Playwright Partnership Program

Assists Western Australian playwrights to partner with established producers in commissioning new theatre scripts that tell Western Australian stories. The program offers grants for applications up to $30,000.

Playwrights are asked to develop proposals in partnership with a producing partner who will commission the work and submit the application. The producing partner must demonstrate the commitment and capacity to develop the commissioned work into a fully professional production within a reasonable timeframe. The producing partner is expected to match funding on a dollar for dollar basis. This may include in-kind support.


Applications for this program should be submitted by the producing partner on behalf of the playwright. Individuals, groups and organisations are welcome to apply however:

  • individuals must have Australian citizenship or permanent resident status
  • groups including unincorporated bodies, partnerships and individuals informally collaborating on an activity must be based in Australia
  • organisations must either be registered under law (e.g. incorporated association, company limited by guarantee) or created by law (e.g. university, school or government statutory authority)
  • if you are applying on behalf of Aboriginal people you must provide evidence of significant Aboriginal involvement in the conception, development of, and participation in, the activity
  • although WA residency is not a requirement to apply for a grant, if you are applying from outside WA you will need to show the benefits to WA artists, creatives, arts or cultural workers in your application.

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning Category
2021 9:00am 27 April 2021 Not applicable 4:00pm 17 June 2021 1 October 2021 Playwright Partnership

Funding overview

Funding closed

Who can apply

  • Community organisations
  • Groups
  • Individuals

Amount available

  • Playwright Partnership: Up to $30,000


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Playwright Partnership Program guidelines

Recent grant recipients

Page reviewed 07 September 2022