One-off Extended Trading Permit
Fee description
| Fee (no GST applicable)
Club restricted licence to increase hours, extend the licensed area and/or sell liquor to non-members
| $49.50 |
All other licence types up to 500 patrons
| $126.50 |
All other licence types 501 to 1000 patrons | $260.50 |
All other licence types 1001 to 5000 patrons | $1,324.00 |
All other licence types 5001 to 10,000 patrons | $2,653.00 |
All other licence types over 10,000 patrons | $5,319.00 |
With respect to a One-off Extended Trading Permit application or Add, Vary or Cancel a condition of licence application sought for a function or event that takes place over a number of dates, the fee will be calculated based upon the total maximum number
of persons expected to be present in the licensed area at any one time for each date. For example: if a function or event runs for 2 days and the maximum number of persons expected to be present in the licensed area at any one time is 300, then the
fee will be calculated on an attendance of 300 for each date and will be $260.50.
In addition to the application fee, new applicants in respect of profit sharing agreements or arrangements will pay an additional $171 fee for each individual who is party to the agreement or arrangement and in relation to whom a background check is sought
from the WA Police Force.