Components of an application
There are 3 components in the grant application:
- application questions
- budget
- support material.
Each plays a significant and distinct role in creating a whole picture about the initiative.
Application questions
Application questions will be listed on the application form through the SmartyGrants platform. Applicants should align their responses with the program goals and outcomes and demonstrate how the initiative will generate, promote or strengthen connections within
the community.
A budget helps to demonstrate that all elements of the activity have been considered, researched and costed. A good budget provides confidence that the activity is viable and achievable.
Quotes or invoices must be included for all expenditure items associated with the activity.
Expenditure items can vary significantly from one activity to another. Any legitimate expense that is eligible can be included in the budget.
If registered for GST do not include GST in the budget figures. All amounts should be in Australian dollars.
Grant amounts listed are exclusive of GST. The grant amount applied for may be up to 100% of the total project.
For community recovery grants, where procuring goods and services, the applicant must ensure that contracts having a value of:
- up to $50,000 have been awarded on the basis that the recipient obtained at least 3 verbal quotes
- over $50,000 up to $250,000 have been awarded on the basis that the recipient obtained at least 3 written quotes
- over $250,000 must have been awarded after a public tendering process.
The applicant must not 'contract split' to avoid the intent of this clause; and must comply as far as reasonably practicable with the State Government's Aboriginal Procurement and Buy Local policies.
Support material
Support materials help assessors fully gauge the value of the activity and provide applications with a better chance of success.
Support material can be accepted in various formats including text, images, audio, and video. Links to support material using file sharing services such as Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive will not be viewed.
Examples of support material include:
- a project overview or project plan
- quotes for expenditure items
- written letters or emails of reference from organisations or community members supporting the initiative, including auspicing arrangements if applicable
- evidence of consultation or support from people that the initiative proposes to include
- verification of appropriate Aboriginal involvement and approval, where the initiative relates to Aboriginal cultural or traditional business.
How the application will be assessed
- DLGSC grants officers will undertake an eligibility check.
- An assessment panel comprising of representatives from State Government agencies and the Fitzroy Valley Flood Recovery Working Group will conduct an independent review the application against the program assessment criteria.
- The assessment criteria are weighted to reflect the program's goals and outcomes.
- A weighted scoring method is a decision-making tool that allows equal evaluation for each application against the assessment criteria as well as an objective comparison to be made between applications.
- The assessment panel will make a recommendation, whether to support the application, to the DLGSC Executive Director.
- The DLGSC Executive Director, as delegated by the Minister for Sport and Recreation; Culture and the Arts, will make the final decision on the application, considering the assessment panel’s recommendation.
- Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing.
- Applications may not be successful or may be successful but not offered funding to the full amount requested.
Assessment criteria
All applications are assessed against the following criteria:
Community need (30% weighting)
The application demonstrates the needs of community and how the proposal responds to those needs.
Benefits (30% weighting)
The application outlines the benefits that will be achieved by delivering this project and demonstrates how the program’s goals and outcomes will be achieved.
Organisational capacity and capability (20% weighting)
The organisation demonstrates its readiness, capacity, and capability to deliver the project.
Project plan and budget (20% weighting)
The application is supported by a detailed project plan and demonstrates how the project will be promoted and evaluated. The project is based on a comprehensive budget and represents value for money.
Note: If an application fails to adequately meet any one criterion it may be considered unsuccessful.
Grant agreement
Approved applicants will be required to enter into a grant agreement that outlines the grant conditions, key deliverables, acquittal and payment requirements.
Acquittal and reporting requirements
- At the conclusion of the project recipients will need to complete an acquittal report. An acquittal report details the project and how the grant has been spent.
- Receipts for all expense items will need to be included to demonstrate that the funding has been spent in accordance with the grant agreement.
- Relevant documents, images and videos that substantiate the delivery of the project and demonstrate the impact and outcomes have been achieved.
- Failure to comply with these requirements may jeopardise payment from DLGSC.
Assistance for applicants
Grants officers are available via telephone and email to answer queries about applications and suitability of activities to specific programs.
The advice provided by grants officers does not guarantee the success of an application.
All applications are considered on their own merits and against the assessment criteria and program goals and outcomes.