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LG Alert

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Financial and other information, previously required separately by the Grants Commission, can also now be submitted online at the same time as submitting selected data from Annual Financial Reports.

Local governments would now be familiar with Smart Hub after successfully lodging Compliance Audit Returns for 2016.  Smart Hub makes it easy to upload large files and provides instant acknowledgement without the need to mail hard copies to the department.

Smart Hub is now the only place for audited Annual Financial Reports and Western Australian Grants Commission returns to be lodged.

Checklists to assist with the submission of documents and completion of the form are provided with this circular. Queries relating to lodging your Annual Financial Reports and Grants Commission returns with Smart Hub can be directed to or by telephone 61 8 6551 1784.

Access to Smart Hub

Smart Hub was developed to make it easier for local governments to submit a range of documentation and reporting online, as well as provide access to convenient links to key departmental web pages and publications.

To gain access to Smart Hub, email with the subject line 'Smart Hub access request' to receive personalised secure logins.  Provide the name, position and local government email address for all officers requiring access.  If possible, provide an email address that identifies a person rather than a generic group.

Duncan Ord
24 October 2017



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Page reviewed 27 February 2023