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The Arts Organisations Investment Program aims to build strong Western Australian arts, cultural and creative sector organisations that support the vibrancy of our State and celebrates this internationally.

Primary outcomes


Artists, and arts organisations are supported to produce high-quality cultural and creative experiences.

  • Organisations create experiences that are of high-quality and considered the best of its type 
  • Organisations create work that is original, innovative and explores new possibilities and views
  • Organisations create work that is authentic, respects cultural tradition, or promotes social awareness and cohesion.


Community access and engagement with WA’s cultural and creative experiences is broadened and deepened.

  • Organisations enable engagement with audiences that reflect the diversity of West Australians
  • Organisations have a strong connection with, and presence in, their communities
  • Organisations attract people in and beyond their communities of interest to directly engage with the work.


Artists, and art organisations develop collaborative partnerships within, and across, sectors to leverage new opportunities, funding and support.

  • Organisations collaborate with others within and beyond their communities of practice, striving for creative, long-lasting and structurally new ways of working together
  • Organisations leverage opportunities and funding from a range of different sources, including through partnerships
  • Organisations develop and operate in a financially, environmentally and socially sustainable way.

Secondary outcomes


WA’s community is strengthened through participation and engagement with arts and culture.

  • Build harmonious and inclusive communities where people feel connected to each other through arts and cultural activities
  • Young people are engaged and empowered to tell their stories through arts and cultural experiences
  • People in the community have improved mental heath and wellbeing
  • Arts and culture activities support strong creative learning outcomes for young people.


WA’s diversity is celebrated and represented through cultural and creative content and practice.

  • Aboriginal arts and culture is celebrated and recognised as WA’s strongest asset
  • People recognise and connect to WA’s history and cultural heritage through engagement and shared storytelling, including the celebration of Aboriginal culture
  • The stories of all individuals, regardless of their identities, are promoted and celebrated, including their creative expression and diverse voices.


WA’s economy is strengthened through a flourishing industry of creative and cultural sector organisations.

  • High-quality local arts and creative jobs are created to attract and retain WA talent
  • The cultural and creative industry continues to grow and develop, contributing to the diversification of WA’s economy
  • The WA cultural and creative industry is a leader of collaborative and innovative practice
  • WA is seen as a destination for arts and cultural experiences.
Page reviewed 20 January 2025