Assessment, approval and acquittal process
Assessment and approval process
- DLGSC grants administrators will assess applications for compliance with the eligibility criteria.
- DLGSC grants assessors will conduct a preliminary assessment of eligible applications against the assessment criteria and provide a summary, which may include scores, rankings, funding allocations and rationale, for the assessment panel to consider.
- A panel will be formed to conduct an independent review of the assessment process, the preliminary assessment information and ratify recommended applicants to be submitted to the DLGSC Director General for endorsement.
- The panel will comprise 2 independent DLGSC staff and 1 independent external assessor with outdoor active recreation expertise.
- The DLGSC Director General to endorse the recommended applicants and submit to the Minister for Sport and Recreation for approval.
- The Minister for Sport and Recreation to approve the recommended applicants as per the relevant funding source legislation.
- Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing.
- Applications may not be successful or may not be funded to the full amount requested.
Assessment criteria
Application will be assessed against the following criteria:
1. Strategic alignment
The application demonstrates that the project is aligned to the More People More Active Outdoors Framework.
2. Benefits
The application demonstrates who will participate in and benefit from the project and will achieve at least 1 of the following active recreation participation objectives :
- Increase participation opportunities for all Western Australians to actively engage in outdoor active recreation.
- Provide opportunities for people to develop resilience, leadership, problem solving skills and build lifelong involvement and healthy habits through participation in outdoor active recreation.
- Provide opportunities to support the progression of participants from the ‘Aware’ stage to the ‘Independent’ stage of the ‘Participation spectrum’ for outdoor active recreation (as identified in the More People More Active Outdoors Framework).
3. Organisational capacity and capability
The organisation demonstrates its capacity and capability to deliver the project and manage identified risks.
4. Project plan and budget
The application is supported by a detailed project plan and outlines how the project will be promoted and evaluated. It is based on a realistic budget and represents value for money.
Each assessment criteria is weighted equally.
Conditions of funding agreements
- If your organisation has an ABN and is registered for Good and Services Tax (GST), the grant will be grossed up by 10% of the grant amount.
- If your organisation has an ABN and is not registered for GST, no GST will be paid.
Grant agreement
- Approved applicants will be required to enter into a grant agreement that outlines the grant conditions, key deliverables, and acquittal requirements. Once signed and returned, the grant will be paid directly to the eligible applicant body.
- Successful organisations will be required to provide evidence of key deliverables prior to conducting the project including, but not limited to, an appropriate risk assessment process has been undertaken, support for the project has been confirmed
by key stakeholders and statutory approvals have been obtained.
- No grant monies will be paid to an individual.
Acquittal requirements
- At the completion of the project, your organisation will need to complete an acquittal report to demonstrate that the funding has been spent in accordance with the grant agreement.
- Your acquittal report must be submitted within 30 days of the project completion date as specified in the grant agreement.
Acknowledgement and evaluation
- Successful organisations will be required to acknowledge DLGSC. Further details will be provided to successful applicants within their grant agreement.
- Successful organisations will be required to participate in any research and/or evaluations relating to this funding and/or funded projects.