The department will be closed from Monday 23 December 2024 and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. We will respond to queries in the new year. Best wishes for a safe and happy festive season.
The Western Australian Trails Strategy 2009-2015 has been developed with extensive research, community consultation and guidance from a panel of experts. It is not an implementation plan; it is a framework for moving forward into the future. An implementation plan is being developed to support the trails strategy.
The strategy embraces the various sector participants by articulating high-level principles, direction and outcomes rather than prescriptive action. In this context, the strategy is flexible and adaptive but requires interpretation by each potential contributor to enable achievement by the sector.
The WA Trails Strategy sits within a broad policy/strategy context. This strategy considers the policies and priorities outlined by existing economic, environmental, health, recreation and community development documents relevant to WA trails.
The strategy provides guidance to new land management plans, user-specific strategies, local infrastructure plans and future revisions of existing documents. These should consider the principles, direction and suggested activity contained in the WA Trails Strategy.
The Department has been an important player in the development of this strategy. It has been an initiative equally supported by many stakeholders including the Department of Environment and Conservation (now Department of Parks and Wildlife) and the WA Planning Commission.
The Trails Reference Group is a cross agency/organisation reference group that influences and guides the strategic planning, development and communication of actions that support the Western Australian Trails Strategy 2009-2015.
Senior Policy Officer – Outdoor RecreationTelephone 61 8 9492 9732Email Steve Bennett