Racing precedents

A list of precedents from determinations made by the Racing Penalties Appeal Tribunal.


Frank Maynard


Appeal allowed


Disqualification for 3 years for administering a prohibited substance (Methylprednisolone), pre or post race sample under Rule 175(h)(ii). Appeal dismissed, penalty varied to a disqualification of 2 years. Appealed to Supreme Court, referred back to Tribunal. Appeal upheld, referred back to WATC Stewards.

Racing type


Thoroughbred racing rules

Offence type

Prohibited substances


The matter was remitted to the Tribunal to be dealt with in accordance with the reasons for? a code to regulate the domestic affairs of the racing industry and do not constitute statutory provisions or regulations.

Paragraph number: 1 (25-05-94) and 2 (6-07-93)

Decision file

Page reviewed 18 July 2022