Pursuant to section 63(ca) of the Liquor Control Act1988 (the Act), the licensing authority may remove the restrictions on a club restricted licence so that it can be converted to a club licence. Where a holder of a club restricted licence seeks to remove the restrictions imposed on that licence so that it operates as a club licence, an application to convert to a club licence is necessary.
In essence, the difference between a club restricted licence and a club licence is that a club restricted licence cannot sell packaged liquor to members, the trading hours are determined by the Director rather than specified by the Act and all liquor must be purchased from any retail or wholesale liquor outlet authorised to sell packaged liquor (other than the holder of a club licence).
Please note that penalty provisions apply to any person that does not comply with the requirements of the Act.
The licensing authority will generally only accept complete
applications. Therefore, please ensure that all documentation is
provided with your application to avoid delays.