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The burial index provides a comprehensive database of the individuals buried at the Moore River Native Cemetery. 


Originally conceived as a self-sustaining agricultural and education centre for marginalised Aboriginal people over the next 35 years, it was to become a place of forced incarceration for many under Section 12 of the 1905 Aborigines Act and for others a refuge from the harshness of everyday life. 

Within two years of the establishment of the Settlement children were being removed from their families and placed in dormitories inside a fenced compound, where girls were trained as domestic servants and boys in manual labour and farming.

Their families along with others who arrived lived in makeshift camps located outside the perimeter, yet within the reserve area. The adults worked across the settlement often performing menial jobs at little or no expense to government.

By the late 1920s the settlement had evolved into a rigid multi-purpose facility combining the functions of a creche, orphanage, relief depot, home for the aged, frail and discharged prisoners, a refuge for unmarried mothers and those seeking medical assistance from surrounding districts.

Many resisted the move, while a small number were drawn to the settlement which provided a haven from the inequality of mainstream society.

Throughout the life of the settlement there were periods of extreme overcrowding and unhealthy sanitary conditions. A recurrent theme in the history of the settlement was that over the period of its existence governments of any persuasion were reluctant to spend the necessary money to enable the settlement to function as it was originally intended.

A survey undertaken by magistrate Bateman in 1948 concluded that the outlook of the institution was “absolutely hopeless…the results obtained have been anything but encouraging and … in the conditions which exist at Moore River there can be no possible change of success and its continuance without drastic change of policy represents a waste of money and effort”.

Viewed as being counter to the assimilationist policy of the late 1940s the settlement was handed over to the methodist overseas mission in 1951 to be run as the Mogumber training centre.

Death and burial information

In 1921 an area of land (0.6 hectares) was gazetted for a cemetery (reserve no. 17702) approximately 2km south-west of the settlement. Prior to the proclamation two children and four adults were buried in a nearby reserve in unmarked graves 2km to the west.

Seven years later iron crosses were introduced to mark the graves of those who were buried. Within the first decade, 99 people were buried, the majority dying from bronchitis and pneumonia. A further 278 would be laid to rest by 1964 when the last burial took place.

Statistical details

Of the 374 deaths that occurred during the lifetime of the settlement, 54 percent were children under 18 and 73 percent of these were under the age of five, a telling number reflecting the harsh conditions the residents endured.

191 were females and 180 were males, while three remain unidentified. Six women are known to have died during childbirth and six of those who are buried were born interstate. These figures are based on records that were located during the research however do not account for all the deaths that occurred at the Settlement. 181 can be linked to families throughout Western Australia, and 40 remain unknown.



  • Chief Protector of Aborigines AO Neville appointed.
  • Enquiries regarding the establishment of a Settlement, somewhere, in the Midland district ‘on the same lines as Carrolup’.
  • Native Settlement area temporarily reserved 135km north of Perth and 11km west of Mogumber.
  • The site is said to have been ‘well known to the natives being one of their old meeting and hunting grounds’.


  • Site inspected by AO Neville who is impressed by its suitability for a ‘native’ Settlement. The area comprising 9,600 acres (647 hectares) was subsequently proclaimed as a reserve for Aboriginal people at Moore River in November.


  • The Moore River Native Settlement gazetted to be a self-sustaining agricultural and education centre for Aboriginal people.
  • Temporary store and dwelling house completed.
  • First residents registered – Ranjal and Maude from Derby.
  • Section 12 of the 1905 Aborigines Act first used to forcefully remove Aboriginal families from Beverley.
  • Number of residents in July is 19.
  • First recorded birth in October.
  • First recorded death in December.


  • Number of residents increases to 93 over 12-month period.
  • Five-bedroom bungalow for the Superintendent with all conveniences, staff quarters, a girl’s dormitory, assistant’s cottage and a bake and cook house erected.


  • School established.


  • Large children’s dining room, store and office erected.
  • One acre set aside for a cemetery (Reserve No.17702).
  • The collapse of the Settlement well sees the residents forced to rely on the pools within Moore River for water.
  • Agricultural development funding reduced.
  • Influenza outbreak.


  • Carrolup Settlement closed (30 June), Aboriginal people aged from 7 weeks to 70 years transferred to the Settlement.
  • Number of residents 306.
  • Eight officers on staff.
  • 100 acres (41 hectares) of wheat and hay sown.
  • Manufacture of clothing for distribution throughout the State commences.
  • First football match between the Settlement (Settlement Boys) and New Norcia Mission. the Settlement won by one goal.


  • Work undertaken on the Settlement included additions to the Girl’s Dormitory, erection of a new kitchen adjoining the dining hall, erection of a sewing hall, a hospital of two wards, wash house, bathroom and additions to staff quarters.
  • Water from overhead tanks to all buildings completed.
  • Additional 10 acres (4 hectares) of land cleared.
  • Measles epidemic.


  • 101 children listed on school roll.
  • 7,314 garments/items of clothing manufactured by the residents for distribution throughout the Western Australia.
  • Farm assistant’s quarters removed to a more suitable location.


  • Gravel track between the Settlement and the Mogumber Railway Line completed.
  • Work at the Settlement described as ‘progressing satisfactorily’ with the general health of the residents being ‘exceedingly good’.
  • Kangaroo and brush flesh totalling 10,959 lbs (4,970kg) obtained by the residents lessened the need to slaughter sheep.
  • Production of clothing results in a substantial saving in expenditure.


  • Accommodation of residents described as overcrowded with 317 people on the register.
  • Additional land outside of the Settlement leased for cultivation of more crops.
  • There are 104 children and two teachers.
  • Sunday Times reports the children allowed to bath once a week or bathed daily in the river.


  • The Settlement is enlarged to allow for the cultivation upon which to raise “sufficient” sheep to supply the needs of the residents.
  • A garage and clothing store erected. The road leading to the Superintendent’s house is gravelled.
  • A further 1,000 pine trees planted.


  • 100 cast iron crosses made to be placed on the graves in the cemetery.


  • Water tanks installed to supply the compound, Superintendent’s house and staff quarters.
  • A ‘new’ hospital containing two large wards each holding eight beds established along with a nurse’s room, attendants’ room, kitchen and bathrooms.
  • 3,000 pine trees planted adjacent to the Settlement.
  • A ‘new’ slaughterhouse and holiday yard established.


  • A display of clothing and fancy work produced by the residents exhibited at the Royal Show attracts great attention.
  • Settlement described as hopelessly overcrowded.
  • Infant mortality rises.
  • Employment opportunities outside Settlement decrease.


  • Economic conditions impact upon the Settlement due to the Great Depression resulting in the provision of ‘curtailed’ rations.
  • ‘New’ wash house erected.
  • Population increases as employment opportunities outside the Settlement decrease.
  • Molly Craig, Daisy and Gracie escape and walk 2,414 km to Jigalong the later part of the journey along the Rabbit Proof Fence.


  • The ‘overcrowding’ of the Settlement is described by the Chief Protector of Aborigines as the ‘drawback to reform’.
  • Sports fund established through a bequest from the Sunday Times, allowing for the purchase of cricket, football, gymnastic and games equipment.
  • Budgetary measures restrict the upkeep and on-going development of the Settlement.
  • Work of a general nature continues.
  • Several small buildings of stone and pug erected along with a new washhouse.
  • Population increase to 500.
  • Large area encompassing the Settlement declared a prohibited area to prevent people from escaping.


  • Following an outback of scabies 81 residents of Northern transferred to the Settlement.
  • A camp cook house situated outside the compound fence is opened to replace the rationing of food to residents.
  • Vegetable garden and crops destroyed by flooding.
  • The school is described as ‘over-taxed’ and ‘over-crowded’.
  • ‘Lighter coloured’ children sent to Sister Kate’s Children’s Home.
  • New cells in gaol.


  • Several ‘new’ camps for residents made from wood and iron erected. Stone wall erected around the staff quarters.
  • Influenza epidemic forces the temporary closure of the school. A bough shed is built to accommodate the increased number of children attending school.
  • Dances, gymnastics, plays, lectures, drills, clubs and religious instruction held six nights per week.


  • Additional funds secured for the restoration of infrastructure. A man’s ward, surgery, nurses’ quarters, medical ward and children’s room executed by the Superintendent ‘with native labour’.
  • 70 adolescent female residents engaged as domestic servants outside the Settlement.
  • ‘Drastic action’ taken to suppress the enticement of ‘natives’ from the Settlement.
  • An ‘up-to-date’ generator and pumping plant installed.
  • Severe measles epidemic following on from an outbreak of pneumonia results in the admission of 91 patients to the hospital.
  • Drainage system connected to the hospital and dormitories.
  • The farm is described as a ‘valuable training ground for boys after leaving school’ where they are placed ‘until they are ready to go out to employment’.
  • The output of the sewing room is hampered by the need for new machines.


  • Almost 6,000 garments produced with an additional 3,232 issued to residents within the Settlement.
  • Five tons (5,080 kilograms) of green vegetables produced and consumed.
  • Growing demand for Settlement trained married couples and boys.
  • Report of the Royal Commissioner Appointed to Investigate, Report, and Advise upon Matters in Relation to the Condition and Treatment of Aborigines by H.D. Moseley released.


  • Newspaper reports that the Settlement strongly condemned by the Mosely Commission… ‘Bigger things must be done if one of the most shameful blots in the social life of the Sate and Australia as a whole is to be removed’.


  • Children receiving monthly parcel of comics until the end of World War II.
  • Influenza epidemic followed by outbreaks of whopping cough and mumps.
  • Residents make clothing and materials to assist with the war effort – Camp Comfort Fund.


  • 22 people passed away.
  • Carrolup Native Settlement reopened and named Marribank Farm School.
  • Residents admitted and those who could not speak English or had names difficult to pronounce given new names.


  • Improvements noted in foods with wholemeal bread produced in the Settlement bakery from wheat grown on the Settlement. There is also a better supply of ‘home-grown’ vegetables.
  • Piggery commences.
  • Less than a quarter of farm area under cultivation.


  • 33 unemployed people from Guildford area and their families arrive after demonstrating ‘plenty of hostility.’


  • Enquiries instituted by the Department of Native Affairs resulting in action being taken to remove those in authority who were responsible for the deteriorating conditions at the Settlement.


  • Settlement conditions attacked in Legislative Assembly following a visit to the Settlement by Mr Grayden (Lib., Middle Swan) who stated that ‘although he had been warned, he had been ashamed to think that those conditions should prevail’.
  • There are 105 children receiving tuition at the school.
  • The Minister for Native Affairs (Mr McDonald) advises that the Government is aware that the conditions at the Settlement are far from satisfactory and that steps had been taken to transfer 14-year-old boys to the Settlement farm into rural employment when they left the school.
  • 40 children taken to Moora Show with spending money of two shillings.


  • Staff difficulties continue to be a major problem affecting the work being done, a qualified nurse, a storekeeper and three female attendants are required.
  • Bateman Report on a Survey of Native Affairs is tabled stating ‘Even a cursory inspection of the Settlement will convince anyone that the outlook from an institutional viewpoint is absolutely hopeless.’
  • Reported 3,000 men, women and children recorded as attending the outpatient’s department of the hospital in a three-month period.


  • It is stated the Settlement had reached a peak of efficiency not obtained for many years before rapidly deteriorating through staff changes and the engagement of irresponsible staff.
  • A.L. Ethell, an experienced Officer of the Papuan Native Affairs Department, is appointed Superintendent in January.
  • Practice of locking up residents at 5.00pm is abandoned.
  • The Minister for Native Affairs states that the role of Moore River under departmental policy is to be altered by the removal of the children but it will remain as an important Settlement under native welfare.
  • Girls sent to Nedlands and Wandering Mission boys to Carrolup Education Centre.
  • Consultations commence over the future of The Settlement with Methodist Overseas Missions’.


  • A total of 73 projects completed including the demolition of 17 buildings, provision of a new supply of fresh water, new ablution block and laundry and the renovation of kindergarten.
  • Administration overhauled.
  • Wages of 150 pounds per month above that previously paid is introduced for the Aboriginal workers.
  • A ‘Natives’ Private Trust Fund’ created with an increase in wages.
  • Movement of children to Merribank commences.
  • The Settlement football team permitted to play in district competition – the Settlement won scoring 20 goals 10 behinds to Gingin (all non-Aboriginal players) 4 goals ten behinds.


  • The girls of school age transferred from the Moore River and Carrolup Settlements to missions according to their religious affiliation.
  • Many adults, some with families and others receiving medical or reformative treatment remain.
  • Those employable and free from disease or other physical disability are ‘dispersed’ to employment.
  • Water supply augmented through the sinking and connecting of a well (still visible today).
  • Poor weather conditions result in the loss of a significant number of pine trees planted in 1949 and half the number of citrus trees planted during the year.
  • The existing goat herd is transferred to Moola Bulla in the Kimberley, Cosmo Newberry and other mission locations.
  • The Settlement produces 1,200 dozen eggs for the year.
  • Residents walk a kilometre to a sunken well to obtain water as their only supply for drinking, cooking, washing.
  • No toilet facilities available resulting in unhygienic conditions in the surrounding bush.
  • Only a few old pensioners and orphaned children remain at the Settlement at the close of the financial year and arrangement made for the Methodist Overseas Missions to continue with their care on assuming control.
  • Institution maintained by a skeleton staff leading up to its closure and handover on 13 August.
  • The closure is gradual with a small number of residents and staff remaining.
  • Mogumber Primary School and Kindergarten established. High School students to Moora.


  • 49 children attending school showing remarkable progress in the attitude to work and personal hygiene. 17 aged 3 years or younger.
  • The state of repair of the buildings presents a most serious problem.


  • A flock of 70 killing sheep provides the meat supply for the community.
  • Prime Minister Menzies wife visits.
  • Staff of 5 married couples, a single man and 2 triple certificate nurses.
  • A total of 68 children under 16 years for whom a subsidy is received plus eight others under care and ‘about’ 44 adults in residence.
  • 18 babies in the creche at the hospital.
  • The health of the children is described as excellent.
  • Problems associated with sanitation are identified in a report from the Department of Public Health.
  • The underground water supply is found to have a too high salt content to be suitable for human use.
  • WA Government and the Board of Missions provide a grant of £5,000 for agricultural machinery and developments.
  • Emphasis on developing farmland for cropping and pasture. A vegetable garden established to the west for the Mission along the river flat for home consumption.
  • 120 fowls purchased, and poultry sheds and yards constructed.
  • Establishment of a piggery with the donation of a sow. 14 head of cattle providing part of the necessary milk supply.


  • 70 child residents, 45 of school age attending the Mission School.
  • Two schoolteachers are teaching to Year 6 standard.


  • Three cottages of younger boys and girls and a fourth cottage for school age boys under the care of married couples with assistance from older girls who are training.
  • Total population of 150.
  • Epidemic of mumps with 49 cases identified.
  • One new cottage constructed.
  • Agriculture shows ‘plenty of promise’ with 1,200 acres (486 hectares) under development comprising 320 acres (130 hectares) of lupins (for the second year), 450 acres (182 hectares) of oats and 430 acres (174 hectares) under pasture.
  • Agricultural pursuits hampered by a lack of finance and a heavy bank overdraft.
  • A wool clip drawn from 360 ewes and 150 lambs.


  • Older girls gain practical house management skills under the guidance of house mothers.
  • Pre-school play centre commences.
  • Maternity Home and Creche designed to accommodate up to 10 babies.
  • 500 sheep and 150 lambs ‘doing well’, 40 pigs, 21 cattle, 4 horses and 200 fowls provide an opportunity to learn animal husbandry for the older boys.


  • Difficulties encountered by lack of permanent staff and changing temporary staff with only a 7 serving for a three-year period.
  • A total population of 104 people comprising 85 children under 16 years, nine aged between 16 and 21 and 10 adults.
  • Agricultural industrial and technical programs implemented for education and training purposes.


  • Population of 80 children under 16 years of age, 10 children on the Mission with their parents. Further 16 people over the age of 16 years working on the Mission.
  • Camp cottages relocated and remodelled to house Aboriginal workers and non-Aboriginal staff.
  • Opening of manual arts training centre and domestic science centre, outfitted by the Education Department.
  • Agricultural work said to be causing ‘some financial anxiety’.


  • Pre-school play centre opens under the direction of the Kindergarten Union is funded by the Education Department.


  • Resident population of 120 people. Seven cottages.
  • Students participate in the youth march at the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games, Perth.


  • Two dormitories built in advance of the first intake of students for the Agricultural School with the aim of producing ‘useful farm hands’. The school was established closely resembling other existing Agricultural Schools.
  • Appointment of teacher by Education Department and commencement of a three-year course for teenage boys in various aspect of agricultural work and general maintenance.
  • Mission isolated by flooding due to unpredicted heavy rainfall.
  • Construction of additional children’s cottage, teachers’ residence, cottage for the older boys and a staff flat.
  • Implementation of the Youth Training Scheme prepared by the Minister of Native Welfare.
  • Running a total of 1,000 sheep, 30 cattle, 100 pigs, 400 fowl.


  • 13 permanent staff, six temporary employees.
  • At the time of transfer Commissioner of the Department Natives Affairs stated, ‘that the Settlement could be carried out more efficiently and satisfactorily by Christian Mission than by a secular authority’.
  • Establishment of Agricultural School by the Education Department.


  • Infant school closes. Children in grades one, two & three attend Mogumber Town School.
  • 14 pre-school children.
  • 14 high school children attending Moora High School.
  • 10 domestic trainees, 19 agricultural trainees, three post agricultural boys receiving additional experience and two secondary school students residing in Perth.
  • 100 children in care.
  • Domestic wing established for post primary girls who have not qualified for secondary education. Building program hampered by lack of finance.
  • Boys attending the Agricultural School - 1st year (year 8) twelve, 2nd year (year 9) 10 and 3rd year (year ten) 2.
  • Water supply described as far from satisfactory for both domestic use and the program of the Agricultural School.
  • Agricultural development is ‘pleasing with practically 3000 acres (1214 hectares) under cultivation’ and a ‘further 100 acres (40 hectares) chained to be burnt’ in 1968. Over 2,000 sheep, 100 head of cattle and 100 pigs.
  • 1967 Referendum occurs.


  • The Mogumber Methodist Mission is renamed to become the Methodist Mission Training Centre.
  • Six married couples, four nursing sisters, eight temporary staff members.
  • The transition from a mission to a training centre suggested.
  • Boys attending the Agricultural School grow vegetables which are sold to the staff and cottages in the Training Centre.
  • Training in agriculture, carpentry and the care and maintenance of vehicles and engines.


  • Emphasis placed upon ground development, landscaping, tree planting, tidiness.
  • The (existing) Church is renovated by the older boys and staff and rededicated in the memory of the first missionary and his wife who retired after 17 years of service.
  • Two cottages provided to accommodate 24 boys in training ‘that will give them the opportunities not possible without it’.
  • Frequent changes of staff, and management with the resultant changes in policy, plus degrading conditions gave the place a bad name among native peoples and official circles.
  • Drought conditions see a reduction in sheep and cattle numbers.
  • Children drawn principally from country centres south of Geraldton and from broken homes or wards of the state.
  • A creche catering for four children under the age of two years.
  • Six cottages with children up to seventeen years of age and a senior boys’ cottage housing boys aged from thirteen years onwards.
  • 63 children under care or in training.


  • Mogumber Methodist Training Centre commenced the transfer of children aged from five through to fifteen years (predominantly state wards) to Perth.
  • A considerable number of pigs sold with several batches topping the Midland Markets.
  • A favourable season results in ‘the production’ of cereal crops with at the average yield for the district.
  • Additional farm equipment purchased to overcome staff shortages.
  • Trickle irrigation trialled on vineyard of 100 vines and 40 citrus trees.
  • Staff complement of ten married couples and nine singles.
  • Five cottages devoted to childcare each with a cottage mother and approximately 10 children in ‘as close to a normal home environment as possible’.
  • 60 children in care.
  • Agricultural School training occurs every alternate week in classes conducted by two teachers appointed by the Education Department.
  • 10 graduates from the Agricultural School presented with Diplomas by the Minister for Education and Native Affairs.
  • The management of the Hostels in Perth from 1971 was at the request of the Native Welfare Department.
  • A policy statement prepared recommending discontinuing the trainee girls work at Mogumber along with the childcare aspect in favour of the establishment of the metropolitan facilities.


  • Farming enterprise said to be ‘improving year by year’ with a record number of bales of wool fetching an excellent return.
  • Industrial Complex workshop housing the work of the Carpenter, Engineers, Plumber and Farm team is provided by the Education Department.
  • Agricultural School dormitories renovated.
  • Fruit and vegetables produced on the property delivered to the Mogumber Railway Station for transportation to the Perth markets on a weekly basis.
  • Powerhouse and street lighting upgraded.
  • Refurbishment of school dormitories occurs.
  • Admission of the first-year students to the Agricultural School.
  • Evening classes for students introduced.
  • Swimming pool completed at a cost of approximately $11,000.
  • Purchase of new workshop facilities and equipment.


  • Staff consists of 11 married couples and 16 singles.
  • Approximately 9 children (between 5 and 15 years) accommodated in each of three Cottages, under the care of a Cottage Mother and Assistant.
  • 22 ‘part’ Aboriginal children.
  • Agricultural School catering for 24 boys ranging in age from 14-16 years who have completed one year at high school. Education Department responsible for formal schooling of a two-year course in basic, practical Agricultural and related trades, such as engineering and manual arts.
  • 24 dairy cattle, 130 cows plus calves, 30 breeding sows plus litters, 3,000 sheep plus lambs and 200 poultry.
  • Reasonable rains and rising wool prices brighten the outlook of the farm, being ‘quite competitive with local holdings’. Self-sufficient except for salaries met by the Overseas Mission.
  • A second-hand store was being operated, attracting customers from Moora.
  • Intercommunication telephone system installed by staff.
  • Federal Government grants to parents introduced.
  • Working Party refurbishes Moore River ford providing access to the arable land known as the northern side ‘Standaway Farm’.
  • Postmaster General installs underground line and switchboard. Intercom system of fifteen telephones linking the cottages and workplaces is commissioned.
  • Commonwealth Government provides a grant of $64,000 to the Mogumber Training Centre Council.
  • Ten graduates presented with diplomas from the Superintendent of Agricultural Schools.
  • On closure 3,700 acres (1300 hectares) of farmland existed.


  • Eight married couples, nine single females, one single male and three volunteers operate the training centre.
  • The Settlement vested in the Aboriginal Lands Trust (ALT).
  • The ALT writes to Methodist Overseas Mission enquiring about the future of the Reserve with the view that it be handed back to the trust ‘as soon as practicable’.
  • The role of the operation of the MOE at Mogumber as an Aboriginal childcare agency and agricultural and trade training facility were becoming less valid.
  • Change in Government policy ends the training program.
  • Application submitted to the ALT by the Budjarra Aboriginal Community Association comprising members drawn from the Mogumber Training Centre regarding the continued operation of the facility.
  • Staffing and managerial problems lead to the closure of the dairy after many years of supplying milk for the centre. The farm is described as ‘generally on its feet’ with prospects of a bright future supporting an expanded program.
  • The high cost of maintaining the Agricultural School within the complex combined with a dwindling number of aspirants lessened the predictability of the future operation. The transfer was in accord with a meeting of the General Conference of the Methodist Church in Melbourne in 1972, advocation of the restoration of traditional lands to Aboriginal people ‘that Aborigines… be given corporate ownership and control over all reserves….and where possible, traditional lands be restored to the Aboriginal people”.
  • The training becoming irrelevant in the age of increased mechanisation and where skills of a more technical nature were required.
  • Assistant Director General of Education informs the Board of Missions that the Agricultural School will close.
  • 11 students graduate at the Agricultural School in December with diplomas being presented by the Assistant Director-General of Education. Since the inception of the school in 1964 a total of 68 students had successfully graduated.


  • The Mogumber Property and Farm closed, and lease handed over to the ALT. The move is supported by both the State and Commonwealth Governments.


  • ALT grants a 99-year lease to the Wheatbelt Aboriginal Corporation.


  • Mogumber recognised as a significant heritage site. The Statement of Significance outlines that ‘Mogumber Mission (fmr) and Cemetery, [is] a site containing the remains of buildings, structures and camping places relating to the Moore River Native Settlement (1917-1951) and to the Mogumber Methodist Mission (1951-1976), and including a gazetted cemetery, is of cultural heritage significance …’ 2018.


  • 2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Settlement.
  • Today the Settlement represents historic importance in recognising past trauma and the impact that the Stolen Generations had on many Aboriginal people who were removed from their families and placed in state care. The site and its associated memories continue to play an important role in the healing and acknowledgement of the past, providing descendants of the people who are buried there with a social and spiritual connection. The cemetery is one of the largest Aboriginal burial grounds in Australia containing over 400 mainly unmarked graves.

Search the Moore River Burial Index


Please be aware that this publication contains the names of deceased persons.

Published by

The following publication has been compiled by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) Aboriginal History WA (AHWA) division.

Cultural acknowledgement

The DLGSC acknowledges the Yued people, the Traditional Custodians of land on which the Moore River Native Settlement (Settlement) was established and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We acknowledge and pay tribute to the many Aboriginal families throughout the state who were sent to the Settlement and those who passed away and are buried there.

Page reviewed 20 January 2025