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COVID Event Guidelines and Plans to enable for more events in WA

Sep 18, 2020
Events of more than 500 people that require a local government authority approval will be supported with COVID Event Guidelines and COVID Event Plans to ensure more events are held in Western Australia.

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Basketball players at the Bendat Basketball Centre

Game on! Unprecedented $300 million investment in sport and community infrastructure

Media release

The State Government has announced one of the most significant investments in sport and community infrastructure in Western Australian history, with a $300 million package as part of the WA Recovery Plan.
Optus Stadium view from the Swan River at twilight.

Major sport and entertainment events bring economic boost for WA

Media release

Western Australians were treated to a choice of sport and entertainment events last week helping to stimulate the local economy.
Silhouette photo of a young ballet dancer dressed in a long peach dress, pointe shoes with ribbons.

Big boost for WA arts, sport and community sectors seeking relief

Media release

The State Government, through Lotterywest, has provided the biggest agenda of grants — in number and value-making up more than $47.5 million in crucial funding to the Western Australian community.
Stock image of a basketball on a court. Getty Images.

Local governments share in $1.75 million infrastructure grants

LG Alert

Local governments around Western Australia are to share $1.75m to help fund 27 sport and recreation infrastructure projects to support their communities.

WA Hiking Strategy to sustain boom in bushwalking and trail running

The State Government has released a 10-year WA Hiking Strategy to ensure Western Australians continue to enjoy the great outdoors in a safe and sustainable way.

Partnership to support healthy active communities in the Kimberley

Children and young people from 37 Kimberley communities are to benefit from $400,000 provided to encourage sporting and other activities under the Smarter Than Smoking Active Communities Program.
Football training

Kick off time for State Football Centre

Media release

The State Government will invest $16.25 million to build a State Football Centre to serve the growing football community of Western Australia.
Illustration of stages along a road

Phase 3 of COVID-19 roadmap to commence from Saturday, June 6

Media release

The State Government has announced Phase 3 of the roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions in WA, with significant changes coming into effect from Saturday, June 6.
Minister joined by Nollamara football legend Des Headland and members of the Nollamara Football club

State Government fast tracks community sport grants to assist with COVID-19 recovery

The State Government will fast-track $12 million in funding applications for community sport and recreation projects to expedite the projects and support Western Australia's economy as part of the COVID-19 recovery.

How you can support your volunteers

To coincide with National Volunteer Week, here are some resources and tips to help sport and recreation organisations recognise and support their volunteers.
Library shelves

Local government sector urged to take leadership role

LG Alert

The local government sector has a key role to play in the Phase 2 easing of restrictions and in helping communities get back on their feet and the economy back on track.

Support for arts, sports and community organisations

From Friday 24 April, until midnight Wednesday 13 May, organisations are able to apply for Lotterywest support through its COVID-19 Relief Fund involving the ‘Event Cancellation Relief and ‘Sector Support for Resilient Organisations’ short term grants programs.
The beautiful historic buildings of the bustling port town of Fremantle in Western Australia.

Instructions to close certain places of business, worship and entertainment

Departmental Circular 4 2020

Under the Emergency Management Act 2005, the Commissioner of Police and State Emergency Coordinator, Chris Dawson, has issued directions regarding the closure of various establishments to the public in WA to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Soccer players training

State Government commits $9.35 million to help build better sport and recreation facilities across WA

Twenty-three communities across Western Australia are to benefit from improved sport and recreation facilities thanks to the State Government allocating $9.35 million to help fund local projects.
A group of netballers

State Government provides $535,000 to improve Great Southern sporting facilities

Two communities in the Great Southern are to receive a total of $534,995 to help them build better sport and recreation facilities for their local communities.
Fat Bikes on a beach

Kimberley to host iconic sporting events in 2020

Broome and Kununurra will again host three iconic sporting events this year thanks to a State Government program which assists regional communities to host local events.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023