I am delighted to announce that the Hon David Templeman, MLA, Minister for Sport and Recreation has announced that Cabinet has approved the appointment of Ms Erin McGowan and Mr Matt Wynne to the Combat Sport Commission for a period of 2 years, commencing in August 2023.
Ms Erin McGowan is a current commission board member and is a former amateur and professional boxer who has won National and World titles over a 20-year career. Erin is an active boxing coach, personal trainer and previously a doping control officer for the Australian Sports Commission. Her knowledge of the boxing industry and greater understanding of the challenges young female contestants face within the combat sports industry continues to be an asset to the commission.
Mr Matt Wynne is a lifelong martial arts practitioner who holds a jujitsu black belt and is a current MMA Head Official. Matt is an experienced team leader and administrator with multiple qualifications across training and assessment, occupational health and safety, and fitness. Matt’s professional application, passion for combat sports and 23 years of experience will be beneficial to the industry and the commission.
I congratulate and welcome both Ms McGowan and Mr Wynne and sincerely thank the outgoing commission member Mr Milan Bevk for his commitment and service to the commission.
The Hon. Bob Kucera APM JP
Chair, Combat Sports Commission