Creative Communities COVID-19 Recovery Program

Funding for artist-in-residence projects that engage communities and are delivered in partnership with artists and either a local government authority, local school, or community group.

No more applications are being accepted for this program.

Kids and families playing during a performance.
Image credit: 'Tiger Tale' by Barrowland Ballet (Scotland), 2016 AWESOME Festival. Photo by James Campbell.
DLGSC Lotterywest Colour Positive Horizontal

The arts play a significant role in supporting communities to tackle disruption and re-establish local connection, strength and resilience beyond the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The DLGSC and Lotterywest Creative Communities COVID-19 Recovery Program provides funding for artist-in-residence projects that engage communities and are delivered in partnership with artists and either a local government authority, local school, not-for-profit community organisations or not-for-profit community services organisations.   

Categories include:

  • The Creative Communities — Residency category provides for short term artist-in-residence projects that run for a minimum of 4 weeks. This category is now closed.
  • The Creative Communities — Collaboration category provides for significant, collaborative artist-in-residence projects that run for a minimum of 10 weeks. This category is now closed.


Applications are open to groups, organisations and individuals. 

It is recommended that the application is submitted by the party taking the lead in managing the project. If successful, this primary applicant will be issued with the contract and be responsible for receiving payment and acquitting the grant.

However, the primary applicant is required to demonstrate collaboration and a partnership between all parties. 

Please refer to the Residency category program guidelines and to the Collaboration category program guidelines for more detailed information.


The program encourages community connection through local initiatives that strengthen community wellbeing and encourage people to reconnect after a period of physical distancing.   

The program prioritises projects that engage children and their families, and young people in communities who:  

  • are experiencing high levels of social, health and/or economic impacts due to COVID-19  
  • have limited or low access to arts and cultural programs 
  • are located in regional or remote Western Australia and/or
  • reflect the diversity of the State.  

Underpinned by the principles of community, connection and collaboration, it is essential that projects embrace community-based arts practice by ensuring:  

  • the activities are by, with, and for the community  
  • the artists are highly skilled art form practitioners and facilitators 
  • the activities are appropriate and reflect the community's aspirations. 

The artist-in-residence activity will support artists and/or arts organisations to carry out creative work at a community facility or across several facilities for a minimum of 4 weeks. The artists and arts organisation/s will work collaboratively with community members and other key partners, to codesign a project that reflects the diverse needs of the participants during the COVID-19 recovery period. 

3 stakeholders groups

Funding overview

Funding closed

Who can apply

  • Aboriginal communities
  • Community organisations
  • Education institutions
  • Groups
  • Individuals
  • Local governments
  • Primary schools
  • Regional organisations
  • Secondary schools

Amount available

  • Collaboration: this category is now closed.
  • Residency: this category is now closed.


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Creative Communities COVID-19 Recovery Program Residency category guidelines Creative Communities COVID-19 Recovery Program Collaboration category guidelines

Recent grant recipients


Page reviewed 04 April 2022