Grants programs promoting the arts in regional WA

Leveraged Creative and Cultural Planning program closing soon.
17 August 2021

LG Alert

Albany Artist and Creative Grid Mentee Chelsea Hopkins-Allan painting a larger than life Helena Gum Moth.

Photo: Albany Artist and Creative Grid Mentee Chelsea Hopkins-Allan painting a larger than life Helena Gum Moth. Regional Arts WA Creative Grid Mentorship. Picture by Chelsea Hopkins-Allan

The arts and creative industries play an important role in the social, cultural, and economic growth and vitality of regional communities.

The Leveraged Creative and Cultural Planning program supports regional local governments to develop creative and cultural plans and implement activities.

The program provides grants up to $50,000 for the development of a creative and cultural plan and up to $25,000 for the implementation of an activity.

Creative and cultural plans should align with strategic community plans, promote the value of arts, culture and heritage and facilitate activities that foster the regional creative and cultural industries, including cultural tourism.

The program is a part of the Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program.

Applications close 4pm, 9 September 2021.

Support for arts and cultural activity at regional festivals

The Regional and Remote Festivals Fund provides funding for projects that support arts and cultural activity at regional and remote festivals in Western Australia.

Regional festivals provide opportunities for regional and remote communities to participate in arts and cultural activity in their towns and communities.

Grants up to $50,000 available.

The program is a part of the Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program. Applications close 4pm, 9 September 2021.


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