Getting the Show Back on the Road+

Helping reduce financial risks for ticketed events in WA.


The GTSBOTR+ program is now closed.

As part of the State Government’s $77 million Safe Transition Industry Support Package, a $10 million extension to the Getting the Show Back on the Road+ (GTSBOTR+) has been announced. GTSBOTR+ aims to reduce the financial risks associated with running ticketed events in Western Australia (WA) during a COVID-19 impacted period, and to encourage the safe continuation of public ticketed events.

The GTSBOTR+ program provides support through sharing the risk of lost ticket revenue or registration fees for events impacted from 5 February 2022 from:

  • Cancellation due to:
    • impacts of the border opening delay;
    • COVID-19 infection or direction to isolate for event key personnel;
    • quarantine requirements for key personnel entering WA making the event unviable; and
    • COVID-19 capacity restrictions or social distancing directions.
  • Support for events that proceed but incur a substantial impact on the number of tickets sold (minimum 50% lost ticket sales/registrations) due to the impact of COVID-19 requirements.
  • The GTSBOTR+ program will provide three tiers of support to cover lost ticket revenue or registration fees due to the causes listed above as follows:
    • 75% of gross ticketing/registration fee value for cancelled events resulting from a COVID-19 direction;
    • 50% of gross ticketing/registration fee value for self-cancelled events linked to COVID-19 requirements and/or border opening delay impacting on the viability of the event;
    • 30% of gross ticketing/registration fee value for events that proceed but incur a substantial impact on the number of tickets sold/registrations (min 50% fewer tickets/registrations) due to COVID-19 requirements.
    • The program does not support requests for retrospective coverage for events that have already occurred. Applications must be submitted at least 2 weeks before an event.

Due to the Level 2 Public Health and Social Measures currently in place in Western Australia in response to the COVID-19 pandemic where there is an impact on the viability of live performances. Payments are available to support the unrecoverable costs for the rescheduling of pre-approved events under the Getting the Show Back on the Road+ program, for events scheduled in the Level 2 Public Health and Social Measures period as follows:

  • Support for unrecoverable rescheduling costs to be set at 30 per cent of pre-approved gross ticketed sales estimate to a cap of $150,000
  • Support is limited to one reschedule per event.

The program funding caps is $150,000 against 75% of pre-approved lost ticket sales income. For events that experience significant box-office impact, support of up to $500,000 is available subject to Ministerial discretion. Any claims above the funding cap of $150,000 are assessed by external auditors, and based on unrecoverable expenditure (against substantiated receipts) not lost revenue.

GTSBOTR+ is a risk share program that works on a pre-approval model. An applicant is required to submit an application at least 2 weeks prior to an event commencing.

Please contact GTSBOTR+ team before submitting a claim above the funding cap to ensure you provide the necessary preliminary information to obtain approval to submit an above the cap funding request.

Funding overview

Funding closed

Who can apply

  • Individuals
  • Organisations

Amount available

  • Getting the Show Back on the Road+: Three tiers of support offered — refer to guidelines


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Getting the Show Back on the Road+ guidelines

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning Category
Getting the Show Back on the Road+ 9:00am 30 July 2021 Not applicable 4:00pm 30 June 2022 Getting the Show Back on the Road+
Page reviewed 14 July 2022