The department will be closed from Monday 23 December 2024 and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. We will respond to queries in the new year. Best wishes for a safe and happy festive season.
For the year ended 30 June 2019Hon David Templeman MLAMinister for Local Government; Heritage; Culture and the ArtsIn accordance with section 63 of the Financial Management Act 2006, I hereby submit for your information and presentation to Parliament, the Annual Report of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries for the reporting period ended 30 June 2019.
The Annual Report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006.
Duncan Ord OAMDirector GeneralDepartment of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries10 September 2019
ForewordThe department at a glanceExecutive summaryAgency overview
Agency performance
Significant issues and trends
Disclosures and compliance
The business area supports local governments to fulfil their statutory obligations and to improve capability in the sector. The business area provides advice and support across the local government sector and uses a risk-based approach to identify those needing targeted intervention and assistance. The business area supports the sector in the provision of good governance and compliance by monitoring, promoting and enforcing compliance with the Local Government Act 1995. The business area reviews and administers a range of legislation impacting on local governments and the community. Through the provision of regulatory functions primarily related to the administration of the Local Government Act 1995 including approvals, compliance monitoring and other statutory support, the business area assists local governments with best practice in the sector.
*Includes staff on secondment and public sector trainees.
The DLGSC achieves its State Government desired outcomes through the delivery of 10 key services. While DLGSC contributes to all of the government’s Outcomes Based Service Delivery goals, its primary contribution is to the following government goals:
The below table illustrates the relationship between the DLGSC desired outcomes and the most relevant government goal; noting that, the numbering of the services and their associated efficiency indicators reflects their numbering in the department’s Budget Paper. The DLGSC’s performance is highlighted in comparative data illustrated in the outcomes and key effectiveness indicators and services and key efficiency indicators tables. Further information is outlined later in the report in the Key Performance Indicators section.
Better Places:
Service 3 – Arts industry support
Service 17- Licensing – evaluation and determination of applicants
Service 19 – Industry leadership and infrastructure development
Service 20 – Building capacity and participation
Strong Communities:
The numbering of the services and their associated efficiency indicators reflects their numbering in the department’s Budget Paper.
Reference to the year 2018-2019 in the detailed key performance indicators information is a reference to the reporting period. While the department did not exist prior to 1 July 2017, comparative data has been disclosed from the former departments’ audited data.
While the department did not exist prior to 1 July 2017, comparative data has been disclosed from the former departments’ audited data. The numbering of the services and their associated efficiency indicators reflects their numbering in the department’s Budget Paper.
1. Regulation and Support of Local Government
A number of changes were made to the DLGSC’s Outcomes Based Management Framework during the 2018-2019 year. These changes were made as a result of the annual audit by the Office of Auditor General (OAG), which resulted in a qualified audit.Findings from the audit impacted on both the State information management and archival service, as well as the compliance audits and inspections service.
The department had not been able to reliably measure the State information and archival service key efficiency indicator, Cost Per Access Service and elected not to report the KPIs in the 2017-2018 reporting period. As a result, in 2017-2018 the department did not comply with the requirement under Treasurer’s Instruction TI904 and report on Under Treasurer’s approved KPIs.
As a result of the Machinery of Government changes and the review of the department’s Outcome Based Management Framework process it was recommended that the State Information Management and Archival service indicators would no longer convey a meaningful understanding of the agency’s overall performance.
This indicator was previously reported as ‘Licensees/service providers that comply with audit requirements and statutory criteria’, it was recommended to amend it to ensure it reflects what is being measured. This indicator is amended to ‘Percentage of audit and inspections that comply with requirements and statutory criteria’ and is effective as of the 2018-2019 year.
As par to the Outcomes Based Management (OBM) framework review, it has been identified that the following indicators do not meet the audit requirements as the reported figures cannot be validated.
The DLGSC works with all tiers of government to achieve State Government outcomes that will benefit the Western Australian community. In partnership with the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, the DLGSC funds four Major Performing Arts (MPA) companies in WA. This is part of a national approach to secure high-level outcomes from the MPA sector. Through this partnership, funding is also provided to the visual arts and craft sector. This is a nationally coordinated joint package of funding and support for the Australian contemporary visual arts sector; to promote the creative work by living visual artists and craft practitioners, and the organisations that support their practice.Screenwest delivers the Western Australian Regional Film Fund in partnership with the DLGSC and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. This Fund encourages regional film industry activity, builds local capacity, and contributes to the liveability and vibrancy of regional WA communities.As part of the Jobs and Economic Diversification (JED) Cabinet Sub-committee, which provides the governance for the implementation of the Government’s Plan for Jobs and engages with industry groups and the community, the DLGSC helps to oversee agency implementation of the JED policy goals and priorities.In partnership with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, the DLGSC delivers several Royalties for Regions funded programs. These programs included delivering the final year of the Royalties for Regions-funded Creative Regions program, which included supporting regional performing arts and visual arts venues, and Aboriginal art centres. Another example is the Regional Athlete Support Program Royalties for Regions funding, which was provided to assist in the delivery of a high-quality daily training environment for regional athletes. This included coaching and sport specialist services within regional locations.The department works in close partnership with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions to develop trails strategies, infrastructure and participation. This relationship has resulted in the development of the Trails Development Series and the awarding of the $10.0 million Collie Adventure Trails project.The department works closely with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage to support better planning, sustainability and vibrancy of WA communities. Three key projects include: the introduction of the new Heritage Act 2018; the alignment of the planning reform agenda with the review of the Local Government Act 1995, and the identification and provision of State owned-land to fast track the establishment of additional residential aged care development facilities, through the State Aged Care Availability Working Group.
The Resource Agreement articulates the department’s desired outcomes (both financial and non-financial) and performance targets as stated in the Budget Papers, and is consistent with the broader strategic policy direction and priorities of the government. The department’s Resource Agreement is signed by the Accountable Authority, the Treasurer, and the following responsible Ministers under Part 3, Division 5 of the Financial Management Act 2006:
The targets identified in the Resource Agreement relate only to the department. The targets published in the Budget Papers for the culture and the arts statutory authorities are subject to separate resource agreements.