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LG Alert

Mandatory contact register

More than one million Western Australians have now signed up for the State Government’s secure contact tracing app, SafeWA, enabling them to safely sign into particular businesses and venues.

In addition, as of 14 December, more than 26,000 businesses have registered with the app and there have been more than 4.7 million individual scan-ins in venues and businesses by patrons.

Contact registers have now been mandatory for particular WA businesses and venues since 5 December.

State Government has continued to liaise with stakeholders about the transition, prompting a timely reminder for the following information:

  • Maintaining a contact register is mandatory for certain businesses and venues. The use of the State Government’s SafeWA app to maintain a contact register, while encouraged, is optional. Businesses should not deny entry to patrons if they do not have the SafeWA app. Access to a business or venue should be inclusive, and alternative check-in methods such as a booking system, or writing on a paper form must be made available.
  • When a paper-based contact register is used, businesses or venues must protect the privacy of patrons and contact information should not be visible. Templates allowing businesses or venues to print and cut individual slips for patrons to fill out and drop into a secure ballot-style box are available from the website.
  • Contact registers are not covered in the General Disposal Authorities for State or Local Government Records, therefore an Ad Hoc Disposal Authority has been developed especially for these registers for use by both State and local government organisations.

Advice has been provided by the State Government for specific queries relating to businesses such as campgrounds, accommodation facilities and food markets.

For any other questions, email the Department of the Premier and Cabinet at

Communication tools

A toolkit has been developed to assist businesses and venues to communicate with stakeholders, and efforts to support culturally and linguistically diverse communities continues.

A support poster that can be displayed next to a venue’s unique QR code has been translated into 28 languages.

This poster, together with a fact sheet and templates for paper-based registration, is available on the Advice in other languages page on

Please click on the individual languages to find these assets. If you would like to use this translated information in a digital format for display screens, or have any questions regarding the toolkit, email the Department of the Premier and Cabinet at or call 61 8 6552 5987.

Thank you to all our stakeholders for working to keep WA safe as we move into the festive season. 


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Page reviewed 27 February 2023