I, Lanie Chopping, Departmental CEO of the department of the public service assisting the Minister to administer the Local Government Act 1995 (LG Act), being the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, in accordance with section 8.2(1) of the LG Act require the Chief Executive Officer of the Town of Port Hedland (Town) to provide to me information of a kind specified hereunder:
- A copy of any document (including emails) that relates to financial management non-compliance by the Town, for instances of procurement non-compliance with a value of $5000 or greater, in the preceding 12-month period.
- A copy of any document (including emails) that relates to failure to deliver any projects worth $250,000 or greater, with information relating to any timeframes of delays after awarding a tender, in the preceding 12-month period.
- A copy of any document that relates to any failures to meet the service needs (essential and non-essential) of the Town, including failure to operate any Town-managed facilities and information relating to timeframes where any facilities were not operational in the preceding 12-month period.
- A copy of the Town’s business continuity plan and record-keeping plan, and information as to when the plans were last reviewed.
- A copy of any document (including emails) that relates to workplace grievances that have been referred to a workplace oversight body (e.g. Industrial Relations Commission, Fair Work Commission, WorkSafe) in the preceding 12-month period.
- A copy of any document that relates to disruptions or losses of the Town’s information systems, including any information relating to information systems audits (internal and external audits), and timeframes where any information systems were not operational in the preceding 12-month period.
- A copy of any document (including emails) that relates to any Town Code of Conduct complaints made against any persons (excluding Division 4 (Rules of Conduct) of the Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021). This is to include:
- Any complaint lodged;
- Any documents relating to the investigation of complaints lodged under item 7(a) above; and
- The outcomes and/or resolution of complaints lodged under item 7(a) above.
- A copy of any document that relates to WorkSafe incidents: including the number of incidents reported to WorkSafe; any investigations carried out by WorkSafe; and, the lost-time injury rate, in the preceding 12-month period.
- A copy of any report that relates to staff safety, work health and safety, and/or psychological safety (Including any reports from MinterEllison and Dr Lynda Folan; Inspired Development Solutions Pty Ltd).
- A copy of any document (including emails) that relates to staff satisfaction rate; including the most recent staff satisfaction survey results, and annual staff turnover rate.
The specified information must be provided by 4:00pm Monday, 26 August 2024, at the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, Gordon Stephenson House, 140 William Street, Perth WA 6000 or via email to goodgovernance@dlgsc.wa.gov.au
A person who fails to comply with a notice under section 8.2(1) commits an offence.
Lanie Chopping
Director General
Date: August 2024