To review decisions, disciplinary matters and matters referred by the director.
Where a person who is a party to proceedings and dissatisfied with the decision made, they may apply to for a review.
The Director may refer any matter or any question of law arising from such a matter, for hearing and determination by the Commission.
How to lodge a complaint to the Commission under section 95.
Costs of and incidentals to proceedings and application forms to dowload.
Steps and processes for lodging an application.
The commission may sit at such times and such places as it thinks fit. It may:
The procedure of the commission shall be determined when any application or matter is before it and advice will be sent in writing.
The commissions proceedings will be held in private unless the commission considers that, in the circumstances of the case, the hearing should be held in public.
The commission may on application by a party, or of it's own initiative order that separate proceedings may be heard together.
6/565 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000
The commission may, depending on the circumstances of the case, travel to regional locations in order to hear proceedings.
The Director may intervene in any proceedings before the commission, including proceedings relating to a decision or determination made by the Director, and may introduce evidence, make representations and examine or cross-examine any witness, on any question or matter.
A party to proceedings may appear:
The commission when considering the matter will act speedily and with as little formality and technicality as is practicable. Will act according to good equity, good conscience and the substantial merits of the case without regard to technicalities and legal forms.
Extract from section 18 of the Liquor Control Act 1988.
Extract from s20 of the Liquor Control Act 1988.
Pursuant to section 25 (6) a party to proceedings is a person who:
Pursuant to section 69 (13) a person who intervenes in any proceeding may, unless the licensing authority certifies that that person has no interest in the application other than that of providing argument or fact to enable the licensing authority to reach an informed decision, be held on any appeal to have thereby become a party to the proceedings; and may be made a respondent to any appeal.
In accordance with Section 9M of the Liquor Control Act 1988: