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Respondent profile

42 art gallery, library, museum and archive organisations shared their experiences on how COVID-19 has impacted their work. 

Respondent type

  • 38% Sole traders
  • 29% Not-for-profits
  • 14% Partnerships
  • 12% Companies
  • 7% Freelancers.

Industry sub-category (top responses)

  • 52% Art galleries
  • 24% Libraries
  • 21% Museums.

The following findings are based on respondents’ reported impacts from 1 April to 30 June 2020. 

Number of jobs

Jobs in art galleries, libraries, museums and archive operations fell 35%. This was based on expected versus actual number of employees reported by partnerships, companies, and not-for-profits operating in the art gallery, library, museum and archive sector. There were significant decreases in casual jobs (down 76%) and freelance and contract jobs (down 62%).

Actual versus expected revenue

  • 27% - Percentage of expected revenue earned before COVID-19 support
  • 29% - Percentage of expected revenue earned after COVID-19 support.

COVID-19 support

  • 14% - Received COVID-19 support
  • $607 - Average value of support.


Percentage of business entities that received JobKeeper assistance for employees

  • N/A - Freelancer
  • 27% - Sole trader
  • 0%* - Partnership
  • 33%* - Company
  • 0% - Not-for-profit.

Alternative revenue sources

Percentage of business entities that needed to draw on alternative revenue sources to cover lost revenue

 Sole trader
Business reserves--50%0%44%
Personal savings 67%53%50%33%11%
Superannuation  33%7%0%0%0%
Credit cards 0%17%50%0%0%
Family and friends0%7%50%0%0%
Bank loan 0%3%0%0%0%
Other 0%7%0%33%11%

* Small sample size (<5 respondents) 


This fact sheet was compiled from a survey conducted in 2020 by CATALYSE® Pty Ltd on behalf of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. View the full survey report.

Page reviewed 03 September 2024