Combat Sports Commission Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Strategic plan: Strategic plan for the Combat Sports Commission


In keeping with our statutory requirements, the Mission of the Combat Sports Commission is to improve all aspects of safety for participants and the integrity and organisation of combat sports contests in Western Australia. This current strategic plan explains how we’re going to do that over the next five years and where our focus will be.

Good governance and strong stakeholder engagement are of prime importance, as well as ensuring that our Act and regulations are fit for purpose. We also need those regulations and policies to be clear and enforceable. This is the bedrock on which the commission will continue to build.

We’re maintaining a strong focus on contestant health and safety. This is vital to protect all involved in the industry and maintain its’ integrity. We’ll continue our evidence-based research into issues which affect the industry and will share our findings. Some of this will inform the industry via targeted education and training and these programs will be reviewed annually, to ensure they are hitting the mark and delivering what the industry needs.

Developing stronger relations with partners and those in other government agencies and in the areas of sport and health is important. There are learnings to be had from other industries to help strengthen ours.

All this only works if the combat sports community stands together. We want to meaningfully engage and provide the training and education which helps strengthen everyone’s experience and knowledge-base. Being better aware of regulations and the need for continuous improvement to health and safety measures are in everyone’s best interests. Collectively, this can and will, elevate the quality of programs; and enhance the industry’s reputation across the broader community.

The Board and commission staff complement each other. Collectively they provide a wide range of knowledge, experience, teamwork and strong leadership, which serves to strengthen the commission’s work. Their commitments to integrity and sensible, appropriate education models are based on the key principle of best practice, and as the plan evolves it may well change over the ensuing years so as to reflect industry demands and government policy.

We operate in unprecedented times, with both local and indeed global challenges. The commission fully recognises these, and the need to be an active, informed and important element of the combat sports community. This current Strategic Plan 2021-2025 represents a clear road map to achieve those vital goals.

As we prepare well, we’ll perform better — a win for everyone!

Hon. Bob Kucera APM JP


Our mission

To improve all aspects of safety, integrity and organisation of combat sports contests in Western Australia.

Our core values


We act with care and diligence and make decisions that are honest, impartial, transparent and timely considering all relevant information.


We work to ensure that all aspects of the legislation and regulations are adhered to by all.


We are committed to providing guidance to ensure the safety, integrity and organisation of contests and the broader aspects of the industry.


We will treat everyone with respect and dignity.

Our vision

A healthier and safer Combat Sports community.

Focus areas

Our key focus areas are the foundation of our strategic plan. They expand on our vision and help us to achieve our mission:

  1. continue to develop good governance
  2. evidenced based research
  3. clear and enforceable regulations and policies
  4. targeted education and training programs
  5. contestant health, wellbeing and safety first.

Strategic objectives

Focus area 1 — continue to develop good governance

  1. develop bespoke board governance training for commission members
  2. evaluate board performance and conduct a skills audit annually
  3. continue to provide advice to the Minister to ensure the board is fit for purpose including gender diversity annually
  4. Provide commission members and staff with the necessary training and mentoring to enable the commission’s role at events to be fulfilled.

Focus area 2 — evidenced based research

  1. compile a prioritised list of required research for all aspects of the industry and identify potential research partners
  2. develop an annual research plan and engage research partners
  3. completed research is provided to industry as it becomes available.

Focus area 3 — clear and enforceable regulations and policies

  1. complete review of the Combat Sports Act 1987 and subsidiary regulations
  2. Progress any identified legislative changes
  3. Review processes and procedures for commission members, staff and industry
  4. Deliver awareness seminars and workshops on legislation, regulations and policies.

Focus area 4 — targeted industry education and training programs

  1. identify industry training needs annually
  2. increase delivery of education and training programs to industry
  3. improve communications and marketing strategies for the programs.

Focus area 5 — contestant health, wellbeing and safety first

  1. research into all aspects of industry health and safety
  2. develop and implement an engagement strategy with the medical and health professions
  3. continue to implement the strategy to address Rapid Weight Loss by Dehydration across the industry.

Focus area 6 — meaningful engagement with stakeholders

  1. develop a stakeholder engagement and communications strategy
  2. implement the stakeholder engagement and communications strategy
  3. develop stronger relationships with government agencies and the broader sports industry.

How we will measure our success

  1. by having commission members and staff appropriately trained in board governance and the operational matters required to fulfill the commission’s responsibilities when attending events
  2. by developing and progressing a prioritised research list and engaging research partners to work with us
  3. ensuring our Act, regulations and policies are fit for purpose
  4. by identifying industry education and training needs and increasing delivery of programs
  5. by having an engagement strategy with the medical profession
  6. having a strong focus on contestant health and safety
  7. through having meaningful engagement with stakeholders and developing stronger relationships with government agencies and the broader sports industry.

How we will get there — organisation strategies


Focusing on good governance, stakeholder engagement, identifying our research needs and industry training and education needs.


Reviewing the Combat Sports Act 1987 and subsidiary regulations and progressing key research annually.

Engaging with the medical profession on contestant heath, wellbeing and safety.


Progressing legislative change, reviewing policies, processes and procedures.


Ensuring that industry is aware of changes in legislation, regulation, policies and procedures.


Finalising the strategic plan and commencing work on the new strategic plan 2026-2031.

Implementation — how we make strategy a habit

  • assign responsibility for each strategic objective and project
  • hold people accountable
  • commission board has clear oversight over the strategic plan and receives regular reporting updates
  • engage our stakeholders in the journey
  • review our strategy and how we are going annually to ensure we stay on track.
Page reviewed 12 Feb 2024