The Every Club Grant Scheme provides 3-year funding to enable organisations to support sport and recreation clubs to build their organisational capacity and capability with a focus on governance, planning and management practices.
The grant scheme is part of the broader Every Club Program aimed at providing a holistic, accessible and sustainable model of club support to sport and recreation clubs across Western Australia.
The Every Club Program comprises of:
- Every Club Hub — access to online information and resources for sport and recreation clubs
- Every Club Network — networking and professional development opportunities for club development professionals in Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and state sporting associations (SSAs)
- Every Club Education — provision of learning and development opportunities for the sport and recreation club development workforce
- Every Club Grant Scheme — investment into LGA sport and recreation club development plans.
The Every Club Grant Scheme aims to ensure sport and recreation clubs are supported to build their organisational capacity and capability through accessible and flexible club development services.
The department provides funding to eligible local governments to:
- provide education, training and professional development opportunities for the sport and recreation club workforce
- support sport and recreation clubs to adopt good governance, planning and management practices
- demonstrate partnerships between LGAs, SSAs, regional sporting associations and sport and recreation clubs.