The department will be closed from Monday 23 December 2024 and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. We will respond to queries in the new year. Best wishes for a safe and happy festive season.
The minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 19 February 2013 did not comply with regulation 11(da) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, as they did not provide written reasons for a decision that is significantly different from the Chief Executive Officer's written recommendation in relation to the Merrick matter.
The CEO has failed to keep Council abreast of costs of litigation of the Merrick matter thus not enabling Council to make informed decisions regarding to matter.
Mr Scott, as CEO, failed to comply with Policy F3 by failing to obtain three (3) written quotes for the purchase of goods or services relating to the provision of legal services for the Merrick matter.
The Shire has failed to adopt a policy to give guidance and direction to the CEO on matters concerning litigation on behalf of the Council.
The CEO has failed to ensure that the resources of the local government are effectively and efficiently managed, by pursuing a $60 parking infringement at the cost of $5381 in circumstances where the infringement notice had been issued to the wrong person.
The CEO did not adequately discharge the responsibility he had under the s5.41(d) of the Local Government Act 1995 for the management of the day to day operations of the local government by managing legal costs, which were excessive given the nature of the matter.
The CEO has failed to discharge his duty as per regulation 5(2)(a) Financial Management Regs in regard to ensuring that the resources of the local government are effectively and efficiently managed in relation to litigation of the Warragenny Holding Pty Ltd matter.
The CEO has failed to keep Council abreast of continuing costs of litigation of the Warragenny matter thus not enabling Council to make informed decisions regarding to matter.
The CEO has failed to ensure that efficient systems and procedures are to be established by the CEO of the local government for the proper collection of all money owing to the local government in regard to rates setting.
The CEO did not have adequate oversight of the day to day operations of the local government, and this failure by the CEO has caused, or contributed to the potential unnecessary costs to the Shire of Toodyay.
The Audit Committee appears not to have complied with section 5.14 of the Act by not choosing one of themselves to preside at the 17 December 2018 meeting in the absence of the presiding member, Cr Welburn.
The Shire of Toodyay has breached of r33A(4) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 1996 by not submitting the Shire of Toodyay Budget Review to the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries for the 2018-19 financial year.
The CEO has breached of r5(g) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 1996 by not submitting the Shire of Toodyay Budget Review to the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries.
The CEO has failed to ensure that the Shire adhered to Local Government (Functions and General) Regulation 1996 r11 by neglecting to invite tenders before awarding the contract to Fire Mitigations Services.
The Council has failed to adhere to the F12 Disposal of Property policy by neglecting to contact all effected stakeholders as nominated in the policy.
The Council has failed to adhere to the Local Planning Policy 20 by not justifying why full compliance was impractical, or may result in reasonably demonstrated detriment, or why variation was warranted in the circumstances of the case.
The Shire has provided incorrect advice allowing the use of a conventional septic system, when an Alternative Treatment Unit wastewater system was required.
The Shire was inconsistent in its approach in this case, in relation to the planning and building conditions to be adhered to with respect to the subdivision of land.
The CEO has failed to ensure that the resources of the local government are effectively and efficiently managed, by pursuing an unwarranted prosecution at the cost of $36,500 in circumstances where the infringement notice had already been paid.
The Shire has shown to have inconsistent dealings in relation to a planning application over a period of five years with no change in Shire planning or policies during that time, and at a significant cost to the applicant and rate payers.
The Shire has failed to adhere to their own O.2 Volunteer Policy by ensuring to provision of orientation/induction as per item 7.7 Induction of the Volunteer Policy by the Shire of Toodyay was provided to Ms Graham.
The Shire has failed to adhere to their own O.2 Volunteer Policy item 13 of Inappropriate Behaviour and Volunteer Dismissal, specifically affording the volunteer with procedural fairness and following the procedure for termination of a volunteer's services.
The CEO has breached Code of Conduct 3.5 Avoid Derogatory Statements by failing to communicate in a professional manner which may cause any reasonable person unwarranted offence or embarrassment.
The CEO has acted in an unethical manner by not disclosing to the Council that his son is working with the legal firm that the Shire has frequently engaged to provide legal services.
It is recommended that: