Western Australian Theatre Development Initiative

Supports the production and performance of outstanding professional theatre and non-traditional theatre in Western Australia.

The Western Australian Theatre Development Initiative (WATDI) encourages the development of a vibrant and sustainable Western Australian theatre sector by supporting high quality professional productions that include a clear audience development strategy, provide professional development opportunities for WA theatre practitioners and have the potential to tour regionally and/or nationally.


Individuals, groups and organisations are welcome to apply, however:
  • individuals must have Australian citizenship or permanent resident status
  • groups including unincorporated bodies, partnerships and individuals informally collaborating on an activity must be based in Australia
  • organisations must either be registered under law (e.g. incorporated association, company limited by guarantee) or created by law (e.g. university, school or government statutory authority)
  • if you are applying on behalf of Aboriginal people you must provide evidence of significant Aboriginal involvement in the conception, development of, and participation, in the activity
  • although WA residency is not a requirement to apply for a grant, if you are applying from outside WA you will need to show the benefits to WA artists, creatives, arts or cultural workers in your application
  • National Performing Arts Partnership (NPAP) organisations and organisations funded through the Arts Organisation Investment Program (AOIP) may apply for this funding, as a co-production with an independent artist(s)/independent theatre company. However, the funding is not intended to increase the programming suite of said NPAP or AOIP organisation, but to focus on and support the work of the independent artist(s)/independent theatre company. This support must be demonstrated in the application.

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning Category
2022 9:00am 16 August 2022 Not applicable 4:00pm 6 October 2022 1 February 2023 Theatre

Funding overview

Funding closed

Who can apply

  • Community organisations
  • Groups
  • Individuals

Amount available

  • Theatre: Up to $150,000


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Western Australian Theatre Development Initiative guidelines

Successful applications


Page reviewed 03 January 2023