WA Hiking Strategy: Bushwalking and trail running in Western Australia 2020–2030
Western Australia is leading the way in the strategic planning for high-quality hiking experiences, having an extensive user-friendly website of trails and being the first State to develop an activity-specific strategy for bushwalking and trail running.
The WA Hiking Strategy: Bushwalking and trail running in Western Australia 2020–2030 was developed to provide a strategic direction for hiking in Western Australia. It identifies and provides strategies to achieve the potential social, cultural, economic, environmental, health and wellbeing outcomes for Western Australia. It aims to maximise the opportunity for all Western Australians and visitors to benefit from access to an appropriate range of hiking experiences and will guide the sustainable development of hiking activities and associated trails’ infrastructure.
The vision of the strategy is that:
- All Western Australians and visitors have the opportunity to connect to country and explore natural landscapes through bushwalking and trail running.
The strategy identifies four key objectives that support this vision:
- Maximise participation outcomes — Encourage participation at all levels and capitalise on the benefits of trail running and bushwalking.
- Grow the visitor economy — Grow visitation by increasing the reputation of Western Australia’s new and existing experiences, including commercial enterprises, events and activities.
- Sustainable trail development and maintenance — Develop and manage sustainable hiking opportunities in Western Australia.
- Effective governance and advocacy — Increase and optimise the management and resourcing of hiking activities in Western Australia through strong governance and advocacy.
The WA Hiking Participation Grants Program has been designed to address the strategy’s objective to maximise participation outcomes through investment in organisations that will develop and deliver hiking participation projects that support this objective.