Performance enhancing drugs in sport

Position: Position on performance enhancing drugs in sport


The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries expects sport to be fair, safe and inclusive. All levels of sport with an element of competition should be based on natural ability, determination and fair play.

The department condemns the use of banned performance enhancing substances and other doping and drug taking practices in sport.  


The State Government, through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, along with other government agencies play an important role in promoting a drug free culture in sport through the implementation of legislation, regulation, policies and programs. 


Taking performance enhancing drugs are:

  • contrary to the ethics of sport; and
  • could be dangerous to the health of competitors/participants. 


The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) leads the global harmonisation of anti-doping policies and practices. There are three elements which together ensure the optimal harmonisation and best practice in international and national doping programs:

  • the World Anti-Doping Code (Code), provides the framework for harmonised anti-doping policies, rules and regulations within sport organisations and among public authorities;
  • International Standards which foster consistency among anti-doping organisations in various technical areas such as; sample collection and testing, intelligence gathering, conducting investigations, specifying prohibited substances, issuing therapeutic use exemptions and protection of privacy and personal information; and
  • Model Rules, which assist National Olympic Committees, International Federations, major event organisations and National Anti-Doping Organisations to draft anti-doping rules in line with the Code.

The Australian Sports Anti-doping Authority (ASADA) is Australia’s national anti-doping organisation and delivers an integrated anti-doping program that is consistent with the principles of World Anti-Doping Code and International Standards.

ASADA works closely with sports, athletes, support personnel, law enforcement agencies and governments in:

  • Designing and delivering education and communication programs;
  • Detecting and managing anti-doping rule violations, from athlete testing to managing and presenting anti-doping rule violation cases;
  • Conducting anti-doping intelligence and investigation cases;
  • Monitoring and reporting the compliance of sport anti-doping policies; and
  • Supporting athletes to meet their anti-doping obligations.

All National Sporting Organisations (NSOs) and affiliated State Sporting Associations (SSAs) are bound by the Code. NSOs require their members to:

  • abide by the Code-compliant anti-doping policies;
  • drive the implementation of effective anti-doping programs;
  • educate athletes and athlete support personnel about the dangers and consequences of doping;
  • collect important information on doping risks and trends; and

impose sanctions for breaches of anti-doping rules.


All Australian Governments, including the WA State Government have committed to the National Anti-Doping Framework which seeks to provide a nationally-coordinated approach to implementing the World Anti-Doping Code. The framework operates on the basis that governments work together by:

  • recognising the primacy of ASADA in delivering Code-compliant anti-doping programs and activities in Australia;
  • reporting instances of possible anti-doping rule violations to ASADA, where appropriate and feasible;
  • sharing information regarding the development of anti-doping related initiatives;
  • supporting investigations by ASADA into possible anti-doping rule violations, where appropriate and feasible, the provision of intelligence and establishing partnerships between ASADA and relevant state government agencies;
  • expecting athletes, athlete support persons and other people participating in state level sporting events or training at state based academies and institutes are subject to a Code-compliant anti-doping policy;
  • respecting the rights of athletes and ensuring procedural fairness, and
  • recognising and enforcing penalties against those who committed an anti-doping rule violation; and implementing a consistent response to sports which do not operate Code-compliant anti-doping policies.

The department provides funding to sports that are aligned to the WADA code. 


Senior Policy Officer
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries – Sport and Recreation
Telephone 08 6552 7300


National Anti-doping Framework  


6 September 2016


1 February 2017

Page reviewed 26 May 2021