The grants from the July round of Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) and Club Night Lights Program (CNLP) support vital community projects – including pool renovations, upgrades to changeroom facilities, resurfacing works, and lighting installation.
A total of $1,500,985 in CSRFF grants has been allocated to 18 projects, while 9 successful applicants will receive a total of $631,808 from the CNLP. The projects are located in the metropolitan area, Gascoyne, Great Southern, Mid West, Peel, Pilbara, and South West regions.
Some of the 18 recipients of CSRFF grants are:
- $200,000 — upgrade Wyalkatchem Memorial Swimming Pool, Shire of Wyalkatchem
- $124,866 — upgrade of existing toilets and changerooms at Eaton Recreation Centre, Shire of Dardanup
- $107,638 — Robertson Park construction of multisport courts, City of Vincent.
Some of the nine recipients of CNLP grants are:
- $194,460 — Manjimup Speedway Club, Shire of Manjimup
- $62,640 — Carey Park Football Sporting and Community Club Inc, City of Bunbury
- $58,587 — Dick Lawrence Oval, City of Fremantle.
The CSRFF and CNLP grants are valuable in providing funding to help local governments and sporting clubs keep Western Australians physically active and participating in sport and recreation opportunities.
The small grants program enables community organisations, local governments, as well as sport and recreation clubs to apply for and receive funds, to support the development of high-quality infrastructure and environments for sport and recreation throughout Western Australia.
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