Section 27F of the Betting Control Act 1954 (the Act) provides that a domestic betting operator is authorised to publish Western Australian race fields, subject to the requirement that it must, within the period prescribed in the Betting Control Regulations
- lodge a return showing the total bets it has taken on WA races; and
- pay the relevant race bets levy (RBL).
The prescribed period for the lodgement of an RBL return and payment of the RBL, is 14 days after the end of the previous month.
Domestic betting operator
A domestic betting operator means a person who in this State or another State or Territory is authorised to engage in or conduct the business of betting.
A domestic betting operator is:
- a bookmaker;
- an off-course totalisator;
- an on-course totalisator; or
- an operator of a betting exchange.
A domestic betting operator does not need to apply for any approval but needs to provide evidence that they hold a current licence in order to be registered for WA Race Fields and to pay
the racing bets levy.
Offshore betting operator
An offshore betting operator means a person who is authorised under the law of a jurisdiction outside Australia to engage in or conduct the business of betting. Offshore betting operators must apply to the Gaming and Wagering Commission
for approval (s27D of the the Act refers).
Approval would (generally) be subject to the same conditions as a domestic betting operator. This includes lodgement of an RBL return and payment of the relevant RBL. Offshore betting operators are required to be approved by the Gaming and Wagering Commission before they can offer betting services on Western Australian races.
Offshore betting operators wishing to bet on WA races should contact the department to find out the process for being approved. Email or telephone 61 8 6551 4888.
More information
More information about registering to use or publish Western Australia race fields is available in the Racing Bets Levy Information Pack.