Arts 15k-plus

The Arts 15k-plus grant program offers between $15,000 and $60,000 funding for artists, creative industry professionals and organisations to deliver a one-off project or a program of activity.

The way you apply for project funding is changing.

New funding programs will be available from the 11 July 2023. These include a program with a focus on supporting short notice funding opportunities.

If you have any queries, grants officers are available to discuss the best options to support your project and can be contacted on 61 8 6552 7400.

Further updates to programs and funding opportunities.

The program supports the development and growth of a vibrant sector that promotes the participation and active engagement of Western Australian communities in high quality arts and cultural experiences.

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning Category
December 2022 9:00am 13 December 2022 4:00pm 12 January 2023 4:00pm 25 January 2023 1 May 2023
  • Aboriginal Arts
  • Commercial Development
  • Creative Development
  • Sector Development
April 2023 9:00am 26 April 2023 4:00pm 18 May 2023 4:00pm 1 June 2023 1 September 2023
  • Aboriginal Arts
  • Commercial Development
  • Creative Development
  • Sector Development

Funding overview

Funding closed

Who can apply

  • Community organisations
  • Groups
  • Individuals

Amount available

  • Sector Development: Over $15,000
  • Creative Development: Over $15,000
  • Commercial Development: Over $15,000
  • Aboriginal Arts: Over $15,000


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Arts 15k-plus guidelines

Applicants to peer assessed programs will be notified of the outcome of their application approximately 12 weeks after the closing date.

Successful applications


TRIM IDProgramFunding RoundProgram CategoryDisciplineApplicantProject titlePost CodeDescriptionApplication StatusGrant Amount RequestedAmountApplication Received DateDecision DateYear
Gemma FarrellArtemis Orchestra: Debut Album The recording of 10 pieces of original big band music by WA women over two-days in 2021. This will comprise the purchasing of two existing works, commissioning of five new works, with three works donated. The album will be performed by a predominately female jazz orchestra of 22 people.27,9032020-21
Centre for Stories LimitedPortside Review An electronic journal seeking to strengthen the diversity in publications. It builds on the Centre's mentoring programs and the success of "Journal", a weekly series of writings that shared local, national and international emerging and established writers’ experiences of COVID-19.42,4652020-21
City of BelmontThe Imaginarium Festival A free four-day festival in May 2021, that provides the opportunity for a low-socio-economic community to engage with the arts through a diverse range of performances and workshops. It also affords paid employment for artists.30,0002020-21
The Last Great Hunt IncHunters and Collectors: Expanding our reach and supporting a new cohort of creative talentThis program will provide a meaningful pathway towards paid creative employment, with artists and staff to share their skills and experience. This is an opportunity to press the reset button and reposition art and creation as a central part of society for all. 60,0002020-21
Bunbury Regional Theatre IncArtist Residency 2021An intensive weekend residency for 20 artists from the Southwest and Great Southern regions, to be held at Donnelly River Village in May 2021. The residency provides a supportive, creative environment to test ideas, consider new collaborations and explore cross art form possibilities. 44,3122020-21
Musica Viva AustraliaConnecting Communities Through MusicThe activity will connect four disadvantaged communities in the Mandurah and Rockingham areas in November 2021. This will be achieved through intensive school music residencies, concerts with highly skilled WA ensembles, community activities and tailored resources, designed to develop broad engagement with the music sector.58,3502020-21
CS Akindele-Obe & MA Baxter & QM Saad & GK Sanyangore & J van der MerweIndian Ocean Craft Triennial 2021 The Triennial will explore traditional practices and reclaiming of culture and knowledge through craft, and the connections between communities through the handmade. This stage will formalise the proposal of fees, freight costs and collateral to promote the event, at Fremantle Arts Centre and John Curtin Gallery in September 2021.59,7502020-21
Brooke LeederIn Good Company An evening of contemporary dance works by Brooke Leeder, Rob Tinning and Mitch Harvey, with composition and live sound by Louis Frere-Harvey. Set within the distinctive Perth Mess Hall in November 2020, this triple bill of dance is set to explode in movement, sound and lights.26,7752020-21
Amy Perejuan-CaponeSky Cave: A solo exhibition The development of an ambitious solo exhibition of new work to be staged at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts in January 2022. The project will examine the experience of flight not as a means to escape our earthly bounds, but as constitutive of our place within it. 29,9492020-21
Fremantle BiennaleResearch and Development for CROSSING 21The Fremantle Biennale is a festival of site-responsive contemporary art occurring every two years. The third Fremantle Biennale is scheduled to take place from 5-21 November 2021.This project will support the staff and artists to conduct artistic research and development; site, logistics and partnership development.59,9672020-21
Tone List IncAudible Edge: Festival of SoundThe 2021 edition of the Audible Edge festival of experimental music and sound, features an extensive program of leading local sound and interdisciplinary artists, augmented by a gallery exhibition, an online workshop, and presentations of electro-acoustic and audiovisual works from artists in neighbouring states and countries including Namibia, Zimbabwe and The Philippines.32,5852020-21
Yiyili Community Aboriginal CorporationGarndiwangoorroo Joornanygarra Boolba Nyooloo ProjectThe project will facilitate and support an ongoing program of creative workshops for Gooniyandi people from Yiyili and surrounds across 2021. The workshops will focus on cultural maintenance and skills development. This will diversify the merchandise available for sale at the Laarri Gallery, improving potential economic outcomes. 59,6632020-21
Youth FuturesYouth Futures Aboriginal Art ProjectA 13-week course exploring Aboriginal language and art and the role it can play in establishing cultural identity and preserving cultural practices and traditions.24,2662020-21
Yirra Yaakin Aboriginal CorporationEmerging Indigenous Producers ProgramThe program will allow seven emerging Indigenous producers to receive a crash course in producing within the arts industry. They will be provided with hands-on industry experience on professional shows and programs facilitated by leading WA theatre/arts companies, including Performing Lines WA and Circuitwest.44,0812020-21
Seesaw Magazine IncorporatedResearch, marketing and awareness campaignThis project aims to boost readership of WA’s leading online arts magazine, to support generation of income from content, and build a case for financial partnerships. This will be achieved through research, a marketing campaign and commissioning of new content, reflecting the needs of the sector, including podcasts and features. 59,0872020-21
Writing WA IncUbud Writers & Readers Festival 2021A three-day celebration of Asian and Australian literature and food, presented at The Rechabite from 13-15 August 2021, to immediately precede with Indonesian Independence Day on 17 August. The Festival will be delivered in a partnership between Writing WA and the Foundation Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati. 59,7302020-21
Barking Gecko Theatre CompanyAssociate Artist Program PilotIn 2021, Barking Gecko seeks to pilot a new artist development initiative aimed at building the long-term sustainability and vibrancy of WA’s theatre sector. Our Associate Artist Program will provide year-long mentoring for two mid-career artists, developing their skills and capacity as arts leaders of tomorrow. 60,0002020-21
Juluwarlu Group Aboriginal CorporationStories From the Heart Creative DevelopmentNgurra Nyujunggamu will use puppetry and storytelling as tools for strengthening and sharing Yindjibarndi culture and re-engaging the community in social and creative practice. Through on Country visits, artist residencies and skills development training, Juluwalru will consolidate the development of large-scale puppets for showcasing Yindjibarndi Creation Stories. 58,0002020-21
Sophie CurtisWA Young Artists Chamber Music Program 2021 An offering of year-round events and activities for young instrumentalists and composers aged 10 - 17. Focusing on skills development and engagement under the guidance of Australia's best chamber musicians, the Program's activities include workshops, tutorials and performance opportunities under the banners of 'WAYACHAMP Academy', 'WAYAJAM' and 'Term Program'.18,1982020-21
Steve HawkeGift Horse: A novel The completion of a first draft of a new adult novel. Experienced editor, Ray Coffey will review the first draft, before the second draft is undertaken. The work deals with important aspects of WA history, acknowledging those who have played such a crucial role in the shaping of this state. 29,2502020-21
International Art Space Pty LtdMarketing InitiativeThis initiative will strengthen the recognition of the critical role IAS plays in developing socially engaged arts practice in Australia and internationally. It will support artists and arts workers in skills development and provide opportunities for communities to create and share their stories. 18,0002020-21
Natalie AllenJulia: A solo dance theatre workThe development and realisation of the final stage design, choreographic, sound composition and visual elements, of this new work, in partnership with Steamworks Arts. This will be taking place at the State Theatre Centre between November 2020 and April 2021. 32,1802020-21
The Trustee for The Maiden Voyage Production TrustUgly Virgins by Maiden Voyage Theatre Company and Lindstedt & DaviesAn ambitious, imaginative concept which uses a fictional roller derby team to examine timely themes of sexual health, sexuality, consent, gender and power, with a cast of 5 women. This new theatre work will be presented at The Blue Room Theatre in 2021. 51,5442020-21
Aboriginal Art Centre Hub of Western Australia Aboriginal CorporationA four-year development and major exhibition project: Stage 1The first stage of a four-year development and major exhibition project that will survey the output of WA art centres, telling stories about WA from an Aboriginal perspective. Representatives from WA art centres will convene in Perth in early 2021, for a three-day workshop to scope the parameters of the project. 59,4702020-21
Justin RandallCavity: A new graphic novelThe writing and illustration of a 96-page full colour graphic novel, that engages with themes of isolation, regional hardship, prejudice and otherness. 25,8602020-21
Audioplay Australia Pty LtdThe Big Exciting Audioplay Co-labAudioplay will collaborate with some of Australia’s leading children’s theatre-makers, to connect artists with audiences through immersive audio experiences. Development will take place across 2021, with content to be released in 2022. 39,5512020-21
UWA Westerly MagazinePublication of Westerly MagazineThe creation and publication of new literary work in 2021 editions of Westerly Magazine. This will include two print issues and two online special issues.29,9102020-21
Tura New Music LtdThe Regional Program Facilitator Project: Building capacity in the North WestThe delivery of programs to some of the most remote communities in the Kimberley and the Pilbara. A year-long base, with on the ground coordination, engagement and connection will be established to facilitate the level of community need. 60,0002020-21
Performing Arts Centre Society IncTo The Front: Skills Development ProgramSam Nerida through their company Static Drive Co, will facilitate a skills development program specifically offered to culturally diverse artists in WA, and delivered by mid-career and established artists of colour. The masterclasses will conclude with a practical opportunity to practice their skills. This will take place at the Subiaco Art Centre in June 2021. 59,3912020-21
John Curtin Gallery - Curtin UniversityThe Alternative Archive: Survey Exhibition - Artists' Travel and Virtual TourRegional artists will have the opportunity to attend the exhibition opening and engage in weekend activities. It will also facilitate the production of a virtual exhibition for regional inclusion. Presented at John Curtin Gallery from May-July 2021.45,6092020-21
Martine PerretWuyurpa: A multi-sensory exhibition about the cultural significance of languagesThe creative development of work by six artists of diverse disciplines, focusing on the cultural significance of Indigenous languages in Western Australia and Northern Territory. The culminating exhibition and installation will integrate photography, video, audio, music, dance and painting, and be presented at the WA Museum Boola Bardip in 2022.59,7492020-21
Theatre 180 IncI and You Presentation The presentation of the award-winning and world-class production of Lauren Gunderson's theatre piece; an ode to youth, life, love and human connection. It will be presented at Burt Hall in May 2021. 45,0002020-21
Mundaring Arts Centre Inc.Finders Keepers: Solo exhibition by Nalda Searles This major exhibition bridges international and local contexts, as part of the Indian Ocean Craft Triennial. It showcases Searles' extensive and uniquely Australian approach to craft practice. Searles has been the central instigator around the innovative use of Australian plant fibre and found objects from the landscape for artistic expression.30,0002020-21
Georgia KingPresentation of Mama Stitch by Whiskey & BootsThis work takes the reflections of community members talking about their relationship with their mums and presents them as headphone verbatim with music. In 2021 Mama Stitch will visit the communities of Thornlie, Kalamunda and return to Bunbury.36,3532020-21
The Museum of Freedom and Tolerance - Western Australia LimitedIn Visible Ink 2021 Symposium: See Differently. Be Transformed. Make Change. This is a digital platform and annual festival event taking place at the WA Museum in February 2021. It partners with storytellers to amplify the often-invisible stories and histories of marginalised peoples in Australia and around the world. Its purpose it to produce impact, catalyse and positive social change. 30,0002020-21
Kalyuku Ninti - Puntuku Ngurra LimitedWalk to Gather, Learn to Gather: On Country CampAn initiative to deliver cultural and arts-based activities in a culturally appropriate setting to enable intergenerational transfer of knowledge and skills, specific to bush foods and medicine and to support the ongoing plant diversity on Martu Country. This will be achieved through an on-Country camp in July 2021. 59,9952020-21
Jackson HarveyRelics: Bricks of the New WorldMultidisciplinary artists Jackson Harvey and Alex Towler, of LEGO Masters, will develop an innovative new body of work. It will be exhibited at The Good Shed as part of the 2021 Scribbles Festival.27,3402020-21
Southern Forest Arts (Inc.)Piloting a Regional Arts Triennial: Stage 3Mycelium is a connection and collaboration project within WA’s regional art sector. Delivered in four stages, across three years, it nurtures resilience, sustainability and vibrancy in the wake of COVID-19. Stage 3 develops nine new group exhibitions, and four new performative works across all nine regions of WA. 47,6002020-21
Theatre Kimberley IncorporatedThe Dummies Splash Out in BroomeTheatre Kimberley's (TK) Sandfly Circus will develop & present an exciting new circus work, which will engage local community participants & artists and delight large audiences. This will be undertaken as a collaboration with Dummies Corp mentorships and learning opportunities throughout August 2021.59,5502020-21
Upswell PublishingA list of literary fiction, poetry and narrative non-fictionThis activity will see the publishing of books (4-10 titles per annum) that may be hard for authors to place in current Australian publishing, given the endangered state of literary writing. A new outlet will be contributed for writers providing support and savvy advice. 43,5482020-21
Stephen EastaughTraveless: Travels around a caravanA creative development project where a complex digital art film-work alongside a body of mixed media artworks will be produced. The project is a tale about travel and the inability to do so and will be set in a caravan in remote WA, throughout 2021 and 2022. 35,8642020-21
John MateerThe MirrorA creative development involving research, writing and editing of a new book of linked poems, based on ten years of travel.22,6002020-21
Margaret River Region Open Studios IncMargaret River Region Open StudiosThe studio opening will promote over 100 artists and artisans in the City of Busselton and Shire of Margaret River. All artists develop new creative work to exhibit and sell during the event from 11 to 26 September 2021. It provides visitors with an authentic artistic experience. 41,8432020-21
Children's Book Council of Australia Western Australian Branch WA Book Week 2021This event is held in selected metro/country centres for school students to encourage reading, literary creativity and promote quality young adult/children’s literature. Activities include workshops/presentations by author/illustrator/storytellers and other artists that link quality literature to imagination, innovation & creativity for students, teachers, librarians, parents/public.55,0002020-21
Gogi Dance Company Pty LtdSIREN: A second-stage creative developmentThis is a unique multidisciplinary seaside performance that explores our concern for the care of our ocean. This four-week second-stage creative development will dive into the integration of the disciplines: wearable art, original sound composition and provocative movement to realise a 15-minute iteration of Siren.29,3452020-21
Nyamba Buru Yawuru LtdCelebrating our pearling cultureThis is a celebration of regional pearling traditions through a cultural program of art, dance, song and story, with artists and storytellers. This will complement the exhibition Lustre: Pearling & Australia to be shown at the University of Notre Dame, Broome in August and September 2021. . 54,0992020-21
L Frere-Harvey & M.R HarveyMindCon by Mitch Harvey and Louis Frere-HarveyA new work that pushes the boundaries of dance and sound while activating a new industrial warehouse space. This opportunity will cement the artists’ artistic voice within their community through intense interrogation and development of their practice. The work will be presented at the Old Pickle Factory in August 2021. 47,2622020-21
Julie WestonHickey Hardware branding and online marketing projectIn consultation with industry professionals and WA creatives, a suite of marketing plans, materials and actions will be created to elevate the branding and presentation of WA sport/resort fashion label Hickey Hardware. There will be a coordinated push into external markets, driving new sales and commercial sustainability, from July 2021 to March 2022. 55,9042020-21
Fremantle BiennaleCROSSING 21The Fremantle Biennale presents a festival of site-responsive public art every two years focussed in the wider Fremantle region. The third Biennale is scheduled from 5-21 November 2021.60,0002020-21
CS Akindele-Obe & MA Baxter & QM Saad & GK Sanyangore & J van der MerweIndian Ocean Craft Triennial artist commissionInternationally renowned Singaporean ceramicist and performance artist Jason Lim will create a new large scale ephemeral work at the Fremantle Arts Centre as a centrepiece for IOTA21. An accompanying program of community clay workshops will invite participants to create their own small home in a bigger landscape. 29,3452020-21
Wendy MartinA new WA festival celebrating gender equality by Half the SkyThis activity will focus on the research and development for a new festival that will support gender equality, diversity and inclusion. It will aim to build strategic alignment and partnerships, implement business and fundraising strategies, and develop the visual identity. The focus on community engagement will foster ownership and inform content. 59,8552020-21
Enterprise Development Australia Pty LtdMidwest Music Development Program - Stages I, II & IIIThis activity provides specialist music skills workshops across key music industry segments designed to identify, nurture and showcase regional WA music talent for domestic and global markets. Artists/acts will receive professional development and requisite industry knowledge, experience and capacity to realise career goals and the creation of sustainable music businesses. 39,4682020-21
Freeze Frame Opera IncAngels and Devils. Freeze Frame Opera's reimagining of Puccini's classic operas Suor Angelica and Gianni Schicchi.Puccini's classic operas Suor Angelica and Gianni Schicchi will be created, designed and performed using a WA cast of opera professionals and creatives. The show will be performed in the Centenary Pavilion at Claremont Showgrounds in an immersive, entry-level, top-quality opera experience. 59,8772020-21
Writing WA IncQuantum Words Perth 2021A writer’s festival dedicated exclusively to writing about science. It is a bi-coastal collaboration between Writing WA and Writing NSW. Concentrated over three days, 5-7 November 2021, it will engage West Australians in conversations about the ways in which we come to understand ourselves, our world, and the expansive universe we live within.58,7212021-22
Erin CoatesOyster Thieves and Algal BloomsThe creation of a major new body of artwork to be exhibited in the Museum of Contemporary Art for the 23rd Biennale of Sydney. The artwork will span sculpture and drawing and responds to the changing ecology of the Derbarl Yerrigan/Swan River. 28,6502021-22
Rachel Arianne OgleAnd the Earth Will Swallow Them WholeThe final stage development of the large-scale dance work by Rachel Arianne Ogle. It will premiere at The State Theatre Centre as part of Perth Festival in February 2022. 60,0002021-22
Melanie Julien-MartialPresentation of Little WomenThis activity will take place across a four-week rehearsal period, one week production week, and three-week season, premiering at The Blue Room Theatre as part of the 2021 Development Season. The work will be explored through a queer and diverse lens.59,6062021-22
Performing Arts Centre Society IncIndependent Dance Lab: a pilot program for emerging and mid-career dance artistsBased at Pakenham Street Art Space for two weeks, the lab will provide ten selected participants with financial and administrative support, and studio space for open-ended exploration, together with workshops and panel discussions. The lab will fulfil an identified need for collaboration, community, and creative agency for dancers.50,7652021-22
Performing Arts Centre Society IncThe Bleeding TreeA three-week full-time rehearsal period, one week production week, and three week season of The Bleeding Tree by Angus Cerini, staged at The Blue Room Theatre as part of its 2021 Development Season.59,9972021-22
Woodfordia IncFestival of Small Halls Autumn Tour 2022The Festival of Small Halls Autumn Tour 2022 will tour high quality West Australian musicians into regional, rural and remote areas of West Australia to perform shows and give workshops, building capacity and improving access to the arts. Community venues will be utilised and local partnerships ensure authentic grassroots support.59,1402021-22
Cool Change Contemporary Inc.Cool Change Contemporary: Exhibitions, residencies and public programs 2022An ambitious and diverse program of exhibitions and studio residencies supplemented by public programs and workshops. Applications for this will be assessed through a competitive EOI and will supported by a paid part-time Arts Administrator. Spaces will be provided to artists for free and artist fees will be paid.59,8682021-22
Claire BowenAstronomy on Country: Digital short graphic novella developmentWestern Australian artists and scientists connect via StoryBursts to develop creative nonfiction, funded by National Science Week. Rosie Sitorus and Irra Wangga Language Centre will adapt ‘Emu in the Sky’ and ‘A Messenger from Afar’ with proud Warriyangga and Thiinma man Peter Salmon’s stories, into digital short graphic novellas. 58,0002021-22
Ionat ZurrThe 3S (De)Cycle: An installation and performative durational experiment This is an exploration of our technological utopian food futures. “AgTech” aims to automate and control food production. The data-hungry artistic sustainable farm will produce minuscule amounts of food. It will adopt techniques and aesthetics that can be employed in rural Australia or in a colonial settlement on Mars.41,2742021-22
YUCK Circus Pty LtdYUCK Circus professional creative developmentThis is a two-week creative development, culminating in a showing to the Broome arts community. This activity is supported by two leading Broome arts organisations, and incorporates insight from established circus artist Spenser Inwood via Zoom. The development will focus on four specific outcomes related to company and community growth.45,1952021-22
Perth International Cabaret Festival LimitedPerth International Cabaret Festival 2022WA's first dedicated cabaret festival that honours the great tradition of story-telling set to music. The festival will be held from 18 - 26 June at the festival hub at His Majesty's Theatre. The Festival will involve artists from diverse cultures, to create a rich, multi-cultural, intergenerational celebration.59,5002021-22
Juluwarlu Group Aboriginal CorporationMerchandise development and strategic marketing planJAG will refine our pilot artists’ merchandise retail trial to expand our range of merchandise products to access new commercial markets through strategic marketing. Our objectives are to increase sales leading to sustainable direct income for Yindjibarndi artists, increase employment and training opportunities, and raise the profile of Yindjibarndi and Pilbara design. 56,7902021-22
City of MandurahWearable Art Mandurah: Showcase WeekendThis is the culmination of a year-long professional development and competition program that invites local, national and international designers to create revolutionary works of art on the body. Artworks will be presented to the Mandurah community, with the aim to increase visibility and participation in this highly engaging and creative artform.56,6002021-22
Tone List IncAudible Edge: Festival of SoundAudible Edge is an annual festival that engages an interdisciplinary program of artists working with sound experimentally. The 2022 program includes concerts in Perth, York, Mandurah & Denmark, and involves co-presentations with multiple artist-run initiatives, and a symposium of experimental sound organisations in Australia and Aotearoa co-convened with Liquid Architecture.50,0002021-22
Sculpture at Bathers IncSculpture at Bathers 2022Professional installation of sculptures, artist and access tours, workshops, public and education programs will support the delivery of the 2022 exhibition and strengthen audience and community outreach.47,0922021-22
Audioplay Australia Pty LtdRemote delivery, research and developmentTo upgrade technology and develop new training materials to deliver live event installations remotely, in partnership with presenters. Remote delivery will avoid the risks of border closures and quarantine, as well as reducing the carbon footprint associated with touring the installation.58,2932021-22
Big hART IncSongs for FreedomA four-week residency with the Roebourne community across the month of February 2022, offering a suite of events, workshops, and cultural exchange opportunities across the City of Melville. This will include song writing, cultural and ideas exchange between Noongar, Ngarluma and Yindjibarndi Elders, and a visual art exhibition.30,5402021-22
Djarindjin Aboriginal CorpFuel tank mural projectThe transformation of a 100,000L fuel tank into a welcoming entry statement promoting the company's culture, creativity, and community spirit. The proposed artwork will seek to leave a lasting impression and will become an iconic symbol of engagement with Djarindjin people and promote the community.30,4022021-22
Ella HetheringtonGolden HourA second stage creative development of a new hybrid physical theatre work. Building on the first stage development, organic and integrated technical design will be created and the musical store recorded. Industry will be invited to a presentation of the work in 2022. 43,5622021-22
Centre for Stories LimitedBuilding for the future through a stronger web presenceThe development of a website that comprehensively reflects the capabilities and services of Centre for Stories. The activity will support the organisation to re-position itself for growth through income diversification, moving away from the current high reliance on project funding.33,5782021-22
Isha MottASCENT Creative Development A four-week second stage development of multidisciplinary aerial/dance/theatre work ASCENT. The progress of the work will be presented at two studio showings at the State Theatre Centre in 2022, to secure interest in a premiere presentation of the completed work.41,7202021-22
Performing Lines Limited - WAEquations of a Falling Body by Laura Boynes In 2022, Laura Boynes and collaborators will commence the second and final development of this new dance work. This development will focus on design concept and integration by Bruce McKinven and Matt Marshall, and thematic content and movement structure by Anthony Coxeter and Adelina Larsson.59,7732021-22
Scott ElstermannPetrushka (Game, Set, Match)This is a contemporary dance work choreographed by Scott Elstermann. It is a reimagined work based on the traditional ballet by Sergei Diaghilev. Funding will support a two-week rehearsal period and 5 show performance season at the State Theatre Centre in 2022.59,9062021-22
Performing Lines Limited - WACan't Won't Don't by Jo Pollitt & Maitland SchnaarsA three-week creative development of a new interdisciplinary performance work will culminate in a showing at State Theatre Centre, with a published accompanying manuscript. The work was initially scripted as strangers by Facebook Messenger and performed by Schnaars and Rachel Arianne Ogle. 55,4432021-22
Natalie AllenIn CrimsonThis work forms part of an artist in residence, creative development and performance season, to be held at All Saints College in 2022. It is a dance theatre, immersive experience that will be built by a community of artists, college staff, students and alumni.58,7872021-22
Melanie McKeeSeven Forms Exhibition This curated exhibition will be held at Collie Art Gallery from July- Sept 2022. Seven Western Australian based female artists respond to Collie, a mining town in transition. The activity will include a community engagement program, artist talks, and a series of creative workshops tailored for specific community groups.32,9802021-22
City of BelmontThe Imaginarium Festival A free four-day festival in May 2022, that provides the opportunity for a low-socio-economic community to engage with the arts through a diverse range of performances and workshops. It also affords paid employment for artists.25,0002021-22
Fliptease Pty LtdWest is West Production The creation, production, and presentation of a new circus fusion. The work will be a collaborative development between Fliptease and YUCK circus. The development in May 2022, will result in versatile new material for shows that can be adapted for a variety of venues to be presented to both metro and regional audiences. 47,1102021-22
Gascoyne in May IncCREALITY: Gascoyne Travelling Arts FestivalA 12-month project cycle will see considerable digital collateral spanning a decade reviewed and collated to promote the six annual festivals of the Gascoyne in 2022. This will feature in new high-quality footage captured, storyboarded; edited and published, resulting in a vibrant new digital footprint.59,9702021-22
Rebecca GiggsPet: The Future of the Animals we KeepTo support the creation of new literary nonfiction book, scheduled for release in 2024. 30,0002021-22
Campbell WhyteLuna Express: A graphic novel To support the research, production and publication of a new graphic, an experimental and place-based young adult publication. The work will be published by Top Shelf Productions and distributed both digitally and in a traditional publishing format. 35,0802021-22
UWA Westerly MagazinePublication with Westerly Magazine in 2022The creation and publication of new literary work in Westerly Magazine. Two print issues to be released in hardcopy and as eBooks and two online special issues to be released as free-to-access eBooks. The focus will be on high-quality production, online engagement and promoting excellence in Western Australian publication. 31,2622021-22
Laurence SteedBetter Than Me: The Story of a DadA dedicated writing period will revise this new WA memoir and result in a full-length non-fiction manuscript. The work will then be reviewed by award-winning writer, Susan Midalia before presenting the finished work for publication in 2023. 34,0002021-22
Monique Le LievreProduction and launch of debut albumMusician, Monique Le Lievre will translate ten songs to Nyikina language as part of her debut album under her artist name, Stellar Moon. The album will be recorded in Broome and launched at the Gimme Club, Broome in 2022. 24,7552021-22
The Trustee for Herbert Jones TrustBetween The Lines FestivalA Literature festival for children and young adults to be presented over five days in three regional towns in March 2022. It will include workshops and meet the author events and a family day open to the community.22,0322021-22
Claire ColemanFeminist AnthemsA repertoire development project, that will culminate in a series of public performances and online distribution of learning materials. Hengequeens will commission eight diverse, WA-based songwriters to compose feminist anthems to be debuted in a series of public performances at FRINGEWORLD 2023. 51,4242021-22
Sophie CurtisWA Young Artists Chamber Music Program 2022 The program offers year-round events and activities for young instrumentalists and composers aged 10 - 17. Focusing on skills development and engagement under the guidance of Australia's best musicians, the Program's activities include workshops, tutorials and performance opportunities such as the biannual Academy, WAYAJAM, Term Program and regional events. 23,9722021-22
Dorothy EricksonHesperian: A a new collection of jewelleryResearch and development time will be undertaken to create a new collection of jewellery and bodyworks, inspired by the pioneering women artists of Western Australia, many of whom painted the unique wildflowers of Western Australia. The use of titanium to create multi component works will also be investigated.40,0002021-22
Red Bird Creative Pty LtdYoung Phoenix: Digital short graphic novella A neurodiverse writing team will collaborate on a short graphic novella series, for accessible online distribution to neurodiverse audiences across WA. Building on past successes in collaborations embracing neurodiverse access and self-determination, these digital short graphic novellas will excite audiences, break barriers, and provide professional development opportunities to neurodiverse young people.57,5002021-22
The Trustee for Mazza-Parton Family TrustThe Current: A literary novel set on Leschenault Peninsula near AustralindThe work will engage with environmental and social issues faced in regional coastal communities. The funding will support the author to undertake a cultural tour with local, Wardandi guides to build an understanding of recent and colonial history throughout 2022. 48,9742021-22
Caitlin MalingWest Coast: Poems and EssaysThe development of a full-length hybrid manuscript of creative non-fiction and poetry specifically tackling WA ecologies and their written histories. The new work will focus on Ningaloo, Denham, Dirk Hartog and Geraldton and take place between 2022-2024. 39,3472021-22
Camera Story LtdPiriwa Placemaking MuralThis is a collaborative community arts project designed to provide remotely based First Nations women the resources to creatively express their stories, lived experiences and culture via traditional and contemporary art forms through a series of arts-based workshops at Piriwa, Balgo throughout 2022. 59,1242021-22
City of AlbanygARmenT: A wearable art projectThis activity will bring together a diverse range of ages, cultures and creatives, invited to produce forty wearable art pieces. The final work will be celebrated and presented in a fashion show and exhibition at the Albany Town Hall in August 2022.57,3002021-22
Yawuru Jarndu Aboriginal CorporationStories re-envisioned through textile designTen Nagula Jarndu women artists will create a range of screen-printed textiles to be used in a clothing range, drawing on connections to culture and country. An exhibition of the work is planned for the Broome NAIDOC celebrations in 2022. 18,4502021-22
Performing Lines Limited - WASunset by Jay EmmanuelThe main focus of this creative development will be script refinement, integration of movement and experimentation with design and form. It features the story of Shikhandi, the only queer character in India’s epic Mahabharata, Kudiyattam. The development will take place at the State Theatre Centre in May 2022. 59,9982021-22
WA Circus School IncorporatedYouth Troupe Program 2022An annual circus skills and performance program for youth 10 to 22 years, who wish to explore a career in circus and physical theatre. In 2022, three troupes will exchange with Brisbane's Flipside Circus and have the opportunity to work with two Internationally recognised directors. 59,9302021-22
Wirlomin Noongar Language and Stories Project IncorporatedThe Wirlomin Noongar language cultural enhancement projectWirlomin will publish stories and songs in Noongar and English to reconnect with the cultural and ecological knowledge. The vision is to reclaim, control and enhance Wirlomin Noongar cultural heritage through focussed stories, songs and knowledge through a series of workshops and workcamps.60,0002021-22
Toni WilkinsonTough Pleasures: A photographic publicationTo publish and produce a high-quality photographic book based on the series, Tough Pleasures. It will support the printing and the design of the publication and will be published by T&G Publishing. a specialist global publisher of photographic art images in 2022. 34,0002021-22
Theatre 180 IncBlue/Orange by Joe PenhallTheatre 180 will present the award-winning, world class, topical and thought-provoking drama, at Burt Hall in June 2022.60,0002021-22
John Curtin Gallery — Curtin UniversityOpen Borders: Survey exhibition of contemporary regional and remote artistsCo-curated by Chris Malcom (Director, John Curtin Gallery) and independent regional curator Annette Davis, a survey of contemporary regional arts practice documenting the response of regional and remote Western Australian communities to the theme of Open Borders will be presented from 11 August to 15 October 2023 at John Curtin Gallery.59,2402022-23
Theatre 180 IncA.B. Facey's A Fortunate Life theatrical presentationTheatre production of A.B. Facey’s ‘A Fortunate Life’, presenting in Queensland in September 2023 at Event Cinemas. 45,0002022-23
Baalap Productions Pty LtdBindjareb Pinjarra — renewal of theatrical productionA creative development enabling the founding elders of Bindjareb Pinjarra to pass the work to a younger cohort, with creative development held from February 2023 in Perth. Emerging Indigenous and non-Indigenous performers will be engaged through open workshops, forming an ensemble to develop new versions of the play in line with Noongar storytelling processes.38,6702022-23
Anna RichardsonThe Good: Development and delivery of a solo exhibitionA playful drawing project seeking radical optimism in depicting parenting, animals and connection over food. The project includes a national regional tour of the work to Somerset Regional Art Gallery Queensland, Wagga Wagga Art Gallery New South Wales and Warrnambool Art Gallery Victoria across 2023/2024.40,8262022-23
Renee NewmanCatastrophes: A new performance workThe world premiere season of a contemporary performance work co-created by Renee Newman and Ella Hetherington based on a poetic, gestural and sonic/image-based dramaturgy. This project will support the final rehearsal and premiere season at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art in August 2023.52,5902022-23
Nicholas Pages-OliverRehearsal and presentation of Same Time Next Week — A puppet musicalThe rehearsal and debut presentation of a puppet musical about tabletop roleplaying games, the power of friendship, and cancer. Presented as a part of The Blue Room Theatre’s 2023 season, the work is a new collaboration from mid-career artists Nick Pages-Oliver, Scott McArdle, Amberly Cull, and Jackson Griggs60,0002022-23
Bunbury Regional Theatre IncArtist Retreat 2023This project will deliver an intensive weekend retreat for twenty artists, primarily from the South West and Great Southern regions, in September 2023. The retreat provides a supportive, creative environment to test ideas, consider new collaborations and explore cross artform possibilities.49,9792022-23
Cement Fondu LimitedJohn Prince Siddon: a major new solo exhibitionContemporary art space Cement Fondu will commission Walmajarri artist John Prince Siddon to create new work and present a solo exhibition in Sydney, 14 October to 3 December 2023. The commission includes three in-person consultations with Western Australian curator, and long-term collaborator, Emilia Galatis.60,0002022-23
Perth International Cabaret Festival LimitedPerth International Cabaret Festival 2023Perth International Cabaret Festival (PICF) will expand to a full two-week, three-weekend festival from 17 June to 1 July 2023. PICF includes artists from diverse cultures, genders and ages with a strong emphasis on Western Australian artists.60,0002022-23
Vladimir TodorovicIllustrating Nyangumarta: Reinvigorated and reimagined stories from StrelleyIllustrations from the archive of Nyangumarta books by Pilbara elders from the 1970s to 1990s will be the basis for new artworks. Animations and new drawings from the Karntimarta Brush studio will be produced, giving artists and elders of Strelley their first major exhibition opportunity in Perth in 2024.57,3912022-23
CIRCUSWA IncCrossing Wires: funambulism and yarning projectCo-designed and delivered in partnership with Yirra Yaakin, this project uses funambulism (tightwire walking) and yarning as a social circus practice and as art-form development. Phase one will provide workshops for young Aboriginal people in six Perth outer metro communities from February 2023 to February 2024.60,0002022-23
UWA Westerly MagazinePublication with Westerly Magazine in 2023: production costsThe creation and publication of new literary work in Westerly Magazine over two print issues to be released in hardcopy and as eBooks, and two online special issues, to be released as free-to-access eBooks. 26,5572022-23
Big hART IncPunkaliyarra: Sister-in-Law Dreaming StoryBig hART and Roebourne community will present a new artistic work encompassing film, animation, music, sound design and performance, for local and metropolitan audiences. Two presentations will take place in Perth (Perth Festival, March 2022) and Roebourne (September 2022), accompanied by workshops promoting storytelling and intercultural exchange.58,1002022-23
City of FremantleNidja Nyulluk Boodjar site specific artworksNoongar artists will collaborate with immersive art developers to create a suite of site-specific 3D digital artworks viewable via augmented reality technology. The artworks will launch as part of the Fremantle Festival: 10 Nights in Port in August 2023 and remain available as a legacy of the project.58,8002022-23
Performing Lines Limited WALEGENDS (of the Golden Arches) stage two theatre creative development — grant administered for Cherish MarringtonThis development will finalise the visual design and staging elements of the show, commencing in September 2023. Co-created by Joe Lui and Merlynn Tong, with a team representing Asian diaspora, LEGENDS explores the history of Chinese myth culture, sacredness and friendship.59,9972022-23
Children's Book Council of Australia Western Australian Branch IncChildren's Book Council of Australia, Western Australia (CBCA WA) Book Week 2023CBCA Book Week will be held in metropolitan and country centres across Western Australia in August 2023 to engage young people with reading and literary creativity and promote quality children’s and young adult literature. 58,6502022-23
Daisy SandersFinal development, international fellowship, and residency for 'A Resting Mess'Creative development of a unique dance, theatre and live music work, performed in an immersive installation. Daisy will be the Caroline Plummer Fellow in Community Dance (Aotearoa) to refine methodology and audience engagement, followed by sound studio and Perth Institute of Contemporary Art residency for the project's diverse team over 2023. 60,0002022-23
Rosemarie SitorusThe Boss 'Biyalbajarri', music theatre creative developmentThis new work is inspired by the life of Thiinma man Peter Salmon, with original old country, traditional and choral music. The week long development will refine the script, experiment with design and music, and culminate in a reading for the Geraldton arts community and First Nations creative professionals.42,8402022-23
Emily BarkerDevelopment of marketing assets for Emily Barker's album 'Fragile as Humans'Singer-songwriter to create and develop album release assets and content with creative agency Headjam in Western Australia and New South Wales from May to June 2023.21,8922022-23
Amy Perejuan-CaponeDefendo, a solo exhibition and residencyTo develop and stage a major solo exhibition and residency at the Wireless Hill Museum at Yagan Mia with potential inclusion in Perth Festival 2024. The project explores the painful ironies, survival choices, and cultural intricacies of hidden family heritage within a colonial and personal context. 30,3482022-23
E.H Reitze and R.W TaylorWomen of Music Production Perth (WOMPP) Writers Camp 2023Music producer and songwriter’s camp to be held at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts during July 2023.40,1502022-23
Theatre Kimberley IncorporatedRaranga — The Weave, a cross artform projectTheatre Kimberley and multi-platform artists will work alongside the local community to explore identity through the Maori cultural concept of ‘Raranga,’ both as a textile arts expression and as a metaphor for wholeness and community wellness. The project finale is a premiere of a mainstage work integrating storytelling with visual art creations and physical theatre.59,9912022-23
Michelle SmithTuriya will record, release and promote a debut albumThis instrumental jazz harp trio will record, manufacture and release an album of ten musical compositions in Perth from May 2023 to April 2024, increasing revenue and generating future performance opportunities.26,9232022-23
Craig Silvey6162‘The Prospector’ will be a novel set in the Goldfields region of Western Australia in the late 19th century. It will embrace the Mystery-Western genre, exploring themes of gender, faith, relationships, family, trauma, national identity, institutional corruption, and racial dynamics.60,0002023-24
Australian Dance Council - Ausdance WA Branch Inc6010Ausdance WA proposes a reinvigoration of its professional development, membership and advocacy services. The purpose is to reboot Ausdance WA as the state’s leading service organisation for dance, to advocate for and support the diverse range of dance organisations and artists through services and programs strengthening the capacity of the industry.60,0002023-24
The Literature Centre Inc.6959The Literature Centre will deliver two public events from 27-29 October 2023, at the Fremantle Town Hall. Celebrate Reading is a national conference aimed at teachers, librarians and lovers of storytelling, and Storytellers is a free festival celebrating storytelling and creative process, aimed at families and emerging writers. 20,7612023-24
Alice Hamilton Cummins6012A six-week creative development culminating in three public performances at Holmes à Court Gallery in January 2024. ‘Terra’ is a 50-minute solo dance work with an underlying provocation of what colonisation has wrought to the fragile ancient crust of our country.26,0652023-24
CS Akindele-Obe & MA Baxter & QM Saad & GK Sanyangore & J Van Der Merwe6081The second IOTA will take place in Perth and Western Australia over three months, August to October, in 2024. IOTA24 will utilise over fifty venues including institutional, local government, not for profit, galleries, museums, pop-ups, and unconventional spaces. 60,0002023-24
Emilia Galatis6011Emilia Galatis (EG) Projects to present new works by Corban Williams and Garry Sibosado at Australia’s premier International Art Fair; Sydney Contemporary in September 2023. This activity supports two Western Australian Aboriginal artists to participate in a significant national and international arts commercial development opportunity and event.53,3922023-24
Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts Ltd6003PICA will increase international arts engagement for the sector through exchanges with Taipei, Singapore, Makassar and Marseille. The program establishes international networks, enables West Australian artists to reach international markets and gain a deeper understanding of the global arts economy while growing the West Australian arts sector's access to cross-cultural exchange, high quality art experiences, capacity building and international networking.45,0602023-24
Brandon Chiseko6031Perth Hip hop, dance and R&B music artist to release their self-funded debut album in Western Australia from September to December 2023.20,5732023-24
Performing Lines Limited - WA6000The New Bachelorette will premiere in 2024 after five periods of development since 2021. An innovative piece of contemporary performance exploring love, dating and relationships, it reimagines the reality TV franchise, with Julia – an actor with Down syndrome – starring as the bachelorette dating disabled and neuro-diverse men live on stage.59,9992023-24
Breaksea Incorporated6330A six-month collaborative singing, acting, dance workshop and performance series delivered between the Great Southern and Perth. Produced in partnership with the University of Western Australia Conservatorium of Music, Albany Entertainment Centre and industry experts, the program facilitates side-by-side workings with First Nations artists. 60,0002023-24
Andrew Nicholls6003Artistic development working with collaborators - classical music ensembles Ad Lib Collective and Wind Up Bird, videographer Chad Peacock, and lighting designer Alex Spartalis (GSD Productions) - to create an immersive installation inspired by the recent total solar eclipse. The outcome will be a major solo exhibition at Holmes à Court @ No.10 Gallery, for intended inclusion in the 2024 Perth Festival.58,7652023-24
Thomas King6060Contemporary music artists Dice to undertake a series of performances across Australia from September to November 2023.33,3002023-24
Amber Paula Boldois Kitney6025APK (Amber Kitney) Productions are seeking funding for the rehearsal and presentation of the world premiere of Salted Pretzels by Cezera Critti-Schnaars. The work will be presented at The Blue Room Theatre from 3 to 21 October 2023 with 15 performances over three weeks as part of the annual season.46,1732023-24
Page reviewed 21 June 2023