DLGSC functional areas
- Strategy and Governance
- Infrastructure
- Regulation, Licensing and Local Government
- Sport and Recreation and Regional Engagement
- Arts and Cultural Services
- Departmental Resources and Capacity
A vibrant, inclusive and resilient WA community
To enable dynamic and inclusive communities and support the WA economy
What we do
- Contribute to the wellbeing of the community.
- Improve capability and outcomes across the local government, sport and recreation and culture and arts sectors.
- Enable equitable participation of CaLD communities across all aspects of society, and promote, support and celebrate the State’s cultural diversity.
- Encourage and enable understanding the history of WA, including Aboriginal cultures, as context for contemporary society.
- Facilitate public engagement with highly valued sporting, cultural and recreational spaces and places.
- To support the public sector through a fit for purpose, sound legislative and policy framework that enables efficient and effective services to the community, supported by good governance.
- To promote participation and achievement in sport, recreation, culture and arts.
- To support and grow the cultural industries.
- To promote and enhance the benefits of cultural diversity and social inclusion.
- To ensure liquor and gambling activities are conducted in the public interest.
- To celebrate Aboriginal culture and preserve history and traditions.
We will achieve this by:
- Work collaboratively with the community, all tiers of government and key stakeholders to implement a shared approach to improve community engagement and experience.
- Be efficient, effective and responsive through an agile and flexible workforce.
- Responding proactively to State Government imperatives such as election commitments and stated strategic priorities.
- Contributing to the achievement of whole-of-State Government targets.
- Use evidence based information to develop community focused engagement and partnerships.
- respectful
- customer focused
- responsive
- accountable
- innovative.
Strategic Direction Setting
Strategies and programs
1. Strategic priority and infrastructure programs
- WA Recovery Plan — infrastructure investment program of work
- Local Government Sustainability — program of work
- State Football Centre
- State Sporting Infrastructure Plan — implementation
- Screen infrastructure
- Strategic asset maintenance guidance and monitoring
- Creative Industries Strategy
- Multicultural Policy Framework
- Regional Aboriginal Communities Framework.
2. Sector sustainability, capacity building and excellence
- WA Recovery Plan — sustainability program of work
- Legislative and policy reform — ongoing, new and associated
- Review Cemeteries and Cremations Act
- Public Open Space Policy and Shared User Guide for education facilities
- Child Safe Guarding
- Women in sport and leadership
- Guidance/monitoring of sector infrastructure management practices
- Motorsport Strategy — continue implementation
- Off Road Vehicle Reform
- Develop innovative ways to progress Asian Engagement
- Support CaLD communities to deliver events
- Regulations to support the Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018
- Trial of a Banned Drinkers Register/Takeaway Alcohol Management System
- National Framework for Consumer Protection for online gambling
- Implement regulatory regime for private operator of TAB
- Support Aboriginal Cultural Centre
- Lead truth telling Aboriginal History projects
- Information Management Framework
- Local government capability building
- State Local Government Partnership Agreement
- Community Wellbeing Progress Index.
3. Agile operations and strong business support systems
- Develop Public Value Model and measurement framework
- Culture and values program — embedding values and behaviours
- Workforce planning — embed fit for purpose operating model
- Proactively address Audit (OAG) recommendations to mitigate risks identified
- Leverage Financial capabilities across project controls/program management and maintain high standards of financial management and accounting
- Business improvement program — redesign processes aligned to audits
- System Enhancement and Digitisation (incl. digital security), contemporary systems integration (new technologies) and realise benefits of existing systems
- Contemporary Engagement Models (incl. developing materiality frameworks)
- Enhance evidence base and business intelligence for decision making
- Explore innovation funding/alternative funding models.