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2017 to 2021

Developed for the Trails Reference Group by TRC Tourism.

Executive summary

The Western Australian Strategic Trails Blueprint 2017–2021 (the Blueprint) is an overarching guide for consistent and coordinated planning, development and management of quality trails and trail experiences across Western Australia. It provides a vision, guiding principles, strategic directions and actions for consideration across the State for government, trail managers, landholders, trail support groups, tourism operators and the community.

Western Australia is blessed with stunning natural landscapes and the Blueprint expresses the aspirations of the trails community to achieve improved and sustainable outcomes for trail supply, experiences, community development and the local, regional and state visitor economies.

Physical and mental health continues to be vitally important to the general well-being of Western Australian communities and trails in all their forms provide a valuable outlet for exercise, play, challenge, recreation and adventure. Trails also improve the awareness and appreciation of the natural environment and build support for its conservation and protection.

Tourism is now playing a bigger and more significant part in trails development, as visitors – both international and domestic – look for interesting, challenging and unique experiences as part of their holidays and travels. This document recognises that quality trails have the ability to create “Trail Towns”, “Trail Centres” and “Trail Networks” which embrace and benefit communities on an economic, tourism and social level.

Minister Mick Murray launching the WA Trails Blueprint

Blueprint vision

By 2021 more people will be using Western Australia’s trail network resulting in greater community, social, cultural, economic, environmental, health and wellbeing outcomes for Western Australia.

Publication Information

ISBN No. 978-1-921648-51-9

Published by the Department of Sport and Recreation, May 2017.

The Western Australian Strategic Trails Blueprint has been prepared by TRC Tourism for the Trails Reference Group with funding provided by the Department of Sport and Recreation. The project direction and methodology was developed by the government, industry and community members of the Trails Reference Group. Project governance and oversight has been provided by a project committee with representation from the Department of Sport and Recreation, Department of Parks and Wildlife, Tourism Western Australia and Trails WA. The Western Australian Strategic Trails Blueprint 2017–2021 is a strategic resource designed to supersede the Western Australian Trails Strategy 2009–2015. Some of the proposed initiatives in this Blueprint are within anticipated budget allocations, while others are aspirational. The Trails Reference Group will pursue a range of funding opportunities as appropriate, with resources allocated to the highest priorities.


The Western Australian Strategic Trails Blueprint is intended to be a guiding strategic platform and inform policy and resource decision making. This document has been published by the Department of Sport and Recreation. Any representation, statement, opinion or advice expressed or implied in this publication is made in good faith and on the basis that the government, its employees and agents are not liable for any damage or loss whatsoever which may occur as a result of action taken or not taken, as the case may be, in respect of any representation, statement, opinion or advice referred to herein. Professional advice should be obtained before applying the information contained in this document to particular circumstances.


This project has been strengthened by input from various State agencies, local governments, community organisations, commercial operators and volunteers across the State. The Trails Reference Group thanks everyone involved and in particular the Department of Parks and Wildlife, Department of Sport and Recreation, Tourism Western Australia and Trails WA for their diligence in overseeing the project. Appreciation is also extended to Janet Mackay and her team at TRC Tourism for completing this challenging body of work.

The trails community recognises and values the heritage, culture and spiritual connection of Aboriginal people with the lands and waterways through which trails pass.

Page reviewed 20 January 2025