Secondary weigh-ins: will not be at every contest
Following several years of data collection from the secondary weigh-in process the associated PhD research is nearing completion. Mandatory secondary weigh-ins for all contests will no longer be required, but the Combat Sports Commission may notify a secondary weigh-in requirement for some contests.
What does this mean for contestants?
You are no longer required to attend a secondary weigh-in unless advised that the contest you have entered is having a secondary weigh-in. The timeframe for attending a notified secondary weigh-in will be from when doors open until any time prior to your bout and attendance will still be compulsory.
Official weigh-ins: opportunity to retake the scales for the purpose of removing further clothing/accessories
An inability to remove additional clothing, after stepping on the scales, was implemented when the single attempt weigh-in rule was introduced. This rule is now being changed by allowing contestants to re-weigh for the sole purpose of removing additional clothing/accessories, if required.
What does this mean for contestants?
If you miss weight, you can request a re-weigh be re-taken but only for the purposes of immediately removing further clothing/accessories (you may request a privacy towel if required) and you must retake the scale immediately.
Official weigh-ins: title bout weigh-ins (only) will be allowed a restricted opportunity to attempt to make weight
The weigh-in rules have been changed to accommodate distinctions between title bouts and non-title bouts. Sanctioned title bout contestants will be allowed 2 attempts to make weight within a 2-hour period, up to a maximum permitted weight loss of 500g. The single weigh-in rule will still apply for all non-title bouts.
What does this mean for contestants?
You will have 2 hours to complete a weigh-in commencing from the official weigh-in start time. If you miss weight by 500g or less, you will have a second opportunity to re-weigh at any time before the final closing time for an official weigh-in. Any attempt to reduce body weight during this time must be strictly in accordance with the Code of Conduct (PDF 566 KB), which prohibits the use of heat/rubber suits or sauna use.
Certificate of Fitness: new forms to be used
A new Certificate of Fitness form (PDF 152 KB) has been introduced. Greater responsibility is being placed on contestants to fully discuss their body weight and any proposed body weight loss with their doctor during a certificate of fitness assessment. Contestant’s will also be required to report any history of concussion or knock outs to their doctor.
What does this mean for contestants?
When you renew your next certificate of fitness, please ensure you use the new Certificate of Fitness form (PDF 152 KB) and provide to your doctor — incomplete or unsigned forms will not be accepted. Also, make sure you have allowed enough time to get a blood test and the results — see your doctor and get the forms submitted a minimum of 5 working days before your contest.
Serology reporting: new serology clearance forms, do not directly send your test results
The process of submitting serology reports is changing. The Combat Sports Commission will no longer accept direct receipt of serology (blood) laboratory results. Contestants will be required to instead supply a serology clearance form (151 KB) signed by a doctor who has sighted the serology tests. There will be a transition period provided over the following six months to switch over to the new process.
What does this mean for contestants?
If you are renewing either a serology report or certificate of fitness, let your doctor know, in advance of your appointment, that you will need a serology test. If you are renewing your annual certificate of fitness please use the updated Certificate of Fitness form (PDF 152 KB) which already includes a serology clearance. If you only need to renew your six-monthly serology report then please organise a serology test with your doctor and forward them the serology clearance form (151 KB).