Creating a safer WA for children and young people

Factsheet: Arts, cultural, sport, recreation and community organisations have an ethical and legal responsibility to protect children from harm.

This guidance is developed in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Royal Commission).

1. Prevent

The National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (the National Principles) set out a nationally consistent approach to promoting a culture of child safety and wellbeing within organisations.

All organisations undertaking child-related work or activities should:

2. Respond

Responding to a suspicion or allegation of harm or abuse from a child or young person is a serious matter. When responding it is important to:

  • listen and be respectful
  • believe what the child or young person is saying and take the disclosure seriously
  • act by following your organisation’s policies and procedures and report concerns where there is concern for the wellbeing of a child to the Department of Communities on 1800 199 008 or WA Police on 131 444 when a child is in immediate danger.
  • document concerns and complaints — keeping in mind the privacy of children and young people.

The Commissioner for Children and Young People website is a helpful resource to assist children and young people in speaking up and making a complaint.

3. Support

The National Redress Scheme offers survivors of institutional child sexual abuse access to redress, counselling and support.

Community organisations only need to act if they are named in a survivor’s application and are contacted by the scheme operator.

Child safeguarding reforms are currently underway and DLGSC will continue to notify stakeholders of changes that will impact them.

For further information please visit:

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Page reviewed 29 Oct 2021