Strategic Directions: 2020—2023

Strategic plan: The department's strategic directions.

DLGSC functional areas

  • Strategy and Governance
  • Infrastructure
  • Regulation, Licensing and Local Government
  • Sport and Recreation and Regional Engagement
  • Arts and Cultural Services
  • Departmental Resources and Capacity


A vibrant, inclusive and resilient WA community


To enable dynamic and inclusive communities and support the WA economy

What we do

  • Contribute to the wellbeing of the community.
  • Improve capability and outcomes across the local government, sport and recreation and culture and arts sectors.
  • Enable equitable participation of CaLD communities across all aspects of society, and promote, support and celebrate the State’s cultural diversity.
  • Encourage and enable understanding the history of WA, including Aboriginal cultures, as context for contemporary society.
  • Facilitate public engagement with highly valued sporting, cultural and recreational spaces and places.


  • To support the public sector through a fit for purpose, sound legislative and policy framework that enables efficient and effective services to the community, supported by good governance.
  • To promote participation and achievement in sport, recreation, culture and arts.
  • To support and grow the cultural industries.
  • To promote and enhance the benefits of cultural diversity and social inclusion.
  • To ensure liquor and gambling activities are conducted in the public interest.
  • To celebrate Aboriginal culture and preserve history and traditions.


We will achieve this by:

  • Work collaboratively with the community, all tiers of government and key stakeholders to implement a shared approach to improve community engagement and experience.
  • Be efficient, effective and responsive through an agile and flexible workforce.
  • Responding proactively to State Government imperatives such as election commitments and stated strategic priorities.
  • Contributing to the achievement of whole-of-State Government targets.
  • Use evidence based information to develop community focused engagement and partnerships.


  • respectful
  • customer focused
  • responsive
  • accountable
  • innovative.

Strategic Direction Setting

Strategies and programs

1. Strategic priority and infrastructure programs

  1. WA Recovery Plan — infrastructure investment program of work
  2. Local Government Sustainability — program of work
  3. State Football Centre
  4. State Sporting Infrastructure Plan — implementation
  5. Screen infrastructure
  6. Strategic asset maintenance guidance and monitoring
  7. Creative Industries Strategy
  8. Multicultural Policy Framework
  9. Regional Aboriginal Communities Framework.

2. Sector sustainability, capacity building and excellence

  1. WA Recovery Plan — sustainability program of work
  2. Legislative and policy reform — ongoing, new and associated
  3. Review Cemeteries and Cremations Act
  4. Public Open Space Policy and Shared User Guide for education facilities
  5. Child Safe Guarding
  6. Women in sport and leadership
  7. Guidance/monitoring of sector infrastructure management practices
  8. Motorsport Strategy — continue implementation
  9. Off Road Vehicle Reform
  10. Develop innovative ways to progress Asian Engagement
  11. Support CaLD communities to deliver events
  12. Regulations to support the Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018
  13. Trial of a Banned Drinkers Register/Takeaway Alcohol Management System
  14. National Framework for Consumer Protection for online gambling
  15. Implement regulatory regime for private operator of TAB
  16. Support Aboriginal Cultural Centre
  17. Lead truth telling Aboriginal History projects
  18. Information Management Framework
  19. Local government capability building
  20. State Local Government Partnership Agreement
  21. Community Wellbeing Progress Index.

3. Agile operations and strong business support systems

  1. Develop Public Value Model and measurement framework
  2. Culture and values program — embedding values and behaviours
  3. Workforce planning — embed fit for purpose operating model
  4. Proactively address Audit (OAG) recommendations to mitigate risks identified
  5. Leverage Financial capabilities across project controls/program management and maintain high standards of financial management and accounting
  6. Business improvement program — redesign processes aligned to audits
  7. System Enhancement and Digitisation (incl. digital security), contemporary systems integration (new technologies) and realise benefits of existing systems
  8. Contemporary Engagement Models (incl. developing materiality frameworks)
  9. Enhance evidence base and business intelligence for decision making
  10. Explore innovation funding/alternative funding models.
Page reviewed 17 Jun 2021