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LG Alert

Australian flag

In recognition of Australia Day and in accordance with flag protocol, the Australian National Flag should be flown or displayed where possible on Wednesday 26 January 2022, from all buildings and establishments occupied by Western Australian government departments and associated agencies. Other organisations are also welcome to participate.

Ministerial offices are requested to advise all agencies within their Minister’s portfolio.

The financial and staffing implications arising from public holiday flag marshal duties are the responsibility of each organisation.

Advice on flag protocol can be found at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s website.

Further details regarding Australia Day and the theme for 2022, ‘Reflect. Respect. Celebrate – we're all part of the story’, is available on the National Australia Day Council website.

For any other enquiries, please contact the Protocol and State Events office via email or telephone 61 8 6552 6333.

Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Protocol and State Events


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Page reviewed 27 February 2023