Who can appeal and how
- A person (being a trainer, rider, driver or owner) aggrieved by a Racing and Wagering Western Australia decision, or a determination of a steward or a committee of a racing club may appeal to the Racing Penalties Appeal Tribunal.
- Notice of appeal must be lodged with the tribunal within 14 days of the decision being handed down, or with leave later.
The matters that can be appealed against are those determinations or findings:
- imposing any suspension or disqualification, whether of a runner or of a person;
- imposing a fine;
- which results, or may result, in the giving of a notice of the kind commonly referred to as a 'warning-off'; or
- in relation to any other matter, where the tribunal gives leave to appeal.
The matters that cannot be appealed against are:
- a protest;
- eligibility of a runner; or
- a betting dispute.
Determination of appeals
The tribunal will hear and determine an appeal upon the evidence of the original hearing but may allow new evidence or call on experts to assist in its deliberations.
Evidence can include transcripts of stewards’ enquiries, exhibits and video footage.
Decisions of the tribunal are final and binding
When determining an appeal, the tribunal may:
- order the refund or repayment of any stakes paid in respect of a race to which the appeal relates;
- refer the matter to Racing and Wagering Western Australia or the stewards or a committee of the appropriate racing club for rehearing;
- confirm, vary or set aside the determination or finding appealed against or any order or penalty imposed to which it relates;
- recommend, or require that Racing and Wagering Western Australia or the committee or stewards of the appropriate racing club, take further action in relation to any person; or
- make such other order as the member presiding may think proper.
Stay of proceedings
A suspension of operation of the penalty may be granted by the chairperson or presiding member.
Stays are usually determined on the written material supplied by the applicant and responded to by the stewards.
A formal hearing may be held to determine stays.