Australian War Memorial launch
On 5 July 2019, the Hon. Ben Wyatt MLA; Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, launched the No Less Worthy publication at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.
Among those who attended as a guest speaker was Diane Brown, the granddaughter of Charles Hutchins who is one of the soldiers featured in the book.
As part of the event proceedings, Dr Brendan Nelson, Director of the Australian War Memorial (AWM), recorded a video message to acknowledge the release of this special publication.
Running sheet
- 00:00 Introduction — Mr Ron Bradfield, Master of Ceremonies
- 03:55 Welcome to Country — Mr Michael Bell
- 10:15 Acknowledgement of Country — Dr Richard Walley OAM
- 14:15 First person perspective of war — Mr Ron Bradfield
- 19: 53 Video presentation — Dr Brendan Nelson, AWM Director
- 30:30 Keynote speaker — Ms Diane Brown, granddaughter of Charles Hutchins
- 42:40 NAIDOC Week and truth telling — Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, Minister for Indigenous Australians
- 50:40 Hon Ben Wyatt MLA, WA Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
- 1:00:00 Mr Kerry Stokes AC, Chairperson, AWM Council
- 1:05:05 Traditional Noongar songline performance — Dr Richard Walley OAM