Funding boost keeps creative arts learning in schools

Four projects designed to help disadvantaged students develop creative skills through curriculum-based learning experiences will share $355,665 in funding through the Creative Learning Partnerships Program.
5 February 2025

Media release

A child's face , surrounded by Australian leaves, flowers and assorted florea.

Photo: AWESOME Arts in Nullagine, September 2023. Photo by Leith Alexander and Sally Stoneman

The Creative Learning Partnerships program was developed to establish significant partnerships between arts organisations and schools to provide engagement with arts and culture for students less likely to have such opportunities.

All four projects receiving funding extensions provide opportunities for students to work directly with artists to enrich their learning, while teachers benefit from professional learning.

AWESOME Arts: AWESOME Schools 2025 has received $53,980 to provide a 16-week residency in three metropolitan schools, with two residency artists per school and final projects shared with the wider community at the AWESOME Festival and/or in a community event.

Spare Parts Puppet Theatre’s Expanded Puppet Lab received $53,980 to deliver a digital story-sharing space and regional tour across two regions of Western Australia, with a digital moving map featuring curated collections of digital puppet stories made by Western Australian students.

Big hART Inc. NEO-Learning: Digital Arts Education, First Nations Perspectives was extended by $97,500 to maintain and expand weekly work with Roebourne District High School and enable the program to extend its reach across WA, as well as support the delivery of a further professional development offering for teachers focusing on digital arts and First Nations Perspectives.

FORM Building a State of Creativity: Creative Schools got a $125,000 boost to help deliver the project to three schools (six classrooms) in the 2025 calendar year, with six classroom teachers paired with a creative practitioner to explore the curriculum, with over 200 hours of professional learning provided for Western Australian teachers that will directly impact over 150 students.

Creative WA aims to strengthen the culture, arts and creative sector, share stories and celebrate place, and ensure more Western Australians can access and participate in culture, arts and creativity.   

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