
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Extended trading permits

What extended trading permits are and their specific requirements.

Juveniles on licensed premises

Limited reasons why juveniles are only allowed to be on licensed premises.

Passport into schools

Passport into schools — linking sports with schools

The guide is primarily for sport development officers.

Approval for juveniles to be on licensed premises

The 3 circumstances where prior approval is required before a juvenile is permitted on a licensed premises.

Sport pathways cover

Sport pathways – Junior sport policy

During their growth from 5–17 years, young people develop physically, psychologically, emotionally and socially.

The law and sport cover

The law and sport – Junior sport policy

Sport and the law is a complex area for clubs and associations.

Quality coaching  Junior sport policy cover

Quality coaching – Junior sport policy

The overall aim of coaches is to help young people build a love of participating in sport for life-long involvement.

Physical growth and maturation  Junior sport policy cover

Physical growth and maturation – Junior sport policy

Young people receive their most effective and satisfying sports experiences when they experience goodwill and cooperation between all levels of stakeholders.

Making sport safe  Junior sport policy cover

Making sport safe – Junior sport policy

Sport providers have a legal duty of care to protect the welfare of young people and ensure they are not exposed to unnecessary risk in any aspect of sports delivery.

People making it happen  Junior sport policy cover

People making it happen – Junior sport policy

The most important resource in junior sport is the people who provide the infrastructure for the delivery of activities and set the social atmosphere around sport.

Long-term involvement Junior sport policy cover

Long-term involvement – Junior sport policy

A major objective for junior sport is the development of life-long participation in sport.

Forming links  Junior sport policy cover

Forming links – Junior sport policy

Young people receive their most effective and satisfying sports experiences when they experience goodwill and cooperation between all levels of stakeholders.

C:\Users\gwhite\DLGSC\DLGSC Website - Documents\Content\Images\How to be an inclusive club cover

How to be an inclusive club

Sport and recreation clubs are important to local communities and can be the best place to encourage positive contact and cooperation between people from a range of different backgrounds and abilities.

Youth sport policy

Youth sport – Junior sport policy

Regular participation in physical activity and sport is important for young people's health and wellbeing.

Planning for your club cover

Planning for your club – The future is in your hands

Planning is the key to the future for all sporting and recreation clubs no matter their level, activity or size.

Seeking and servicing a sponsor

This information has been designed to help clubs that may not have had much experience in gaining sponsorships.

Promoting your club cover

Promoting your club

Clubs need to be competitive on and off the field, so promoting, or marketing, your club is essential.

Problem solving  A guide for clubs cover

Problem solving – A guide for clubs

There are a number of ways that can be used to assist with or facilitate group or committee based problem solving. This booklet looks at three possible methods or techniques but there are many more.

Page reviewed 07 September 2023