Minor breaches of the Local Government Act 1995 are dealt with by the Local Government Standards Panel.
Adverse findings are published once the relevant appeal period to the State Administrative Tribunal has expired.
Public apology
Regulation 19 Prohibition against involvement in administration
20240362 - Combined Findings & sanction - Minor Breach Complaint - Cr Williams - Mount Magnet Shire.pdf
Regulation 18 Securing personal advantage or disadvantaging others
20240354 - Combine Findings & Sanction - Mayor Argyle - City of Nedlands.pdf
Public censure
Regulation 20 Relationship with local government employees
Regulation 34D Contravention of local law as to conduct
20240352 - Cr Blanco - Town of Port Hedland - Combined Findings and Decisions.pdf
No sanction
20240344 - Cr Kunze - City of Canning - Combined Findings and Decisions.pdf
20240343 - Cr Spencer-Teo - City of Canning - Combined Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230319 - Mayor Jacob - City of Joondalup - Combined Findings and Decision.pdf
20230316 - Cr Zilani - City of Mandurah - Combined Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230313 - Cr Burns - City of Mandurah - Combined Findings and Decisions.pdf
Monetary penalty
Regulation 23 Compliance with plan requirement
20230277E - Cr Carr - Town of Cambridge - Combined Findings and Decisions.pdf
Undertake training
Regulation 22 Disclosure of interests
20230277D - Cr Carr - Town of Cambridge - Combined Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230277B - Cr Carr - Town of Cambridge - Combined Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230267 - Cr Johnson - City of Swan - Combined Reports Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230251 - Cr Davis - City of Belmont - Combined Report Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230248 - Cr Mangano - City of Nedlands - Combined Report Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230235 - Cr Carr - Town of Cambridge - Combined Report Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230230 - Cr Treby - City of Wanneroo - Combined Report Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230228 - Cr Mangano - City of Nedlands - Combined Report Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230216 - Cr Russell - City of South Perth - Combined Report Findings and Decisions.pdf
20230213 - Cr Davis -Combined Findings & Sanction Decision and Reason for Decision.pdf
20230185 - Cr Fleeton - City of Perth - Combined Finding and Sanction.pdf
20220050 - Cr Gibb - Shire of Nannup - Combined Findings and Sanction Decision.pdf
20220169 - Cr McCullough - City of Swan - Combined Findings and Sanction.pdf
20220167 - Cr Kelly - Shire of Victoria Plains - Redacted copy - Combined Findings and Sanction.pdf
20220139 - Mayor Hamblin - Rockingham -Combined Report Findings and Decisions.pdf
20220119 - C Sweeney - City of Canning - Combined Findings and Sanction.pdf
Regulation 21 Disclosure of information
20220103 - Cr Mack - Town of Cambridge - Combined Findings and Sanctions.pdf
20220089 - Cr Cutler - Town of Cambridge - Combined Findings and Sanction.pdf
20220082 - Cr Johnson - Bayswater City - Standards Panel Decision.pdf
20220029 - Cr Spencer-Teo - City of Canning- Standards Panel Decision.pdf
20220020 - Cr Separovich - Cockburn City - Combined Findings and Sanction.pdf
20220008 - Cr Spencer-Teo - City of Canning - Standards Panel Decision.pdf
20210271 - Cr J Edinger - City of Melville - Finding and Reasons and Sanction Decision - Combined.pdf
SP 2021-061 - Mayor P Hall - City of Canning.pdf
SP 2021-060 - Cr Jacobs - City of Canning - Decision.pdf
SP 2021-055 - M Southwell - Shire of Capel.pdf
SP 2021-050 B - Cr McFall - Shire of West Arthur.pdf
SP 2021-049 - K King - Shire of West Arthur.pdf
Regulation 7 Securing personal advantage or disadvantaging others
SP 2021-041 - M Southwell- Shire of Capel.pdf
Regulation 11 Non-disclosure of interest adverse to impartiality
SP 2021-038 - Cr Jacobs - City of Canning -Standards Panel Decision.pdf
SP 2021-030 - C McCullough - City of Swan.pdf
SP 2021-029 - Southwell - Capel Shire.pdf
SP 2021-022.pdf
SP 2020-147.pdf
Regulation 10 Relations with local government employees
SP 2020-143 - Cr M Darcy.pdf
Regulation 6 Improper disclosure of information
SP 2020-136 - Cr Coales.pdf
Regulation 9 Prohibition against involvement in administration
SP 2020-135 - Cr Lacy.pdf
SP 2020-109 - Cr Scott.pdf
2020-099 - Bailey - Swan.pdf
2020-092 - Bailey - City of Swan.pdf
2020-091 - Richardson - City of Swan.pdf
2020-087 - Coales - Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale.pdf
2020-084 - Cottam - Rockingham.pdf
2020-082 - Congerton - City of Swan.pdf
2020-081 - Parry - City of Swan.pdf
2020-079 - McCullough - City of Swan.pdf
Regulation 4 Breach of a local law relating to conduct at meetings
2020-061 - Richardson - City of Swan.pdf
2020-060 - Moses - Shire of Meekatharra.pdf
2020-059 - Johnson - City of Swan.pdf
2020-042 - Separovich - Cockburn.pdf
2020-039 - Separovich - Cockburn.pdf
2020-033 - Separovich - Cockburn.pdf
SP 2020-032 - Mayor Greg Milner - City of South Perth - Finding and Reasons for Finding and Sanction Decision Combined.pdf
SP 2020-030 - Shire of Toodyay - Cr Rosemary Madacsi.pdf
SP 2020-029 - Cr Smith - City of Cockburn.pdf
SP 2020-028 Wanneroo - Newton .pdf
SP 2020-025 - Shire of Augusta Margaret River - Cr Ian Earl.pdf
SP 2020-024 - City of Swan - Cr Tanya Richardson.pdf
Regulation 8 Misuse of local government resources
SP 2020-021 - City of Swan - Cr Tanya Richardson.pdf
SP 2020-019 - City of Swan - Cr Cate McCullough.pdf
SP 2020-013 - City of Swan - Cr Tanya Richardson.pdf
2019-125 Predovnik - City of Swan.pdf
SP 2019-092 - Boddington - McGrath.pdf
SP 2019-091 - Boddington - McGrath.pdf
SP 2019-085 - CITY OF COCKBURN - SMITH.pdf
2019-077 - COCKBURN - Smith.pdf
SP 2019-069 - Cr Southwell - Shire of Capel.pdf
2019-050 - SWAN - Scanlan.pdf
SP 2019-047 - Bradley - Town of Cambridge.pdf
2019-046 - Bell - Toodyay.pdf
2019-010 - Bell - Shire of Toodyay.pdf
2019-009 - Bell - Shire of Toodyay.pdf
2019-005 - Findings & Decision.pdf
2018-122 - Standards Panel Findings and Sanction decisions.pdf
2018-113 - Standards Panel Findings and Sanction decisions.pdf
2018-111 - Findings & Decision.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 107 of 2018.pdf
2018-101 - Findings & Decision.pdf
2018-100 - Findings & Decision.pdf
92 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
92 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
83 of 2018 -Reasons for Findings.pdf
83 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
65 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
65 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
64 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
64 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision.pdf
60 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision.pdf
60 of 2018 - Reasons for Finding.pdf
57 and 59 of 2018 Findings and Sanction decision.pdf
54 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
54 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
53 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
53 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
2018-52 reasons for decision and order.pdf
2018-52 reasons for findings.pdf
2018-43 finding and reasons.pdf
2018-40 finding and reasons.pdf
2018-40 sanction decision and reasons.pdf
Standards Panel decision and reasons 31 of 2018.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 31 of 2018.pdf
Standards Panel Sanction decision and reasons 30 of 2018.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and reasons 30 of 2018.pdf
2018-027 and 028.pdf
SP 22 of 2018 - Kepert - Findings and Sanction Decision.pdf
SP 20 of 2018 - Kepert - Findings and Sanction Decision.pdf
2 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
SP 19 of 2018 - Kepert - Findings and Sanction Decision.pdf
Standards Panel findings and reasons 16 of 2018.pdf
Standards Panel Sanction decision and reasons 16 of 2018.pdf
12 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
12 of 2018 Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
11 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
11 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
1 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
1 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
6, 7 and 9 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
6, 7 and 9 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
4 of 2018 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
4 of 2018 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
60 of 2017 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
60 of 2017 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
59 of 2017 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
59 of 2017 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
57 of 2017 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
57 of 2017 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
54 of 2017 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
54 of 2017 - Reasons for Findings.pdf
49 of 2017 - Reasons for Finding.pdf
49 of 2017 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
48 of 2017 - Reasons for Finding.pdf
48 of 2017 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
SP 11 12 14 15 of 2017 Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
SP 11 12 14 15 of 2017 LGSP Reasons for Findings.pdf
8 of 2017 - Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
8 of 2017 - Reasons for Finding.pdf
SP 3 of 2017 Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
SP 3 of 2017 LGSP Reasons For Findings.pdf
SP 1 of 2017 LGSP Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
SP 1 of 2017 LGSP Reasons for Findings Report.pdf
SP 62 of 2016 LGSP Reasons for Findings.pdf
SP 62 of 2016 LGSP Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
SP 59 of 2016 - LGSP Reasons for Findings.pdf
SP 59 of 2016 LGSP Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
SP 56 of 2016 Reasons for Findings.pdf
SP 56 of 2016 Decision and Order.pdf
SP 53 of 2016 - Reasons for Decision and Order - Mayor Russell Aubrey.pdf
SP 53 of 2016 - Reasons For Finding - Mayor Russell Aubrey.pdf
SP 53 of 2016 - SAT Decision - Mayor Russell Aubrey v Local Government Standards Panel.pdf
SP 39 of 2016 Reasons for Findings Cr Boulter Cottesloe.pdf
SP 39 of 2016 Decision and Order Cr Boulter Cottesloe.pdf
SP 29 of 2016 LGSP Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
SP 29 of 2016 - LGSP Reasons for Findings.pdf
SP 28 of 2016 LGSP Reasons for Findings.pdf
SP 27 of 2016 LGSP Reasons for Findings.pdf
SP 27 of 2016 LGSP Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
SP 22 and 25 2016 Reasons For Findings.pdf
SP 22 and 25 of 2016 Decision and Order.pdf
SP 13 of 2016 LGSP Reasons for Findings.pdf
SP 13 of 2016 LGSP Reasons for Decision and Order.pdf
SP 8 of 2016 LGSP Reasons For Decision and Order.pdf
SP 8 of 2016 LGSP Reasons For Findings.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 60 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 60 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 50B of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 50B of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 50 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 50 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 49 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 49 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 42 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 42 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 30 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 30 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 25 and 27 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 25 and 27 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 26 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 26 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 21 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 17 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 17 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 8 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 8 of 2015.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 21 of 2014.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 21 of 2014.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 19 of 2014.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 19 of 2014.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 07 and 15 of 2014.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 07 and 15 of 2014.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 12 of 2014.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 12 of 2014.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Findings 03 of 2014.pdf
Standards Panel - Reasons for Decisions 03 of 2014.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 11 of 2013.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 26 and 27 of 2012.pdf
Regulation 12 Acceptance of gifts
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 19 of 2011.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 12 and 13 of 2011.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 64 of 2010.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 45 of 2010 Cr Sabatino.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 45 of 2010 Cr Anderton.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 31 and 40 of 2010.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 35 of 2010.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 29 of 2010.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 23 and 27 of 2010.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 25 of 2010.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 15 of 2010.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 14 of 2010.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 10 of 2009.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 50 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 48 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 38 and 39 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 37 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 31 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 30 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 26 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 24 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 21 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 19 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 10 of 2008.pdf
Standards Panel Findings and Decisions 05 of 2008.pdf