Risk Management Project
The commission engaged Mark Humphrey’s from RiskWest as a consultant to complete a review of the commission’s Risk Management framework and relevant risk related policies and procedures. The commission places a high importance on risk management given its regulatory role in an industry that comes with acknowledged inherent health and safety risks. The health and safety of contestants is the utmost priority of the commission and I thank Mark, and his team, for his assistance with this key project.
In an effort to improve stakeholder engagement and keep the industry informed, the commission launched an official Facebook page in 2018/19. The commission has used Facebook to share important information, messages and policies. Like our page to connect with the commission and the Combat Sports Community.
Together with its consultant, Two Moons, the commission also rebranded its fact sheets, guidelines and policies. The commission’s tag line “prepare well, perform better” is found on its newly branded documents. This tag line talks to the commission’s view on the dangerous practice of weight cutting.
Other Projects
In parallel to the above mentioned projects, the commission has been developing a new online registration and promotion application portal, developing a new website and increasing its online presence. The new online portal will provide a new streamlined process for registration and promotion permit applications and is expected to be launched in the 2019/20 financial year. The commission has also been working towards a new website, which will sit within the DLGSC website, which will also be launched in 2019/20.
Policy and Regulatory Amendments
The commission has continued to review its policies to ensure they are relevant and align with industry priorities. During this financial year, the commission developed the Dual Roles Policy and updated the Children Participating at Promotions Policy. In addition, weight classifications for boxing, kickboxing and Muay Thai were amended in the Combat Sport Regulations to ensure the prescribed weight classifications were aligned to those prescribed by international bodies. The commission also did some work to require that Seconds are also registered (this came into effect on 1 July 2019).
In November 2018, the commission issued a stakeholder survey and thanks everyone who took the time to participate in the survey to enable the commission to evaluate its performance and gain feedback from the industry. In doing so, the commission learnt of the importance of engaging and consulting the industry when developing and amending policies. Unfortunately, the commission has observed that during all consultation processes, the response from the industry has been limited. I encourage all members of the industry to engage with the commission to ensure that your voice is heard. You feedback is important to us in ensuring the health and safety of the community.
I acknowledge the contribution of all members, current, incoming and outgoing, of the commission. The work of all commission members is not lost on me and I appreciate everyone’s passion and commitment.
I wish to publicly acknowledge the continued efforts of Antoni Grover, Tracey Roper, Erin Guthrie, Melissa Baker and James Harmer throughout the year. It is their commitment and professionalism that ensures the smooth running of the commission.
In addition, thank you to all external stakeholders, consultants, support functions within the DLGSC and the combat sports industry for your ongoing support and contribution.
Finally, on behalf of the commission, I would like to again thank the Hon. Mick Murray, and his wonderful staff, for their support, approachability and willingness to assist. I personally commend all commission members and staff for their efforts in enforcing the Act throughout the course of the year.
I am encouraged by the progress the commission made in 2018/19 in respect of the various projects and look forward to another exciting year ahead.
Cassandra Wright
Commission Chair