Acting Chair’s report
I am pleased to present the 2023-24 Annual Report of the Western Australian Local Government Grants Commission (the Commission).
The Commission is a statutory body established under the Local Government Grants Act 1978. Its principal function is to make recommendations to the Minister for Local Government on the allocation of Commonwealth Financial Assistance Grants to Western Australia’s 137 local governments.
Over the past 12 months, the Commission held public hearings with 18 local governments regarding grant methodology. These helped the Commission to better understand the needs and challenges facing local governments.
Hearings at the shires of Derby West-Kimberley, Halls Creek and Wyndham East-Kimberley were particularly helpful for the Commission to understand the circumstances confronting those local governments.
I would like to thank all 18 local governments for their willingness to engage in these hearings. I would especially like to thank the Shire of Ashburton for providing the Commission fuel when, due to maintenance issues, there were no functioning refuelling facilities available in town and the Commission had a tight timeline of hearings to conduct!
The National Grants Commission Conference for chairs and executive officers was held in November 2023 and was hosted by the Tasmanian Grants Commission. This bi-annual conference always provides a great opportunity for all participants to discuss best practice examples and major projects that each state may be working on.
During this year, the Commission faced some challenges including ameliorating issues caused by the 100 per cent advance payment (over and under payments) of the 2023-24 FA Grants. While the Commission intended to redistribute all of the over and under payments this year, unfortunately this was not possible due to the operation of the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 (Cth). It is hoped the redistribution of these funds will be completed by the 2025-26 FA Grants. We will continue to communicate with affected local governments throughout this process.
I would like to thank all Commission members for their dedication over the past 12 months. I would also like to thank Cr Dan Bull for his expert guidance as Chair of the Commission from June 2023 until March 2024. Cr Bull’s knowledge, experience and contribution was highly valued, and we appreciate his commitment to the Commission during his term.
With the end of this reporting period, I note that some appointments were made to the Commission. I wish to congratulate Ms Melinda Prinsloo who has been re-appointed for a further three-year term. I also wish to congratulate Cr Christopher Mitchell who has been re-appointed as Ms Prinsloo’s deputy.
Some of the current appointment process is still ongoing and I would like to take this opportunity to personally recognise and thank Mr Colin Cameron who has served on the Commission for the past three years. Mr Cameron is the Chief Executive Officer of the City of Subiaco and a former senior local government financial officer. He provides a unique and invaluable perspective of the issues confronting local governments from an operational viewpoint and the effect of the decisions made by the Commission. Mr Cameron’s experience, dedication, and professionalism are commendable.
I would also like to recognise Cr David Goode who as Mr Cameron’s deputy only had a limited opportunity to work with but appreciate his willingness to attend commission meetings and visiting programs when called upon.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge our executive staff, without their support the Commission would not be able to operate. To Taryn Cox, Haa Truong, Nicholas Harmer, Dr Chris Berry, Leah Horton and Julie Craig and all the others who have assisted during the past year, we appreciate the professionalism you continue to demonstrate, to always ensure that the Commission continues its important work within the sector.
If you have any questions regarding the Commission, I encourage you to contact the staff at any time.
Luke Stevens
Acting Chair
Western Australian Local Government Grants Commission
7 November 2024