Elsie Austin Pavilion change room upgrades progressing

The Shire of Mundaring is progressing upgrades to its Elsie Austin Pavilion change rooms after receiving a $485,000 funding boost allocated through the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF).
4 February 2025

Media release

The Elise Austin Pavillion, with grassed area in the foreground, and the sunsetting in the background.

Administered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries the (DLGSC) the CSRFF provided $410,000 of the total $485,000 in funding invested by the WA Government.

The shire is progressing detailed design work by Hodge Collard Preston Architects who have been engaged by the Shire to develop new designs based on building concepts developed previously with the community.

The improved facilities at the Mount Helena oval will include:

  • upgraded and expanded changerooms
  • a universal changeroom/shower
  • a new umpire’s room and larger storage room
  • improved kitchen/kiosk
  • upgraded entrance and surrounding outdoor areas.
Inside the newly renovated Elise Austin Pavillion

All works will comply with modern accessibility requirements to include widened doorways and smooth pathways to increase universal accessibility, as well as lockable cubicles in the female changerooms and LED lighting throughout the building and between the carpark and building.

The Shire of Mundaring is working with community groups to secure further funding for the capital works which are expected to cost around $1.8 million to $2 million.

The CSRFF program continues to provide value to WA communities through its support of local community projects.

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