Local Government Advisory Board 2023-24 Annual Report

Annual report: For the year ending 30 June 2024

Acting Chair's Report

The Local Government Advisory Board (the Board) would like to acknowledge the ongoing efforts of local governments to consolidate and strengthen our Western Australian communities throughout 2023-24. 

This follows the cooperation and commitment of the sector during the previous financial year, where local government reform was a major focus of the State Government.

Ahead of the October 2023 local government elections, 68 local governments implemented significant changes to their ward and/or representation structures to meet reform requirements. These changes included:
  • requiring public election of the mayor or president for all larger councils
  • abolishing the use of wards for smaller local governments 
  • aligning the size of councils with the size of the population of each local government area.

As a result of these changes, 79% of local governments in Western Australia now operate without a ward structure, compared to 70% of local governments prior to the implementation of local government reforms.

As local governments come to the first anniversary of the implementation of these changes, we hope that they are benefitting from the improved efficiency and effectiveness that the reforms were designed to bring.  

I would also like to express my genuine appreciation to all Board members and deputies for their ongoing contributions and support throughout 2023-24. They always deliver a professional, knowledgeable, and independent approach to the decision-making process, which ultimately benefits the local government sector and wider community.

I would like to publicly acknowledge the work of Councillor Dan Bull, former Chair of the Board who resigned in March 2024, after two and a half years in the role. During that time Dan led the Board with dedication and commitment. His leadership and contribution as Chair of the Board will be missed not only by the Board, but by the wider local government sector more broadly. 

I would also like to thank our executive staff, Julie Craig, Taryn Cox and Leah Horton; and former executive staff member Emma Johns, who provided support to the Board throughout the year. Their knowledge and support help the Board operate in an efficient and effective manner.

Amy Halliday
Acting Chairperson — Local Government Advisory Board
30 June 2024
Page reviewed 8 Jan 2025