The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries values the role of the coach and understands the influence that the coach has on the sporting environment. The department expects that State Sporting Associations (SSA) will have a strong focus on attracting and retaining coaches through the implementation of a coaching pathway.
Every coach has the right to perform their role in a respectful, appreciative and supportive environment. SSAs, in partnership with coaches, need to ensure that policies and practical frameworks are in place that supports such environments. The department promotes the active involvement of well-trained, skilled and informed people delivering coaching services at community level through to supporting elite athletes.
As role models in their communities, coaches play a crucial role in the development of players, sport and general participation. Coaches have a range of responsibilities including:
The department supports all Western Australian coaches to have a range of skills to perform the role of coach to maximise athlete development and increase the likelihood of lifelong involvement of individuals within physical activity and organised sport.
The following factors are considered to be key components for the effective development of coaches within the WA sport and recreation industry:
The Department is committed to offering a range of resources and professional development opportunities that support the development of coaches within the sport and recreation industry in WA.
A Coaching and Officiating Strategy has been developed to respond to industry needs which consists of a consolidation of various planning documents, action plans and research relating to strategies, projects and events for the development of coaches and officials state-wide. The strategy has been endorsed by the Coaches and Officials Advisory Group, which comprises of representatives from a range of SSAs, working in the area of coaching and officiating.
Team Leader, Organisational SustainabilityDepartment of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries – Sport and RecreationTelephone 61 8 6552 7300
01 February 2015
01 February 2017