Statement of compliance
Hon David Templeman Dip Tchg BEd MLA
Minister for Culture and the Arts; Sport and Recreation; International Education; Heritage
In accordance with section 63 of the Financial Management
Act 2006, I hereby submit for your information and presentation
to Parliament, the Annual Report of the Department of Local
Government, Sport and Cultural Industries for the reporting
period ended 30 June 2024.
The Annual Report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006.
Lanie Chopping
Director General
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
16 September 2024
About this report
Thank you for taking the time to read the DLGSC 2023-2024 Annual Report.
Our Annual Report describes the performance, operation,
and services we have provided during the past 12 months for Parliament, our portfolio
Ministers, stakeholders and the community.
The report has been prepared according to the parliamentary reporting and legislative
requirements and is arranged as follows:
Agency achievements
An overview of major projects and community and sector impact from across the agency.
Agency performance
A summary of DLGSC’s performance against agreed financial and service delivery outcomes.
This section includes DLGSC’s performance against key performance indicators and financial s
Disclosures and compliance
Reports on governance, public accountability, financial management, information management,
people management and equity and diversity.
Director General's Foreword
This has been a landmark year for the
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC).
Over the past 12 months we developed and launched our new Strategic Plan which
will guide our work for fostering a cohesive, prosperous, vibrant and healthy Western
Australian community.
This is fundamental to supporting Western
Australia’s economic development and diversification. It is key to assuring jobs
and opportunities for our children and young people into the future. It assures we
can maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health and wellbeing of all
community members, and it helps promote participation and encourage trust in our
government, at all levels.
Our new Strategic Plan 2024-2029 not only defines DLGSC’s revitalised purpose,
vision, mission and values, it sets out our strategic priorities over the next five years
and prescribes the actions we will take to achieve them. All with the goal of making
sure we do our best to help every Western Australian live their very best life.
This is the beginning of a new era for
DLGSC and for the many communities, industries, sectors and stakeholders that our
funded programs, services and regulatory responsibilities assist every single day.
In the past it has been a challenge to articulate and properly communicate our
identity — who we are and how we work
together as ‘One DLGSC’ to deliver an incredibly diverse range of community focused
That is changing. Our new Strategic Plan clearly articulates who we are as one
agency, and how we work strongly together for the benefit of our community.
One way we demonstrate the strong connections DLGSC’s work has to almost every part of our community, is to take people on a customer journey with a typical Western Australian family, over a typical weekend. You can find this journey below.
While DLGSC provides many more services and programs than are shown in this
particular story, it is a great example of how we support all Western Australians by giving them opportunities to
reach their potential and live their very best lives.
A key focus of our new approach is strengthening our organisation so that we can lead the public sector in
community-focused delivery. We are committed to developing a high-performing DLGSC with a thriving
workforce, empowering our staff by fostering a culture that values diversity, actively listens, and recognises and
respects contributions from all.
I would like to thank DLGSC’s incredible staff for their
engagement in this process, and their commitment to delivering the important services and programs that
really do have the potential to change people’s lives. Our staff are our most important asset and the work they do
every day is valued and valuable.
I would also like to thank our valued stakeholders
across government, industry, sectors, peak bodies, community groups and other organisations for taking
this journey with us.
Together we can achieve great things and tell the
incredible shared story of the positive outcomes we create for the people of Western Australia now and into
the future.
Lanie Chopping
Director General
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries