Why did you change the policy on juveniles working in licensed premises?
The policy was updated to align to the Liquor Control Act 1988 which states that juveniles can be employed in a licensed premises, but they must not sell or supply alcohol.
The DLL position is that retrieving used glasses isn’t part of the process of selling or supplying alcohol.
It is still illegal for juveniles to:
- take an order for alcohol
- deliver alcohol to a customer
- stock shelves with alcohol
- take payment for an order that includes alcohol (such as a meal with wine)
- drink alcohol.
What if a juvenile drinks alcohol from a glass they clear from a table?
It would be an offence under the Liquor Control Act 1988, and a licensee or a manager who allows that to occur will be subject to a $10,000 fine.
The alignment of the policy with the Act makes it clear that the licensee or manager is responsible for considering whether a juvenile is suitable for a role in a licensed area, and for providing appropriate supervision of any juveniles working on the premises.
What changes have been made regarding juveniles working on licensed premises?
There are 3 main changes to this policy:
- Juveniles can now handle/collect used glasses throughout licensed areas.
- Schools offering training-based work experience for students in licensed premises can apply annually for approval of the course, rather than specific approvals for individual juveniles to work at a licensed premises.
- Security requirements for juvenile functions may be reduced, or no longer apply, if the licensee demonstrates that the function to be performed by the juvenile will be low risk.