The program encourages community connection through local initiatives that strengthen community wellbeing and encourage people to reconnect after a period of physical distancing.
The program prioritises projects that engage children and their families, and young people in communities who:
- are experiencing high levels of social, health and/or economic impacts due to COVID-19
- have limited or low access to arts and cultural programs
- are located in regional or remote Western Australia and/or
- reflect the diversity of the State.
Underpinned by the principles of community, connection and collaboration, it is essential that projects embrace community-based arts practice by ensuring:
- the activities are by, with, and for the community
- the artists are highly skilled art form practitioners and facilitators
- the activities are appropriate and reflect the community's aspirations.
The artist-in-residence activity will support artists and/or arts organisations to carry out creative work at a community facility or across several facilities for a minimum of 4 weeks. The artists and arts organisation/s will work collaboratively
with community members and other key partners, to codesign a project that reflects the diverse needs of the participants during the COVID-19 recovery period.