Statement of compliance
Hon David Templeman Dip Tchg BEd MLA
Minister for Culture and the Arts; Sport and Recreation; International Education; Heritage
In accordance with section 63 of the Financial Management Act 2006, I hereby submit for your information and presentation to Parliament, the Annual Report of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries for the reporting period ended
30 June 2022.
The Annual Report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006.
Lanie Chopping
Director General
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
18 October 2022
Director General’s foreword
The past year has seen DLGSC achieve important milestones on projects and initiatives aimed at building an inclusive and resilient Western Australian community. From progressing a significant reform agenda to delivering a number of funding programs, as well as contributing to significant events like the 2021 AFL Grand Final, the agency went from strength to strength. DLGSC rose to the challenges posed by COVID-19 and maintained our services to the Western
Australian community. Importantly, we also delivered innovative and agile financial support packages to sectors impacted by the pandemic.
As Director General, I have been proud to watch DLGSC play an integral role in the State’s COVID response, including: delivering additional funding to the culture and the arts sector through the expanded Getting the Show Back
on the Road+ program, rebates to local business through the Alfresco Activation Rebate Program and supporting local sporting clubs through the COVID-19 Cleaning Subsidy.
Throughout 2021-22, DLGSC also worked to improve capability and outcomes across the local government, sport and recreation, and culture and arts sectors. Importantly, we progressed some of the State’s most significant regulatory
reform packages. In November, proposed local government reforms were released for public consultation. Based on the findings of several reports, the reforms are aimed at building capacity in the sector so that local governments
are in the best position to respond to the economic, social, and environmental needs of their communities. We established a dedicated regulatory reform team to progress this work — part of a larger structural review
to ensure we are positioned to best meet the needs of our stakeholders.
The tabling of the Perth Casino Royal Commission Final Report was a watershed moment for DLGSC and we are working with the Department of the Premier and Cabinet to implement the recommendations. This is on top of the work we
have already done improving governance across DLGSC and the Gaming and Wagering Commission.
Over the last year, we have worked closely with key stakeholders on projects across some of the State’s most iconic sport and cultural spaces. This has included His Majesty’s Theatre, Perth Cultural Centre, Perth Concert
Hall, State Football Centre, and the new Screen Production Facility. An important and exciting addition to this list is the Aboriginal Cultural Centre project, with planning and engagement underway.
This year has also marked my first full year as Director General at DLGSC and I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our team for their outstanding commitment and professionalism. I also extend my thanks
to our stakeholders for their support and to colleagues across government for working in partnership with us.
I look forward to the year ahead, delivering excellent outcomes for the Western Australian community.
Lanie Chopping
Agency overview
Agency profile
DLGSC works with partners across government and within its diverse sectors to enliven the Western Australian community and economy through support for and provision of sporting, recreational, cultural, and artistic policy, programs and activities
for locals and visitors to the State.
DLGSC provides regulation and support to local governments and the racing, gaming, and liquor industries to maintain quality and compliance with relevant legislation, for the benefit of all Western Australians.
Responsible Ministers
DLGSC was established on 1 July 2017 under the Public Sector Management Act 1994.
On 30 June 2022, DLGSC was responsible to the following Ministers:
- Hon David Templeman Dip Tchg BEd MLA. In his roles as Minister for Culture and the Arts; Sport and Recreation.
- Hon Dr Tony Buti BPE (Hons), DipEd, MIR, LLB (Hons), DPhil MLA. In his roles as Minister for Aboriginal Affairs; Racing and Gaming; Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs.
- Hon John Carey BA (Hons) MLA. In his role as Minister for Local Government.
Administered Legislation
DLGSC is the agency principally assisting the Minister for the following legislation as of 30 June 2022.
- Arts and Culture Trust Act 2021
- Art Gallery Act 1959
- Caravan Parks and Caravan Grounds Act 1995
- Cat Act 2011
- City of Perth Act 2016
- Combat Sports Act 1987
- Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978
- Dog Act 1976
- Gaming and Betting (Contracts and Securities) Act 2000
- Library Board of Western Australian Act 1951
- Liquor Control Act 1988
- Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960
- Local Government Act 1995
- Major Events (Aerial Advertising) Act 2009
- Museum Act 1969
- Racing and Wagering Western Australia Act 2003
- Racing Bets Levy Act 2009
- Racing Penalties (Appeals) Act 1990
- Racing Restriction Act 2003
- South Fremantle Oil Installations Pipeline Act 1948
- Sports Drug Testing Act 2001
- State Records Act 2000
- Sunset Reserve Transformation Act 2014
- The Western Australian Turf Club Act 1892
- Western Australian Greyhound Racing Association Act 1981
- Western Australian Trotting Association Act 1946
- Western Australian Turf Club (Property) Act 1946
Entities within the portfolio
The following portfolio entities are those principally assisting the Minister for legislation as of 30 June 2022.
The Gaming and Wagering Commission:
- Betting Control Act 1954
- Casino (Burswood Island) Agreement Act 1985
- Casino Control Act 1954
- Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987
- Gaming and Wagering Commission (Continuing Lotteries Levy) Act 2000
- TAB (Disposal) Act 2019
(Except parts 1 to 5, other than section 27, which are administered by the Treasurer principally assisted by the Department of Treasury)
The Metropolitan Cemeteries Board:
The Library Board of Western Australia:
The Western Australian Local Government Grants Commission:
- Local Government Grants Act 1978
The Western Australian Museum:
- Maritime Archaeology Act 1973
Governing Legislation
In performing its functions, DLGSC is compliant with relevant law, including, but not limited to:
- Auditor General Act 2006
- Corruption, Crime and Misconduct Act 2003
- Disability Services Act 1993
- Equal Opportunity Act 1984
- Financial Management Act 2006
- Freedom of Information Act 1992
- Industrial Relations Act 1979
- Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993
- Procurement Act 2020
- Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003
- Public Sector Management Act 1994
- Salaries and Allowances Act 1975
- State Records Act 2000
- State Superannuation Act 2000
- Western Australian Jobs Act 2017
- Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981
- Work Health and Safety Act 2020
Executive leadership
DLGSC has the following business areas: local government; sport and recreation; culture and the arts; racing, gaming and liquor; Office of Multicultural Interests; specialist Aboriginal projects and engagement; regulatory reform; infrastructure; and
State Records Office. These business areas are supported by the operational areas of corporate services, and strategy and performance accountability.
Below are the executive leadership roles on 30 June 2022.
- Lanie Chopping, Director General
- Erin Gauntlett, Deputy Director General — Management and Coordination
- Robin Ho, Deputy Director General — Capability and Performance
- Kate Alderton, Executive Director — Specialist Aboriginal Projects and Engagement
- Liam Carren, Executive Director — Corporate Services
- Lisa Fanciulli, Executive Director — Infrastructure
- Tim Fraser, Executive Director — Local Government
- James Jegasothy, Executive Director — Office of Multicultural Interests
- Lorna Mackie, Executive Director — Strategy and Performance Accountability
- Shelagh Magadza, Executive Director — Culture and the Arts
- Mitch Hardy, Acting Executive Director — Sport and Recreation
- Darrelle Merritt, Acting Executive Director — Regulatory Reform
- Jennifer Shelton, Acting Executive Director — Racing Gaming and Liquor
- Damian Shepherd, State Archivist and Executive Director — State Records Office
Organisational structure
As at 30 June 2022

- Director General
- Office of the Director General, Deputy Director General
- Integrity, Director
- Infrastructure, Executive Director
- Specialist Aboriginal Projects and Engagement, Executive Director
- Capability and Performance, Director
- State Records Office, State Archivist and Executive Director
- Corporate Services, Executive Director
- Corporate Communications, Director
- Strategy and Performance Accountability, Executive Director
- Legal Services, Director
- Child Safeguarding Implementation Team, Director
- Management and Coordination, Deputy Director General
- Local Government, Executive Director
- Racing, Gaming and Liquor, Executive Director
- Sport and Recreation, Executive Director
- Culture and the Arts, Executive Director
- Office of Multicultural Interests, Executive Director
- Regulatory Reform, Executive Director
- Art Gallery of Western Australia, Director
- Arts and Culture Trust, General Manager
- State Library of Western Australia, CEO and State Librarian
- Western Australian Museum, Chief Executive Officer
Statutory entities supported
DLGSC supports a range of statutory entities in the delivery of local government, culture and arts, and sports and recreational services to the community.
Key movements and changes
Throughout 2021-2022, DLGSC have supported the transition of the Perth Theatre Trust to the Arts and Culture Trust (ACT) effective from 1 July 2022. The ACT was created in accordance with the Arts and Culture Trust Act 2021. The ACT will oversee all types
of art and cultural assets. The ACT will apply a Western Australian-wide lens to engagement, commercial activities and benefits for local businesses and the community.
DLGSC has also embarked on a program of revision of the service level agreements for the various statutory entities that are enabled by DLGSC shared services.
As the State Government considers in detail the recommendations of the Perth Casino Royal Commission’s (Royal Commission) final report, DLGSC continues to improve the quality of support and assistance to the Gaming and Wagering Commission (GWC).
DLGSC and GWC have, over the past year, undertaken a significant program of governance and regulatory improvements in response to the interim report and matters raised by the Royal Commission. This work continues to 2023-24 as DLGSC assists GWC to
evolve as a more independent statutory authority. The first key stage is the Casino Legislation Amendment (Burswood Casino) Bill 2022, introduced in Parliament on 22 June 2022, which provides for the establishment of an independent chairperson and
deputy chairperson. Once passed by Parliament, arrangements will be established to enable GWC to continue this important regulatory function.
Liquor Commission
The Liquor Commission is established under Section 9B of the Liquor Control Act 1988 comprising a chairperson and other members as determined by the Minister for Racing and Gaming. Executive and administrative support for the Liquor Commission are provided
Local Government Standards Panel
The Local Government Standards Panel (the Standards Panel) is the primary standards panel established under Part 5 Division 9 and Schedule 5.1 of the Local Government Act 1995. It provides for a complaints system whereby certain alleged misconduct by
council members can be reviewed. Administration and support services for the Standards Panel are provided by DLGSC.
Racing Penalties Appeal Tribunal
The Racing Penalties Appeal Tribunal (the Tribunal) is established under the Racing Penalties (Appeals) Act 1990. The Tribunal was established to confer jurisdiction in respect to appeals against penalties imposed in disciplinary proceedings arising from,
or in relation to, the conduct of thoroughbred racing, harness racing and greyhound racing, and for related purposes. Administration and support services for the Tribunal are provided by DLGSC.
Combat Sports Commission
The Combat Sports Commission (the Commission) is established under Combat Sports Act 1987. The Commission’s finances are managed by DLGSC under a service level agreement. The finance branch provides effective governance of the Commission’s
financial policies and processes.
Gaming and Wagering Commission
The Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 establishes GWC to control and regulate gambling and provides the regulatory framework enabling permitted gambling. DLGSC provides administrative support services for GWC.
Control of Vehicles (Off-road Area) Act Advisory Committee
The control of vehicles in off-road areas in Western Australia is regulated under the Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978 and is administered by DLGSC. Section 17 of the Act establishes an Advisory Committee that advises the Minister for
Local Government on matters relating to the use of land by vehicles, as provided for under the Act.
Local Government Advisory Board
The Local Government Advisory Board (the Board) is a statutory body established under section 2.44 of the Local Government Act 1995. The role of the Board is to consider proposals for changes to district boundaries and wards and representation structures
of local governments. DLGSC provides research and administrative support to the Board.
Service delivery
Gaming Community Trust
The Gaming Community Trust (the Trust) was established in 2002 to provide advice and make recommendations to the Minister for Racing and Gaming on the distribution of funds and grants for the general benefit of the community.
The funds administered by the Trust are derived from unclaimed winnings that are payable from:
- the conduct of gaming or betting that is authorised by the Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987; or
- the conduct of a gaming operations at Crown Casino.
Administration and support services for the Trust are provided by DLGSC.
Problem Gambling Support Services
The Problem Gambling Support Services Committee (the Committee) was formed in 1995 under auspices of GWC. The Committee brings together representatives from the gambling industry and government to address the social and economic issues that result
from problem gambling in Western Australia. Administrative and support services for the Committee are provided by DLGSC.
WA Local Government Grants Commission
The WA Local Government Grants Commission (the Commission) is a statutory body established under the Local Government Grants Act 1978. Its principal function is to make recommendations to the Minister for Local Government regarding the allocation
of Australian Government financial assistance grants to Western Australia’s 137 local governments. Administration and support services for the Commission are provided by DLGSC.
Western Australian Museum
The Western Australian Museum is a statutory authority established by the Museum Act 1969. It is a body corporate with perpetual succession, governed by a board of seven trustees, including the chair and vice-chair who are appointed by the Governor of
Western Australia. DLGSC provides asset management, digital and technology services, and corporate support services through a service level agreement.
Art Gallery of Western Australia
The Art Gallery of Western Australia is a statutory authority established by the Art Gallery Act 1959. It is a body corporate with perpetual succession, governed by a board of eight members appointed by the Minister. DLGSC provides asset management,
digital and technology services, and corporate support services through a service level agreement.
State Library of Western Australia
The Library Board of Western Australia is a statutory authority established by the Library Board of Western Australia Act 1951. It is a body corporate with perpetual succession, governed by a board of 13 members who are appointed by the Governor of Western
Australia. The Act was amended in 1955 to include the management of the State Library of Western Australia in the board’s responsibilities. DLGSC provides asset management, digital and technology services, and corporate support services
through a service level agreement.
Arts and Culture Trust (Perth Theatre Trust up to 30 June 2022)
The Arts and Culture Trust is a body corporate with perpetual succession, established by the Arts and Culture Trust Act 2021. It is a body corporate with perpetual succession, governed by a board of nine members appointed by the Minister. DLGSC provides
corporate support and digital and technology services through a service level agreement and information system support through a service level agreement.
Swan Bells Foundation
In accordance with the Western Australian Government’s Perth — A City for People: October 1994 Policy, the Swan Bells Foundation Inc. was established by the State Government on 16 October 2000, under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987. DLGSC provides accounting support for the Swan Bells Foundation Inc.
Community and sector impact overview
The positive impact of the work undertaken by DLGSC can be felt across the community. DLGSC is committed to enriching and enlivening the lives of Western Australians, supporting, and enhancing communities, and building and maintaining strong regulatory functions. A focus on high performance and continuous improvement ensures that DLGSC is fostering the skills, capacity, and capability to be a trusted service provider to the people of Western Australia.
Local government
DLGSC engages with local government to deliver good governance to the community. DLGSC administers a range of legislation impacting on local governments and the community, and receives and processes statutory applications.
In 2021-22, DLGSC continued to strengthen its engagement with the local government sector. To better educate and build capacity across the sector, DLGSC has undertaken several projects over 2021-22, including:
- the introduction of combined agency briefings, where the Corruption and Crime Commission, Office of the Auditor General, Public Sector Commission, State Records Office and DLGSC provided presentations to local governments on a range of conduct
and integrity matters
- two Feedback Lab sessions with local government CEOs, governance practitioners and peak industry bodies to develop guidelines for dealing with behavioural complaints under the Local Government Act (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021
- a review of DLGSC’s Local Government Compliance Framework commenced which aims to modernise and enhance DLGSC’s approach to sector regulation
- the publication of model financial statements to streamline reporting, increase transparency for residents and ratepayers, and reduce the administrative burden for local governments.
DLGSC worked with peak industry bodies such as the Western Australian Local Government Association and Local Government Professionals WA to strengthen sector capacity. This included support for local government to improve financial management,
to assist small and/or regional local governments to transfer to a standardised chart of accounts to improve financial management, reporting and resource and information sharing.
This approach also included mentoring and leadership training to new chief executive officers in the Western Australian local government sector.
DLGSC administers a range of legislation impacting on local governments and the community including the Dog Act 1976, Cat Act 2011, Cemeteries Act 1986 and Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995. In 2021-22, DLGSC processed more than 245 statutory
applications under these Acts, and the Local Government Act 1995 where there is delegated approval to DLGSC from the Minister. Among others, this includes applications to approve councillors’ participation in meetings, differential rates
assessments and burials.
DLGSC also considers applications and prepares advice for the Minister for Local Government in relation to statutory approvals under the portfolio’s legislation. In 2021-22, there were 150 recommendations made to the Minister in respect
to applications for exhumations, caravan and camping applications and applications for assistance dogs.
In this financial year, the Investigation and Assessment Unit (IAU) had responsibility for both minor and serious breaches providing DLGSC with a central point for all complaints about local government. The IAU has revamped processes and developed an internal manual that provides guidance and benchmarks for finalising both minor and serious complaints; with better communication with both complainants and respondents to ensure procedural fairness and provide parties with frequent
updates on the progress of complaints.
DLGSC increased its in-person visits and general engagement with local governments:
- 6 webinars and information sessions
- 45 face-to-face visits to local governments
- 2 multi-agency briefings
- 2 feedback Lab sessions
- 20 LG alerts
- 31 LG WALGA zone meetings
- 8 LG Professionals branch meeting presentations
- 334 calls answered on the LG Hotline
- 207 emails resolved through the LG Hotline.
Sport and recreation
DLGSC supports Western Australians to have the opportunity to participate and progress in quality sport and active recreation more often, through a well-informed and connected sector. DLGSC also provides strategic leadership and support for the
sport and active recreation sectors with a focus on inclusion and accessibility.
Over the past year, more than $6.9 million was invested in 90 state sporting associations and more than $1.8 million went to five peak bodies through the industry investment programs to support sporting and active recreation opportunities for all Western
The development of the 2021—2024 Learning and Development Framework and Strategy has seen DLGSC support the learning and development of the sport and recreation workforce. Over the past year, more than 1000 industry participants attended
workshops on a range of topics to improve governance, leadership, and capacity in the sector.
From January to June 2022, a comprehensive stakeholder engagement program was undertaken to implement the Outdoor Framework. Aimed at getting more people outdoors and active, the engagement program brought together local governments, community recreation
groups, state sporting associations, and the commercial recreation sectors to explore advocacy, funding and enabling opportunities to provide recreation activities.
In 2022, DLGSC implemented the Outdoor Active Recreation Participation program, the first dedicated recreation participation grants program. In its inaugural year, the program has supported 22 projects that address barriers to participation and
improve experiences in outdoor active recreation. Another initiative addressing accessibility was the Targeted Participation Program, which supported 12 organisations in 2021-22. It delivered outcomes for low participation groups in the areas of participation, leadership,
partnerships, capacity building, behavioural change, and healthy environments.
In October 2021, DLGSC hosted the 2021 WA Trails and Recreation Forum in partnership with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, the City of Albany and Outdoors Great Southern. More than 200 people attended the three-day forum.
DLGSC continued to offer affordable experiences at its five camps. A significant addition to the offerings was the November 2021 completion of the $3.7 million Spinnaker Precinct at the Ern Halliday Recreation Camp in Hillarys. The refurbishment
included a new 72-bed dormitory facility designed to support adult users, adequate segregation to support child safeguarding and improved disability access.
In 2021-22, more than $11.8 million was provided via the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) for community groups, local governments, and Aboriginal corporations to develop community level infrastructure for sport and recreation,
with the aim of increasing participation.
In addition, 42 projects worth a total of $3.3 million were supported as part of the Club Night Lights Program, which saw the installation and maintenance of floodlighting infrastructure to allow sport and recreation activities to be held at night.
The State Sporting Infrastructure Fund (SSIF) continued to support sporting facilities in planning, upgrades, and ongoing maintenance. It has allowed clubs to host state, national and international level sporting events and provide elite-level training.
The 10th anniversary of DLGSC’s successful KidSport program was celebrated in 2021. Since 2011, more than 245,000 vouchers have supported more than 100,000 children to participate in club sport and swimming lessons.
DLGSC delivers services across Western Australia through regional offices located in the Kimberley, Pilbara, Goldfields, Wheatbelt, Mid West/Gascoyne, South West and Great Southern. Services continued to expand and invest in regional sport and
recreation in recognition of the integral part it plays in regional, rural and remote communities.
Throughout 2021, several community programs were delivered from DLGSC’s eight regional offices as well as significant industry forums held in the Gascoyne, Mid West, and Peel. Significant activities and collaboration occurred as part of the
Kimberley Football Advisory Council culminating in DLGSC teaming up with the AFL to deliver a $5 million investment into one of football’s most skilled, passionate, and remote talent pools.
The Kimberley Investment Framework builds on recent State Government investments in Kimberley football, including $339,000 for the recently commissioned floodlighting at Nipper Roe Sports Field in Broome and $592,000 to upgrade change rooms and
lighting at Clarrie Cassidy Oval in Wyndham.
The Fundamental Movement Skills package, Building Active Bodies and Brains, was launched in March 2022. Launched in the Pilbara, the package was designed in local Ngarluma and Yindjibarndi languages for implementation across playgroups, early childhood
education and care organisations.
DLGSC have funded Active Farmers, through the Strategic Initiatives Program, to deliver the Rural Resilience Project to farming communities across three Western Australian regions over a three-year period. Building on the Active Farmers
Games in 2021, the project provides significant value to farming communities throughout the Great Southern, Wheatbelt and Mid West regions, through delivery of active recreation programs, capacity building activities and providing a platform for social
connections for long term physical and mental health benefits.

- Recreation camps
- 997 unique events
- 103,726 participations
- 55,217 bed nights
- Regional
- 118 projects
- $2,229,780 funded
- Regional Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme
- 322 athletes
- $137,000 funded
- KidSport since 2011
- Over previous 10 years:
- more than $36m has supported 100,000+ children to help pay club fees
- 2021-22: 33,500 KidSport vouchers
- more than $5m+ to community sport and recreation clubs
- Sport
- 134 projects
- $2,359,265 funded
- Industry Investment Program
- 88 organisations
- $48,904,500 funded
- Sport — High Performance
- 4 projects
- $1,366,065 funded
- Recreation
- 44 projects
- $523,000 funded
- Western Australian Institute of Sport
- $8,053,902 operational funding and Olympic athlete support
- Participation
- 18 projects
- $1,692,164 funded
Culture and the arts
DLGSC supports the delivery of creative opportunities across culture and the arts. Investment in culture and the arts is essential to ensure Western Australians have ongoing access to cultural and artistic activities and experiences.
Through targeted grants and investment programs, DLGSC has continued to support the development of high-quality experiences for Western Australian communities. Importantly, DLGSC promoted a greater engagement of Aboriginal communities in the arts and
encouraged the expression of Aboriginal culture.
Across the wider artistic community, artists and businesses have been able to access professional and skills development, culminating in more diverse artistic and cultural experiences for the public. In the past year more than 260 projects have been supported
by more than $7.7 million through the arts U-15K and 15K plus grant programs.
Improved access to and participation in the performing arts has also been made possible through initiatives such as the National Performing Arts Partnership which supports music, theatre, and dance organisations in Western Australia. In 2021-22,
more than $9.73 million was delivered to support five organisations across the State.
The development of these sectors is further supported through programs such as the Western Australian Theatre Development Initiative, which promotes the sharing of uniquely Western Australian stories, and the Regional Exhibition Touring Boost (RETB),
which delivers exhibits to the State’s regions via the Art Gallery of Western Australia and Art on the Move.
As part of RETB, artists have been able to take up residencies and explore local histories and narratives using archives and collections plus provide workshops to local communities. Engaging with local traditional owners and custodian Elders has resulted
in successful artist-led workshops. Access to the Regional Traineeship Program has also allowed trainees to complete a Certificate II in Arts Administration with a regional arts organisation.
Another initiative aimed at regional Western Australia is the Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program (RACIP). Through a range of fellowships and business development programs, RACIP supports the growth of culture and the arts in the regions which
supports the emergence of uniquely Western Australian stories, emphasising those of Aboriginal histories and communities.
In September 2021, the State Government announced the $20 million WA Production Attraction Incentive to be administered by Screenwest, which will help to draw new job-creation film and television projects to the State. It will provide skills development
and training opportunities to create a pathway for the Western Australian screen industry, while helping unlock Australian Government funding to support local productions.
The third Virtual Reality Festival was held in the Perth Cultural Centre. Titled XR: WA, the festival, supported by DLGSC, featured local, national, and international speakers highlighting the crossover and connection between the creative sector and the
games and immersive technology industries.
DLGSC played a pivotal role in the historic AFL Grand Final held in Perth by working with the Western Australian music sector, and contributing through the Contemporary Music Fund, to ensure that some of Western Australia’s most iconic musicians
took centre stage and were broadcast to the world. This was a successful collaboration between sport and recreation and culture and the arts business areas within DLGSC and Tourism WA to bring benefits to the State and community.
DLGSC is the lead agency on several infrastructure projects that are changing the face of Western Australia.
Working with the Department of Finance and the Art Gallery of Western Australia, DLGSC led the delivery of the Elevate rooftop redevelopment project, including construction of an external lift, rooftop sculpture garden, gallery, and event spaces.
The redevelopment of His Majesty’s Theatre is underway with restoration of the original balconies, re-establishing it as a cultural icon of Perth.
As part of the Perth City Deal, DLGSC developed a master plan to guide the redevelopment of the Perth Cultural Centre which was released to the community with the aim of creating vibrant, safe, welcoming, and attractive areas that will connect Perth’s
cultural institutions with their surrounds.
In addition, DLGSC is responsible for a significant maintenance program that ensures the community can continue to enjoy and use key cultural assets.

- Arts U-15k grants
- 193 applications supported
- $2,557,280 funded
- 15k-plus grants
- 68 applications supported
- $3,220,859 funded
- Arts Organisations Investment Program (AOIP)
- 35 organisations supported
- $10,196,000 funded
- WA Theatre Development Initiative (WATDI)
- 3 applications supported
- $299,951 funded
- National Performing Arts Partnership
- 5 organisations
- Marrugeku
- West Australian Symphony Orchestra
- West Australian Ballet
- Black Swan State Theatre Company
- West Australian Opera
- $9,732,725 funded
- Regional Arts and cultural Investment Program (RACIP)
- $3.5m grants
- 40 recipients
- 15 shows supported
- commissioning 4 large-scale works telling unique Aboriginal stories
- 8 programs supported improving access to culture and the arts activities.
- Regional Arts Sector Investment Program
- 15 organisations supported
- 4 fellowships awarded
- 7 young artists and arts workers supported
- across regional an remote WA.
Racing, gaming and liquor
DLGSC regulates and supports the racing, gaming and liquor industries to ensure compliance with legislation. Activities undertaken are underpinned by our values and strategic direction, guiding the performance against financial and service delivery
Under the Liquor Control Act 1988, DLGSC is tasked with regulating the sale, supply and consumption of alcohol; and the proper development of the liquor, tourism and hospitality industries; while also minimising harm caused to people through the use of
DLGSC has a range of activities to support these initiatives. A comprehensive licensing and industry support team led the way in providing COVID-19 relief to licensees over the past year (refer page 42). The compliance team ensures that the policy
measures in place are adhered to and that licensed venues remain safe for public enjoyment. DLGSC also supports the functioning of the Liquor Commission to enable independent review of liquor-related decisions.
An innovative approach DLGSC has taken is the trialling of a BDR in the Pilbara, Kimberley, and Goldfields. The BDR prevents the sale of alcohol to banned individuals. Other measures that were introduced to reduce alcohol-related harm in 2021-22 include
the introduction of carriage limits, which have resulted in several arrests and seizures of liquor in excess of carriage limits, and delivery regulations, which have improved safety related to liquor ordered online.
One of the risks managed by DLGSC is the conduct of individuals whose behaviour becomes harmful and dangerous following excessive consumption of alcohol. This is currently done by limiting access to licensed premises through the issue of prohibition orders
issued by the Director of Liquor Licensing and barring notices issued by the Commissioner of Police.
The regulator for gaming and wagering in Western Australia is the GWC. The GWC is responsible for the regulation of gaming at the Perth Casino, community gaming and wagering activities.
DLGSC provides GWC with services including policy, compliance and enforcement, and licensing functions.
A significant regulatory focus of DLGSC during the year included the response to the Perth Casino Royal Commission (refer page 47) and the licensing and the extensive, multi-jurisdictional probity investigations, which enabled probity approval granted
to the relevant Blackstone Group entities and associated individuals.
DLGSC provides services to the:
- Gaming Community Trust
- Problem Gambling Support Services Committee.
DLGSC provides administrative and regulatory support to:
- Liquor Commission
- Racing and Wagering Western Australia
- Racing Penalties Appeal Tribunal.
A major focus of work in 2021-22 for racing, gaming and liquor was oversight and advice on the sale of the Totalisator Agency Board (TAB).

- 18,400+ licensing applications determined
- 6800+ inspections and audits conducted
- 89 enforcement actions.
Office of Multicultural Interests
Cultural diversity is one of Western Australia’s greatest assets and DLGSC works with cultural and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities, service providers and government agencies to support and promote equity and accessibility.
DLGSC developed a Multicultural Plan in January 2021 that outlined strategies to ensure that operations, services, and programs are inclusive and accessible to everyone. During 2021-22, DLGSC continued to deliver to the Plan. The realisation of the
Plan will improve representation and participation of people from CaLD backgrounds across all aspects of its operations.
During 2021-22 a total of 61 government departments and agencies have signed up to the Western Australian Multicultural Policy Framework.
The Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) online cultural competency training program, Diverse WA, supports this work and contributes to culturally responsive service delivery across the government and non-government sectors. Since its redevelopment
in 2020, 213 agencies have registered and more than 6,000 users have accessed the program, with a training completion rate of 99 per cent and a satisfaction rate of over 95 per cent.
An increase in funding for OMI’s Community Grants Program to $1 million doubled the amount previously available to support community-led initiatives, including projects supporting parents, employment, leadership and regional communities. The OMI
also provided interpreter scholarships to improve the skills of practising interpreters and increase the availability of quality interpreters for in-demand languages.
The OMI Leadership and Governance Program encourages greater diversity in representation on public, private and not-for-profit boards and committees. The past financial year saw 20 participants undertake the competitive program.
In conjunction with local government, OMI developed a presentation session to encourage people from CaLD backgrounds to consider nominating for the 2021 local government elections. This approach was aimed at increasing elected member representation on
local government councils that is more reflective of the Western Australian community.
The OMI delivered two significant awards events in 2021-22. The Outstanding Community Languages Teacher of the Year Award was held in August 2021 to recognise excellence in teaching by volunteer community language teachers. In March 2022 as part of Harmony
Week, the WA Multicultural Awards recognised individuals and organisations for their outstanding contributions towards a more inclusive and equitable Western Australia across categories as diverse as youth leadership, human rights, and crisis response
and recovery.
Following the Taliban taking control of Afghanistan in August 2021, OMI facilitated engagement between the State Health Incident Coordination Centre (SHICC) and Western Australian service providers to ensure the provision of culturally appropriate support
and services to evacuees. This included access to appropriate mental health services, access to interpreters, and legal advice and assistance.
The OMI also engaged with government agencies to support Ukrainian nationals who came to Western Australia following the invasion by Russia in February 2022. This included facilitating access to healthcare and enrolment for Ukrainian children in public

- WA Interpreter Scholarships 2022
- 19 practising interpreters gained scholarships.
- Western Australian Multicultural Awards
- a record 100 nominations
- 10 award categories
- broadcast live.
- Diverse WA since 2020
- 213 agencies registered
- 6000+ users
- cultural competency module 99% completion rate
- language services module 82% completion rate.
- Western Australian Multicultural Policy Framework
- 61 all departments and SES agencies.
Aboriginal people and communities
DLGSC is committed to reconciliation. Throughout the year, DLGSC supported and led several projects to enable reconciliation, cultural understanding, participation and inclusion.
In 2022, an Aboriginal Policy and Business Advisor position was established to lead and manage the development and implementation of DLGSC’s Reconciliation Action Plan, and to coordinate the implementation of the Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy
Western Australia 2021-2029 and Closing-the Gap WA Implementation Plan (the Plan).
To support Outcome 16 of the Plan — Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and languages are strong, supported and flourishing, DLGSC is working with the Department of Education to establish an Aboriginal Languages Reference Group by December
2022. A central point will be established to drive state-wide language programs and share the successes made by existing practitioners in this area including language centres, cultural programs, schools, and tertiary institutions.
DLGSC continued to support a major language initiative in the Kimberley region through funding of the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre to deliver the Julurru project.
In addition, the Connecting to Country program offers project funding to Western Australian Aboriginal people to undertake travel to Country to foster the intergenerational transfer of knowledge, preservation of culture and strengthening of communities.
The Partnership Acceptance Learning Sharing (PALS) program, an initiative of DLGSC, encourages Western Australian schools to develop projects promoting reconciliation in their local community. PALS funding is available to all Western Australian primary
and secondary schools. The aim is to foster a deeper understanding of the achievements and diversity of Aboriginal people, which DLGSC considers essential to recognising our shared histories and unified futures.
Revealed — New and Emerging Aboriginal Artists from Western Australia is a joint annual event supported by DLGSC in partnership with the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications’
Office for the Arts. The program consists of an art market, exhibition, professional development program, and symposium.
Aboriginal Cultural Centre
The State and Australian Governments, working in partnership with Aboriginal people, commenced work on planning for the Aboriginal Cultural Centre (ACC) to open in 2028. This Centre will recognise and celebrate Aboriginal culture from across Western
Australia and provide spaces for art, performance, education, research, community, and commercial activities. A feasibility study was completed by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. The project was then transitioned to DLGSC as lead agency.
The State and Australian Governments have currently committed $104 million to this project.
The development of the ACC on Whadjuk Noongar Boodja requires a carefully planned process that considers cultural protocols with Whadjuk Noongar as host nation, while also connecting with Aboriginal communities across the State.
In December 2021, six elected Whadjuk representatives were appointed to the ACC Steering Committee, making community representation 50 per cent of the membership. This reflects DLGSC’s commitment to working in partnership with Aboriginal people
on projects and services that affect them and their communities. The Whadjuk representatives have provided leadership and guidance for the business case phase on all project matters, including those of cultural significance such as site selection.
DLGSC is undertaking a state-wide engagement process with Aboriginal communities to determine the scope for the business case and project definition plan, which are scheduled to be completed by September 2023.
Aboriginal History WA
Working in partnership with the Aboriginal community, Aboriginal History WA (AHWA) has completed several significant projects over the past 12 months including:
- Remembering Mount Margaret Mission — a collection of child crayon drawings from 1939. A publication released to mark the centenary of the establishment of the Mount Margaret Mission.
- Moore River Native Settlement (MRNS) — a research publication, released to coincide with Reconciliation Week 2022, that provides a timeline and burial register of MRNS. The publication is a valuable resource for people researching their Aboriginal
- Historical Agricultural and Pastoral Lease Applications by Aboriginal People throughout Western Australia 1889-1933 — a publication to acknowledge the part that Aboriginal farmers and their families played in the agricultural development of Western
The Aboriginal History Research Services (AHRS) have continued to provide a critical service to assist the Western Australian Aboriginal community seeking restricted historical records relating to their family.
In 2021-22, AHRS undertook specialised research and provided comprehensive responses to 905 requests. These included AHRS responses to 337 family history applications, 509 requests for information related to the National Redress Scheme and 17 Freedom
of Information requests.
State Records Office
The State Records Office (SRO) is the Western Australian public records authority with responsibility for managing, preserving, and providing access to the State’s records of information.
In 2021-22, SRO worked with other agencies to commence development of an Information Management Framework for WA. The Framework aims to help government organisations navigate the requirements of legislation and policies that impact the collection, creation,
management and sharing of information by government — enabling these organisations to provide better services to the community.
Through the Geoffrey Bolton Lecture 2021: Yarning Ancestors’ Words, the SRO supported local researchers to put the 2019 Tandanya Declaration into practice by embracing Indigenous worldviews and beginning to decolonise archival principles.
COVID-19 response
Response and sector support
The COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact Western Australian businesses and individuals in 2021-22 including the communities and sectors who are key DLGSC stakeholders.
Through the State Government’s COVID-19 recovery and response stimulus, DLGSC successfully delivered critical support to Western Australia’s culture and the arts, local government, CaLD, regulatory services, and sport and recreation sectors.
This was achieved through the Safe Transition Industry Support Package, announced on 10 February 2022. The Safe Transition Industry Support Package included:
- $10 million extension to Getting the Show Back on the Road+
- $3 million Event Suppliers Support Program
- $11.6 million Level 1 COVID-19 Business Assistance Package.
The Level 1 COVID-19 Business Assistance Package announced on 24 February 2022 included:
- $1.8 million Nightclub Assistance Program;
- $1.3 million Performing Arts, Theatres and Cinemas Assistance Program
- $3.5 million Waiver of Liquor Licensing fees
- $5 million Alfresco Support Program.
In addition, the $1.65 million Sport and Recreation COVID-19 Cleaning Subsidy program offered grants to local sporting clubs and organisations.
The ongoing partnership and policy work with CaLD communities and peak bodies, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and Department of Health, ensured families and individuals from CaLD backgrounds across Western Australia had access to critical information
and services and were included in the State’s COVID-19 response.
Business continuity and recovery
In December 2021, DLGSC enacted its Incident Management Team to lead and coordinate the COVID-19 pandemic response, including business continuity impacts. Weekly decision-making meetings were held throughout 2022, using the COVID-19 Response Plan as a
dynamic document making necessary modifications as new health directions and information was released and operational needs changed.
A dedicated COVID-19 Response Team was created to support business continuity and manage staff health and wellbeing, providing guidance on a range of matters including vaccine mandates, public health measures and transmission mitigation methods.
There were no significant impacts to service delivery to the community during the reporting period.
Regulatory reform
DLGSC is leading an ambitious reform agenda designed to improve services to industry sectors and the community in our regulatory areas.
In early 2022, DLGSC established a regulatory reform team to progress the development, consultation and implementation of a range of reforms. During 2021-22, the team oversaw liquor and local government regulatory reform.
The regulatory reform team implements the Government’s election commitment to consult with industry and stakeholders regarding further amendments to the Liquor Control Act 1988.
The team considered the importance of balancing the needs of the State’s tourism and hospitality industries while ensuring the safety of the community and minimisation of alcohol-related harm.
One of the risks managed by DLGSC through its regulatory role, is the conduct of individuals whose behaviour becomes harmful and dangerous following excessive consumption of alcohol. This is currently done by limiting access to licensed premises through
prohibition orders issued by the Director of Liquor Licensing and barring notices issued by the Commissioner of Police.
To complement these measures and support the State Government’s priority to make it safer for Western Australians to enjoy a night out, in 2021-22, policy work commenced on introducing the concept of exclusion orders. These will prohibit people
from prescribed precincts. The legislation to support the introduction of these precincts is expected to be introduced in the summer of 2022-23.
DLGSC has also achieved non-regulatory reform in the liquor area that has delivered benefits in processing liquor licence applications, including:
- a review and update of online applications, reducing application related queries
- improving application assessment turn around time
- streamlining internal processes
- building staff capacity through training.
Local government
In November 2021, the Minister for Local Government announced a package of reform proposals, the most significant in more than 25 years. After public consultation, feedback indicated support for the introduction of reforms, including a local government
inspector to provide oversight and handle complaints, and local government monitors to work with local governments to identify and solve problems.
DLGSC is working with the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office to prepare a draft bill for Parliament for these reforms, which will provide economic and social benefit to Western Australian communities.
Working with the Western Australian Local Government Association and Local Government Professionals WA, DLGSC introduced model financial statements. Supported by stakeholders, the model statements recognise the difference in capacity and resources
of local governments depending on their size.
Casino regulation
The Perth Casino Royal Commission Final Report (the Report) was tabled in Parliament on 24 March 2022 by the Minister for Racing and Gaming. The Report found that Crown Perth and its subsidiaries were not presently suitable to hold a gaming licence,
or to be concerned in, or associated with the organisation and conduct of the Perth Casino. However, the Report did not recommend revoking the organisation’s licence and instead outlined a detailed remediation pathway to ensure legal compliance.
In response, the State Government commenced implementation of immediate reforms, including the introduction of the Casino Legislation Amendment (Burswood Casino) Bill 2022.
The Department of the Premier and Cabinet is leading the State Government’s response to the Report. DLGSC and the regulator, GWC, are working closely to support the development and implementation of the response.
Over the past 12 months, DLGSC and GWC have implemented significant improvements to governance and regulatory frameworks, including:
- reviewing DLGSC’s regulatory functions for racing, gaming and liquor and implementing a new structure to improve management, capability, and enhance the senior leadership team
- improving education and awareness about DLGSC’s Code of Conduct
- releasing a new DLGSC Conflict of Interest guideline
- releasing an online Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality declaration process
- introducing mandatory Accountable and Ethical Decision-Making training
- engaging an audit service provider to improve internal capability to respond to audit findings
- executing a memorandum of understanding between DLGSC and the Department of Communities for financial counselling services to enable the provision of counselling to families and individuals who may be experiencing financial hardship due to gambling.
Capability development
Strategy and performance accountability
In 2021-22, the Public Sector Commission approved an interim DLGSC structure, including the creation of the strategy and performance accountability business area.
Strategy and performance accountability lead the development of organisational capability across the following functions:
- corporate governance and audit
- strategic policy coordination
- strategy and transformation (which includes project management and business improvement).
The team works collaboratively with partners across the organisation and government to deliver shared outcomes and benefits for our stakeholders.
Digital transformation
Throughout the year, DLGSC has continued its digital transformation to support the Digital Strategy for the Western Australian Government 2021-2025.
DLGSC has made considerable progress to transition GovNext ICT infrastructure including:
- connecting its regional offices to standardised GovNext ICT infrastructure including high speed internet and Wi-Fi;
- providing standardised and upgraded IP telephony services across its regional offices, recreation camps and WA Museum regional locations
- providing network security with new firewalls as a shared infrastructure for all DLGSC, Western Australian Museum, State Library of Western Australia, Art Gallery of Western Australia and Arts and Culture Trust venues statewide.
In October 2021, DLGSC also signed a partnership agreement with the Office of Digital Government to access their Cybersecurity Operations Centre. This will enable DLGSC to share joint abilities and collaborate more effectively to support cyber security
resilience and protect the wider government sector.
Audit, governance and leadership
Improving DLGSC’s audit performance and culture has been a key priority during 2021-22. DLGSC has sought to enhance its capability through a variety of strategies and activities.
There has been a strong leadership focus on addressing outstanding audit findings with DLGSC improving accountability at an executive level. This has included consistent and improved reporting to leadership, as well as across the agency, with a focus
on accuracy and timeliness of information.
DLGSC has strengthened its relationship with the Office of the Auditor General. This has been enhanced by the development of systems, processes and procedures to support engagement with all audit stakeholders.
Increased investment has ensured resourcing to functional areas to support audit remediation activities and sourcing external expert advice for complex matters.
In 2021, presentations were delivered to business areas across DLGSC to improve understanding of the role of governance and audit in the public sector, share DLGSC’s current audit profile, and the work being undertaken to address audit findings.
Enhancing DLGSC’s audit capability and response will be a continued key area of focus in 2022-23.
Governance and leadership
In 2021, DLGSC implemented an interim structure with two new Deputy Directors General. The change in leadership structure and a review of governance arrangements resulted in a revised Corporate Executive membership to oversee governance and strategic
decision making across service delivery, corporate services, audit and risk, integrity, and strategic projects.
A new Service Design and Delivery Committee supports the new Corporate Executive to provide advice on improving service delivery and better coordination of sector support and engagement functions. Other work was undertaken to review existing, and
introduce other new governance committees, to reflect a more contemporary approach to public sector accountability and administration.
Integrity is a significant area of focus for DLGSC with a comprehensive program of policy, system, process, and practice changes to be introduced in the coming year.
Agency performance
Report on operations
Actual results versus budget targets
| 2021-22 Target
(1) $’000
| 2021-22 Actual
| Variation(2) $’000 | |
Total cost of services (expense limit) | 392,905 | 300,703 | (92,202) | (a) |
Net cost of services | 365,182 | 264,245 | (100,937) | (a) |
Total equity | 723,960 | 548,664 | (175,296) | (a) |
Approved salary expense limit | 49,834 | 44,394 | (5,440) | (b) |
(1) The 2021-22 Financial Targets reflect the financial targets in 2021-22 Resource Agreement.
(2) Further explanations are contained in Notes 10.1 ‘Explanatory Statement’ to the financial statement.
(a) The 2021-22 Actual is lower than the Target predominantly relate to capital-based grants being awarded later than anticipated in the estimate and re-flowed to 2022-23.
(b) The 2021-22 Actual is lower than the Target due to vacancies.
Working cash targets
| 2021-22 Target(1) $’000 | 2021-22 Actual $’000 | Variation(2) $’000 | |
Working Cash Limit | 18,772 | 13,774 | 4,998 | (c) |
(c) Working cash limit is below target mainly due to the reflow of infrastructure grant funding into 2022-23.
Key performance indicators
Outcome 1: Local governments are supported to meet legislative requirements of the Local Government Act.
Effectiveness KPI 1.1: Percentage of local governments where actions were taken in support of compliance with the legislative framework Local governments.2
Why we measure
The role of DLGSC is to support the local government sector in the provision of good governance and compliance by monitoring, promoting and enforcing compliance with the relevant legislation.
DLGSC’s Compliance Framework outlines the approach taken to ensure that local governments, their elected members, and employees operate in compliance with the Local Government Act 1995 (and associated Regulations). The Framework details the actions taken to support and achieve greater compliance, including the assessment and investigation of complaints, provision of advice services, guidance documents, and monitoring of key information provided to DLGSC by local governments.
DLGSC measures local government compliance performance against this framework to identify areas for assistance to improve capability and governance. DLGSC are actively increasing the support and guidance to local governments with the aim of reducing actions against specific local governments in the future. In addition to the development of a risk profiling tool, an engagement strategy and other compliance initiatives and material are being developed to achieve this outcome.
What we measure
This indicator measures the percentage of local governments that had actions taken by DLGSC in the financial year.
How we measure
This indicator shows the percentage of local governments that had action taken against their elected members or employees under that Compliance Framework in the financial year. Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal or above the target.
The Compliance Framework details the actions DLGSC may take in response to received complaints, including arms-length monitoring, requesting further information, dealing with complaints, breaches, probity audits, investigations and authorised inquiries.
Records are collated of all actions including issuing letters of improvement as well as other compliance actions, complaints, audits, inquiries etc taken by DLGSC in response to potential non-compliance, to determine which of Western Australia’s local governments had action taken against them. The figure is then converted to a percentage, measured against the number of WA local governments.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
N/A | N/A | N/A | 22% | 20% | 31% | 11% |
A total of 42 local government (out of a total of 137) had formal action taken by DLGSC under the Compliance Framework in 2021-22. There was an increase of 11% compared to Target. DLGSC adopted a risk-based approach to more proactively target and engage with local governments and increased its in-person visits and general engagement with local councils over the last twelve months. This promoted a wider sector understanding of DLGSC’s role in regulating Local Government through the reform.
Outcome 2: A sustainable arts and cultural sector that facilitates attendance and participation in arts and cultural activity
Effectiveness KPI 2.1: Ratio of Government funding to other income earned for funded arts and cultural organisations
Why we measure
We measure the ratio of leveraged revenue because it provides an indication of how successful a cohort of arts organisations has been in generating additional revenue to support arts and cultural activity. As a time-series, it is one of the indicators of changes in sustainability of the arts and cultural sector. The cohort of organisations used in this ratio are those organisations that receive multiyear funding, which are the organisations funded through the Arts Organisations Investment Program (AOIP) and the National Performing Arts Partnership Framework (NPAPF) program. Collectively these key arts organisations create and present high quality and diverse arts, cultural and creative experiences for the people of Western Australia. An aim of both of these programs is to provide base operational funding for the organisations so that they can then generate their own revenue and secure other income. The ratio of leveraged revenue tracks this leveraged funding level.
What we measure
This indicator measures the ratio of the aggregate total funding in a year provided by DLGSC (it includes all DLGSC funding provided, including occasional one-off project funding) to this cohort of funded arts organisations (NPAP and AOIP organisations) against the aggregate total of their income from all other sources. Other sources include earned income, other government funding, sponsorship and private giving.
How we measure
The ratio shows the total amount of income generated from other sources for each dollar of funding provided by DLGSC to the AOIP and NPAP funded organisations.
An increase in the ratio would suggest that overall, the arts and cultural sector is doing well at generating other income. A decrease in the ratio would suggest that overall, there are challenges for the sector either earning income or securing other government funding or philanthropy.
The underlying methodology was revised in 2020 from a methodology based on an average of organisation categories to a methodology based on the aggregate totals for all multiyear funded organisations. This was done to better align with objectives of the organisations funding programs, which are to fund a cohort that ensures a diverse and vibrant eco system is supported. An aggregate totals methodology better aligns to the objective of funding a cohort of organisations.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
1:3.6 | 1:4.2 | 1:4.5 | 1:4.7 | 1:3.7 | 1:3.7 | 0% |
The 2021-22 Actual leverage ratio (1:3.7) met the 2021-22 Target (1:3.7).
Effectiveness KPI 2.2: Percentage of Western Australians attending or participating in an arts and cultural activity.
Why we measure
DLGSC captures data to understand and measure the public value it creates through its investments in culture and the arts and its role as a development agency for the sector. For culture and the arts, public value is the cultural, social and economic benefits created by culture and the arts for the Western Australian community. A strong response in the attendance or participation in arts and culture activity demonstrates that Western Australians support and value culture and the arts and will continue to seek experiences that foster belonging and a sense of community.
What we measure
This indicator measures how many people attend or participate in arts and cultural activity in Western Australia. This indicator shows institutional value that relates to the broader community social benefits that are generated through participation or attendance at artistic and cultural activities. Arts and cultural activities include a range of activities such as the cinema, music, theatre, dance, visual arts, opera, festivals, libraries, galleries, museums, archives and community cultural events.
How we measure
The annual Arts and Culture Monitor Survey measures the behaviour and attitudes towards arts and culture and is the study used to provide data for this indicator. The survey is a long standing and well-established time series and has been conducted since 2003. The survey captures the frequency as well as the percentage of Western Australians (people, aged 17 years and over) attending or participating in culture and the arts activities over a range of time periods. Respondents are asked the following question within the survey:
‘Did you attend or participate in an arts or cultural activity in the past twelve months?’
In 2022, 22,991 online panellists from Thinkfield were invited to complete an online survey, and 1,354 responses were received. This represents a sampling error of +/- 2.7 % at the 95 % confidence interval.
Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal or above the target.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
78% | 82% | 74% | 73% | 73% | 74% | 1% |
In 2022, 74% of respondents said they attended or participated in an arts or cultural activity in the past twelve months. The result has increased slightly from 73% in 2021. The figure is still a decrease from the pre-pandemic high of 82% in 2019. Audiences and participation rates have been maintained at a reasonably strong level due the State’s various business assistance schemes.
Effectiveness KPI 2.3: Percentage of stakeholders who report that the Office of Multicultural Interests had a positive impact on the promotion and support of multiculturalism
Why we measure
DLGSC, through the Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI), supports the development of a vibrant and effective multicultural society in Western Australia. This is achieved through the promotion and support of multiculturalism in Western Australia and includes providing information, advice, funding, training and support, and facilitating partnerships and collaboration to achieve the full potential of multiculturalism within the State. This effectiveness indicator provides a measure of OMI’s key stakeholders that believe the support provided contributes to achievement of a vibrant and effective multicultural society.
What we measure
This indicator is informed by OMI’s annual Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey which identifies to what extent stakeholders think that OMI has made an impact in achieving the full potential of multiculturalism in Western Australia, based on the following key objectives:
- Strengthening culturally diverse communities
- Supporting development of culturally inclusive policies, programs and services across the public and community sectors
- Facilitating full participation by culturally diverse communities in social, economic, cultural and civic activities
- Developing intercultural understanding
- Promoting the benefits of Western Australia’s diversity.
How we measure
OMI surveys stakeholders to gain feedback via its OMI Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey each year as detailed above.
For the 2021—22 survey, as for the previous two years, respondents were also asked to provide feedback on the extent to which OMI made an impact on:
- responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities.
Respondents were asked to rate on a scale of no impact, a little impact, a moderate impact, a significant impact or a very significant impact. The survey results were calculated based on the subset of respondents who were able to form an opinion on each of the factors with the ‘don’t know” responses removed.
The indicator score is based on the number and percentage of responses that indicated OMI had had a positive impact, which is defined as those who consider OMI had a ‘moderate, significant, or very significant impact. The final figure is determined by calculating the average score of all six questions.
A target of 80% is set as an acceptable customer satisfaction performance standard for most industries and takes into account factors outside the organisation’s control that can impact stakeholder satisfaction. Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal or above the target.
In 2021-22, a sample drawn from a list of 1967 stakeholders was surveyed. The distribution of the sample was consistent with OMI’s stakeholders as follows:
Stakeholder | Percent |
Community organisations | 37.40% |
Another type of non-government organisation | 17.56% |
State Government agencies | 11.96% |
OMI grants applicants
| 13.23% |
| 10.94% |
Local governments
| 4.58% |
Australian Government agencies
| 1.53% |
| 2.80% |
Total | 100.00% |
Emails were sent to all 1967 stakeholders with the final sample of 393 responses gained via email (270)
and telephone (123). The response rate was around 20%. The sample size and comparable results from the
online survey is sufficient to be representative and hence the total sample provides a forecasting accuracy of
+4.42% at the 95% level of confidence.
The data collection method (online or telephone) had no significant impact on the results and the sample size
provided a good foundation for analysis.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
89% | 94% | 90% | 94% | 80% | 91% | 11% |
The 2021-22 result of 91% was higher than the target of 80%. The result was comparable to previous
years and reflects OMI’s continued focus on engagement through diverse projects and activities during
the year. This includes supporting COVID-19 pandemic recovery efforts and WA public sector agencies’
development and implementation of Multicultural Plans in accordance with the Western Australian
Multicultural Policy Framework.
Outcome 3: Gambling and liquor industries operate responsibly in accordance with legislation
Effectiveness KPI 3.1: Percentage of audit and inspections that comply with requirements
and statutory criteria.
Why we measure
DLGSC is responsible for regulating and maintaining the integrity of lawful racing, gambling and liquor
activities for Western Australians to participate in. Through conducting compliance audits and inspections,
DLGSC contributes to the promotion, monitoring and enforcements of responsible and lawful gambling and
liquor services and this indicator measures how effectively we are delivering the outcome.
What we measure
This indicator measures the effectiveness of DLGSC’s regulatory function within racing, gambling and liquor
activities by conducting audit and inspections at licensees’ venues and service providers.
How we measure
The percentage of audit and inspections that comply with requirements and statutory criteria is calculated by
dividing the number of compliant licensees/service providers by the total number of inspections conducted.
Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal or above the target.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
97% | 97% | 98% | 96% | 95% | 99% | 4% |
The actual compliance is higher than targeted indicating that licensees and permit holders are generally
compliant with their statutory obligations under the administered legislation. Areas of non-compliance typically
include a breach of a term or condition of the licence or permit, or issues with the standards of licensed
Outcome 4: A strong sport and recreation sector that facilitates
Effectiveness KPI 4.1: percentage of Western Australian participating in organised sport and
Why we measure
DLGSC has a vital role to play with supporting the key community stakeholders (i.e. sport and recreation
groups and local governments) throughout WA who are directly providing sport and recreation services to
Western Australians. Targeted support to ensure quality service delivery, such as:
- sport and recreation infrastructure development
- organisational development and capacity building
- governance and management support
- planning and policy implementation
- information and resources.
This support ultimately impacts on the number of people participating in sport and active recreation. The
measure of participation numbers within organised sport and active recreation participation reflects how well
our service delivery system is working to deliver a sector that promotes maximum participation.
What we measure
While not directly responsible for organised sport and active recreation participation rates, DLGSC uses
this indicator to measure how well the sport and recreation delivery system in WA is providing participation
environments for members of our community. Analysis of any significant shifts in participation rates may
highlight areas/issues within the delivery system that may impact DLGSC policy, planning and service
How we measure
DLGSC’s desired outcome is that participation rates for Western Australians in sport and active
recreation be maintained and/or increased. The monitoring and understanding of participation rates are vital
to assist DLGSC’s delivery of programs and services to support Western Australia’s ongoing participation and
involvement in sport and active recreation.
Sport Australia in consultation with the Committee of Australian Sport and Recreation Officers (CASRO) fund
and manage a National Participation in Sport and Physical Recreation Survey (AusPlay) to provide appropriate
participation data to support current and future sport and recreation industry needs and outcomes. From late
2015, AusPlay became the single-source data currency for government and the sport sector that not only
tracks Australian sport participation behaviours but also informs investment, policy and sport delivery.
Via the AusPlay Survey, baselines for the participation of adults and children in sport and physical activities,
both at State and National level were established in 2016. In Western Australia, the baseline for participation
by Western Australian adults (aged 15 years and over) in organised sport and active recreation was 56%.
AusPlay State/Territory data, Western Australia.
AusPlay results for January 2021 to December 2021, published 29 April 2022. Refer to the Western
Australian tables — Table 3.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
57% | 60% | 63% | 64% | 56% | 64% | 8% |
In 2021, 64% of Western Australian adults (aged 15 years and over) were involved in organised sport
and active recreation, consistent with 2020 (64%) and an 8% increase on the baseline of 56% which was
established in 2016 when the monitoring of participation rates in adults and children in sport and physical
activities, both at State and National level commenced through the AusPlay survey.
Participation rates for Western Australians in organised sport and physical activities have steadily increased
since 2016, a strong indicator that the Western Australian sport and recreation system is supporting the
provision of participation opportunities for Western Australians.
Service 1: Regulation and support of local government
Efficiency KPI 1.1: Average cost per local government for regulation and support
Why we measure
DLGSC aims to support the sector in the provision of good governance and compliance by monitoring,
promoting and enforcing compliance with the Local Government Act 1995 (and associated Regulations).
Using a risk-based approach to identify areas needing targeted intervention and assistance, DLGSC
provides training, advice, guidance and support across the local government sector. Through the provision
of regulatory functions primarily related to the administration of the Local Government Act 1995 including
approvals, compliance monitoring and other statutory support, DLGSC assists local governments to achieve
best practice in the sector. This indicator assesses the efficiency of DLGSC’s resources to regulate and
support Western Australian local governments.
What we measure
This indicator determines the cost of DLGSC’s resourcing in providing regulation and support services to local
government to ensure they fulfil their statutory obligations.
How we measure
The efficiency indicator combines the costs of both the proactive and reactive regulatory work undertaken
by DLGSC, as well as the costs of other services for local governments such as processing of statutory
approvals and costs associated with the administration and amendment of the Local Government Act 1995
and other legislation and regulations.
Funds expended on grants and subsidies are removed from the total cost, which is then divided by 137 (the
number of Western Australian local governments; excluding the two Indian Ocean Territory local governments
and nine regional local governments) to produce the indicator.
Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal or below the target.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
$98,803 | $76,743 | $99,795 | $74,655 | $83,000 | $75,201 | ($7,799) |
The average cost per local government is slightly lower (9%) than target mainly due to lower salary costs as
some positions were temporarily vacant, due to difficulties in filling positions.
Service 2: Cultural and arts industry support
Efficiency KPI 2.1: Grants operations expense as a percentage of direct grants approved
Why we measure
DLGSC provides support to the Western Australian arts, cultural and creative sector through a range
of funding programs, research services and policy advice. This support contributes to a vibrant sector that
provides a range of opportunities for people to participate and attend activities, performances and exhibitions.
It also provides opportunities for artists and arts organisations to develop their skills and the artform.
Measuring the input costs of providing the grant funding as a percentage of total grant funding is an indicator
of the efficiency of delivering grants funding programs.
What we measure
This indicator measures the cost of resources to deliver Culture and the Arts grant programs, as a percentage
of the total grants paid through those grant programs. The indicator is primarily impacted by the level of grant
funding provided, and the resourcing requirements to deliver the funding program.
How we measure
The input costs against output delivered as a percentage.4
The input cost is the total operations expense for administering grants which is the staffing and administration
costs including corporate overheads for the publishing, receipt and assessment of applications, contract
management and system support for the grants managed.
The output delivered is the total grants paid from grant contracts, service agreements and financial assistance
agreements within the current financial year.
Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal or below the target.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
N/A | N/A | N/A | 5% | 3% | 4% | 1% |
There was a one percentage point increase on the 2021-22 target to Actual due to additional costs
associated with delivering COVID-19 business assistance packages. The COVID grants were generally low
value and high volume, this required a higher level of resourcing as a proportion of the funding distributed to
Efficiency KPI 2.2: Average cost per project to support and promote multiculturalism
Why we measure
The Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) conducts a range of projects and initiatives to support culturally and
linguistically diverse communities and promote multiculturalism. These are projects and initiatives other than
those funded through OMI’s grants programs and are critical to achieving OMI’s remit to support and promote
multiculturalism. The measure indicates the efficiency of OMI staff in delivering these projects to promote and
support multiculturalism.
What we measure
This indicator calculates the cost of delivering programs and projects, excluding grants.
How we measure
Projects are detailed in the OMI operational plan, which is developed annually on a financial year basis,
monitored throughout the year, and reviewed towards the end of the financial year. The total cost of OMI,
excluding grants, is divided by the number of projects as identified in the operational plan.
Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal or below the target.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
$110,916 | $87,974 | $90,958 | $102,618 | $119,660 | $113,143 | ($6,517) |
The average cost per project in 2021-22 is lower than the target due to lower salary costs as some positions
were temporarily vacant, due to difficulties in filling positions.
Service 3: Regulation of the gambling and liquor industries
Efficiency KPI 3.1: Average cost of conducting inspections
Why we measure
On behalf of the Gaming and Wagering Commission, DLGSC undertakes inspectorial and audit activities to
regulate the lawful conduct of gambling activities permitted under the Betting Control Act 1954, the Casino
Control Act 1984, the Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987, and the Racing and Wagering Western
Australia Act 2003.
DLGSC also undertakes regular audits and inspections to regulate the sale, supply and consumption
of liquor, and to minimise harm and ill-health to the public under the legislative framework provided in the Liquor Control Act 1988. Additionally, inspections are undertaken to ensure that licensed premises are being
operated and maintained to a standard that meets consumer expectations.
This measures the productivity of DLGSC in conducting the required audits and inspections.
What we measure
This indicator measures DLGSC’s efficiency in conducting these compliance audits and inspections.
How we measure
This efficiency indicator is determined by dividing the allocated cost of service for the activity by the number of
inspections and audits.
Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal or below the target.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
$759 | $804 | $680 | $938 | $1,495 | $1,442 | ($53) |
The average cost of conducting inspections in 2021-22 is higher than the average actual cost in 2020-21
mainly due to the lower number of inspections.
The number of inspections in 2021-22 reduced mainly due to:
- vacancies due to, for example, planned retirements, and challenges within the labour market in filling
vacant positions
- the ongoing impact of public health directions related to COVID-19.
Efficiency KPI 3.2: Average cost of determining applications
Why we measure
DLGSC provides a licensing service for the liquor and gambling industries. The average cost of evaluating
and determining applications measures the efficiency with which DLGSC carries out the application
What we measure
DLGSC measures the average cost of evaluating and determining applications for the liquor and
gambling industries.
How we measure
The average cost of determining an application is calculated by dividing the total costs for licensing services
by the number of applications determined.
Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal or below the target.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
$476 | $490 | $437 | $413 | $748 | $624 | ($124) |
The average cost of determining an application in 2021-22 is 17% lower than target due to a higher number
of applications being processed than targeted. The increase in the number of applications determined
over target was due to the approval of additional licences to support the liquor industry during the COVID
pandemic. As the cost is calculated by dividing the total cost of licensing services by the number of
applications determined, the increase in applications resulted in a lower cost per application.
Determinations in detail:
- 86% of the total applications determined relate to the liquor industry
- 14% of the applications determined relate to the gambling industries.
The increase in overall costs to $624 in 2021-22 from $413 in 2020-21 is attributed to 2957 fewer
applications being determined than the previous year combined with total costs of providing services also
increasing from the previous year. The large drop in applications determined was due to a lower amount of
COVID liquor licence support being required by industry as compared to that provided in 2020-21.
Service 4: Sport and recreation industry support
Efficiency KPI 4.1: Average cost of providing support services to sector/funded
Why we measure
The support services provided by DLGSC to sport and recreation industry organisations contribute to
a strong sport and recreation system in Western Australia that facilitates participation. Support services
contributing to a wide range of industry outcomes such as:
- the provision of quality participation environments
- excellence in organisational governance and management
- quality infrastructure provision including planning, design, development and management
- the coordination of sport and recreation services and experiences statewide to maximise participation
opportunities for Western Australians
- promoting the understanding of government policy priorities and their relation and impact to sport and
- ensuring there is ongoing sport and recreation contribution to wider public policy agendas.
DLGSC recognises the limitations to providing a multitude of services direct to the Western Australian
public; hence a key focus of DLGSC is to work with the key organisations within the community who are
directly responsible for the delivery of sport and recreation programs and services.
It is through these funded organisations that DLGSC’s support services (advice, policy guidance, program
implementation, resources and information) are then filtered through to the many regional groups, local clubs
and community groups that deliver sport and recreation services to Western Australians.
Providing support for the development and implementation of policy frameworks; and the coordination
of sport and recreation services and experiences statewide are vital objectives for DLGSC for facilitating
participation by Western Australians in sport and active recreation.
What we measure
The total number of funded organisations provided service support by DLGSC, and the service delivery cost
for providing such support.
How we measure
Total service delivery cost, excluding grants, divided by the total number of organisations* provided service
support**. Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal or below the target.
*organisations are defined as funded organisations that have an existing sport and recreation grant/s being
managed by DLGSC. Funded organisations do not include recipients of social concession payments as part
of the Regional Athlete Travel Assistance Program as the recipients are individuals. Funded organisations are
recorded through the grants management systems within DLGSC.
**service support refers to advice/information/resources (operational and strategic) provided by DLGSC
staff to organisations supporting sport and recreation service delivery outcomes statewide. The breadth and
depth of service support differs per organisation and is dependent upon the organisations’ level of funding,
engagement and collaboration and/or project involvement with DLGSC throughout the year.
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
N/A | N/A | N/A | 1% | 1% | 1% | 0% |
There was no variation between the 2021-22 budget target and actual.
Efficiency KPI 4.3: Average Cost per recreation camp experience7.
Why we measure
DLGSC provides quality outdoor recreation experiences which encourage participation in outdoor
activities and recreation camp programs. The extensive range of outdoor activities are delivered by skilled
instructors for a wide range of clients, primarily for school and community not-for profit groups. These are
provided in unique recreational camps environments across the five locations — Bickley, Ern Halliday, Point
Walter, Woodman Point and Quaranup (Albany).
Measuring the average cost of providing camp experiences, which includes accommodation options and
participations in a wide range of activities, demonstrates the efficiency in which DLGSC provides its recreation
camps management and service delivery to client groups.
What we measure
The average cost per recreation camp experience measures the correlation between throughput volume
of accommodation provided and a camp participant’s engagement in a DLGSC organised physical activity
program whilst attending the camp, and the cost to deliver these accommodation and participation activity
How we measure
The average cost per camp experience is a direct average of the combined unit cost per camp bed nights
and camp participations. A camp client may have multiple camp experiences during their stay at a camp.
Maintained performance is demonstrated by a result equal to, or below the target.
The total number of bed nights is derived by multiplying the number of persons staying in the recreation
camps by the number of nights stayed. The average cost of bed nights is the total cost of running camps
(management, staffing, maintenance, etc.) divided by the total number of nights (recorded in the Kinetic
Booking System).
The average cost per participation is the total cost of running programs divided by the total number of
participations, which are recorded for every group/client utilising the recreation camps via the Kinetic Booking
2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 target | 2021-2022 actual | Variance |
N/A | N/A | N/A | $42 | $59 | $61 | $2 |
The increase in unit cost per recreation camp experience in 2021-22 ($61) compared to the 2021-22 budget
target ($59) was due to decreased camp bookings and program operations due to by COVID-19 restrictions
from the beginning of term 1 2022 to June 2022.
- The revised Outcome Based Management framework was implemented in 2020-21.
- The revised Outcome Based Management framework was implemented in 2020-21.
- The revised Outcome Based Management framework was implemented in 2020-21.
- The revised Outcome Based Management framework was implemented in 2020-21. This is not a new
measure, but the calculation method has changed.
- The revised Outcome Based Management framework was implemented in 2020-21.
- The revised Outcome Based Management framework was implemented in 2020-21.