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What is a recovery plan?

The recovery plan is the final stage of this framework and will enable organisations and activity leaders to prepare as well as possible for future changes. It will enable a quick response based on previously prepared information and provide a logical process to base key decisions on.

It will be a live document that should be frequently reviewed and updated as more information is available, or the position (for example, financial) of the organisation or project changes.


The recovery plan will:

  • provide an action or operational plan for the reinstatement of future activities
  • provide a guide based on organisational priorities, resources available and risk management requirements
  • outline a number of potential plans based on potential future scenarios
  • enable early preparations for generic actions regardless of future restrictions (for example early discussions with land managers and funding agencies)
  • provide a thorough and well-planned approach to key actions for future operations.

How is the recovery plan completed?

The plan should use clear language that is easy to understand for those involved in the activity or sport. For example, avoid jargon, abbreviations and making assumptions that the reader knows as much about the sport or activity as you do. As much as possible, provide enough detail within each action so the person responsible for the action can carry it out.

Prepare the plan based on known information or on the scenarios identified in the scenario mapping stage. Don’t forget these scenarios can (and probably will) change from time to time so be flexible in quickly reviewing any key changes.

Base your plans on the work carried out in the previous five ‘preparation’ stages. If they need changing use these other documents to keep the development of the recovery plan on track and focused on what is really important.

One person cannot do this all on their own so while the current environment may not lend itself to an extensive consultation process, some quick and targeted feedback or comments may be warranted from your stakeholders. Also, engage the people you want help from in this process or provide them with a chance to review in the context of the previous work (you could even provide them with a copy of the great work already carried out). The important part will be the communication of the plan to key stakeholders with an opportunity to provide comments for consideration.

Preparation of the recovery plan

The following table can be developed for each of the potential scenarios identified in the scenario mapping. Once again, this is just a guide and you may prefer to use your existing operational planning templates or formats. The plan may also have some actions that need to be carried out first before others can follow.

Recovery plan template — including some examples

Scenario: this should be a brief description of the future scenario that this plan will respond to.

Implications: outline key implications related to this scenario and focus on activities, actions and areas of operation that align with organisational priorities.

Area Action Resource impact Risk assessment Risk controls Action notes Who Status/comment
Finance Membership fees Advise members of the fees for the start/remainder of the season. Essential for club operations. Members may be reluctant/unable to pay. Provide members with suitable information on how the fee structure has been set and potential support/subsidies like KidSport. Ensure communication is positive and will provide a welcoming return to the club/activity. Treasurer and Membership Officer  
Review budgets Review budgets and cash flows to reflect the anticipated income and expenditure. Essential for club operations and to maintain financial viability. Limited risk as the club has appropriate financial reserves. Monitor in line with budget and predicted cash flow. Submit the reviewed budget and cash flows to the Executive Committee for approval. Treasurer and Bookkeeper  
Places and spaces Training grounds Book the training grounds through the local government. Previous discussion indicates main ovals are available. Limited risk that the training oval is not available. Re-confirm availability and note any local government hygiene controls/requirements. Ensure these controls are communicated to members and coaches. Club Booking Officer  
Training schedule Review weekly training schedules. Negative impact if training space becomes limited. Moderate risk if teams turn up early and overcrowd the oval. Ensure a 10-minute window between crossover of teams using the oval. Consider the impact of restrictions and the number of people able to train on the field. Teams may need to reduce training duration. Development Officer and Coaching Co-ordinator  
Restrictions Activity modification Modify the activity in line with the latest restrictions. Potentially some impact on the number of training balls, marker cones and cleaning products. High risk of players not abiding by hygiene or social distancing requirements. Ensure all members, parents and coaches are aware of the requirements. Regular spot checks to ensure compliance. Regular communication and temporary signage at the training ovals. Coaching Co-ordinator and Membership Officer  


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Page reviewed 20 January 2025