural Camp
- Kelmscott Senior High School — $19,800 for As One Nyitting Program
- Mantjiljarra Yulparirra Pty Ltd — $24,762 for Reconnecting with Yiwarra Kuju: Strengthening Wiluna Martu Cultural Heritage
- Noongar Kaartdijin Aboriginal Corporation — $19,340 for Dudja Boordiya Waangkiny (Stage 1) Elder consultation — Kor Koorl Kaartdijin Project
- Rohan Collard — $25,000 for Kuop Maaman Koodjal Bidi (Good Men Two Paths)
- Shandell Cummings — $25,000 for Moort Yorga Yardee — Women Coming Together to Keep Boodja, Moort and Kaatitdjin Strong
- Shire of Quairading — $25,000 for The Groves — Preserve, Promote, and Protect
- Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation — $24,944 for Learning Medicine — Intergenerational Knowledge Sharing and Bush Medicines on Menang Country
- Wajarri Yamaji Aboriginal Corporation — $25,000 for Wajarri Yamaji Youth: Documenting Elders' Stories Video Project
- Wattandee Littlewell Aboriginal Corporation —$24,979 for Wattandee Elders Connect Camp
- Yawarda Services Ltd — $24,300 for Yawardani Jan-ga for Families
- Yiyili Community Indigenous Corporation — $25,000 for Yiyili Community Learning On-Country
- Yongerup Aboriginal Corporation — $24,870 for Teaching and Learning Bush Food Knowledge on Goreng Country.
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