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LG Alert

As part of the reforms new requirements will be introduced to provide for:

  • the introduction of optional preferential voting
  • directly elected mayors and presidents for band 1 and 2 local governments
  • councillor numbers based on population
  • the removal of wards for band 3 and 4 local governments.

While drafting of the Amendment Bill is ongoing and expected to be introduced in early 2023, the Minister will be advising WA’s local governments of the reforms and the impact on the 2023 ordinary local government elections.

The advice outlines two approaches.

Firstly, local governments can commence a ward and representation review now, with a view to gazetting the changes in time for the elections. Submissions need to be made to the Local Government Advisory Board by 14 February 2023.

Alternatively, local governments may choose the reform pathway, which may involve the following:

  • all wards (if applicable) being abolished
  • the number of positions set at the maximum allowed under the reforms (including a directly elected mayor/president if required)
  • a directly elected mayor or president (if applicable).

Under this option, local governments will be able to conduct a ward and representation review after the election to re-introduce wards (applicable to band 1 and 2 local governments).

Local governments are required to advise the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) of their intended option by 28 October 2022.

For questions on the reforms, please contact DLGSC at

For questions about the ward and representation process, please contact


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Page reviewed 27 February 2023